Get Ready for
SNL 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland!
November 8-10, 2017
Baltimore, Maryland
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting,
general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would
like to include in the SNL Newsletter,
Don't Forget to Submit Your
Abstract by June 12th!
Deadline to submit abstracts is June 12, 2017.

Book Your Hotel for SNL 2017

For the
convenience of our conference attendees, SNL has arranged special room
rates at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel for $209 per night. The
following room types are available:
Standard "Run of House" room
Single or double: $209
Triple: $229
Quad: $249
Rates are available 3 days prior and 3 days after the SNL meeting
dates, subject to availability. Book your reservation today at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel.
Deadline to
reserve a room is October 7, 2017, based on availability.

Nominations for Early Career
Award Now Open
Nominations for the SNL Early Career Award (ECA) are
open through May 2, 2017. This new award, sponsored by Brain and
Language, was formed to honor researchers whose high quality of
scientific work and academic citizenship exemplify the ideals of the
Society. Two ECAs will be awarded each year at the annual meeting. The
winners will be selected from candidates nominated by the SNL
membership. The prizes will include an honorarium of $1000 for
each recipient, generously provided by Brain and Language. The awardees
will also be invited to present their work at the annual meeting.
To nominate
someone for the award, please fill out the submission form with all
required information prior to May 2, 2017.
Ashton University
Lecturer in Psychology
Salary: Grade 8/9 (£33,943 -
£46,924) per annum
Contract Type: Fixed Term (The minimum
period for which initial appointments are made is normally five years,
with the possibility of transfer to continuing appointments)
Closing Date: Monday 01 May 2017
Interview Date: See advert
Led by an ambitious research and development strategy,
we are seeking to build on our established strengths. As part of this
initiative, the School of Life and Health Sciences is seeking to
appoint four new colleagues who will contribute to the research and
teaching profile in Psychology at Aston University. Up to two
appointments will be at Lecturer level. These are in addition to
the lectureship in Brain and Behaviour, advertised separately.
Aston's School of Life and Health Sciences was ranked
5th out of 94 UK Higher Education Institutions for research in Allied
Health Professions in the last Research Excellence Framework (REF),
with 94% of our research being rated world-leading or internationally
excellent. Members of the Psychology Department are members of the
Applied Health Research Group (AHRG) or the Basic and Applied
Neurosciences Group (BANG), with Health Psychologists in AHRG.
Further information about research activities may be found at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/centres-facilities/applied-health-research-group/ and http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/centres-facilities/basic-and-applied-neurosciences/. The School of Life and Health Sciences is an
established provider of high quality learning and teaching, including
postgraduate training in Health Psychology. Psychology
undergraduate students reported an overall satisfaction of 92% in the
2016 National Students Survey.
The Psychology Department is seeking one or two
Lecturers to support our Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes and
strengthen research in one of the School's areas of excellence.
Candidates for the Lectureships may be in the early stages of their
academic career but must be able to demonstrate a record of research
excellence appropriate for their stage, a track record in securing
research funding, or potential to attract such funding with a clear
ambition to develop internationally recognised activity. Submission to
REF 2020 is an expected target.
Candidates for the Lectureships should have some
experience of undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. The
successful candidate will contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching and supervision of project students. They will be expected to
offer a specialised final year option for the BSc Psychology single
honours in their area of expertise. If a suitable teaching
qualification is not already held, they will register for the PG
Certificate in Learning and Teaching at Aston University. Experience
of, or aptitude for, teaching in one of the following areas of
psychology would be advantageous:Clinical/Abnormal; Social;
Developmental (including Ageing); Auditory and/or Visual Perception.
All candidates must be able to demonstrate the necessary
teamwork skills to foster collaboration with existing colleagues and to
build links both within the University and externally; the attitude and
ability to engage in continuous professional development.
are encouraged to contact the Head of Psychology, Professor Helen
Pattison (0121-204 4073; email: h.m.pattison@aston.ac.uk) for informal discussion about the posts before
applying. You may also wish to consult the Research Directors, Dr
Claire Farrow for AHRG (0121-204 5384; email: c.farrow@aston.ac.uk) and Professor Brian Roberts for BANG (0121-204 3887;
email: b.roberts@aston.ac.uk). Our web site at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/ provides further details about the School of Life
& Health Sciences.
Further particulars and application forms are available in alternative
formats on request i.e. large print, Braille, tape or CD Rom.
Ashton University
Lecturer in Psychology (Brain and Behaviour)
Salary: Grade 8/9 (£33,943 -
£46,924) per annum
Contract Type: Fixed Term (The minimum
period for which initial appointments are made is normally five years,
with the possibility of transfer to continuing appointments)
Closing Date: Monday 01 May 2017
Interview Date: See advert
Led by an ambitious research and development strategy,
we are seeking to build on our established strengths. As part of this
initiative, the School of Life and Health Sciences is seeking to
appoint four new colleagues who will contribute to the research and
teaching profile in Psychology at Aston University. One
appointment will be at Lecturer level.
Aston's School of Life and Health Sciences was ranked
5th out of 94 UK Higher Education Institutions for research in Allied
Health Professions in the last Research Excellence Framework (REF),
with 94% of our research being rated world-leading or internationally
excellent. Members of the Psychology Department are members of the
Applied Health Research Group (AHRG) or the Basic and Applied
Neurosciences Group (BANG). Further information about research
activities may be found at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/centres-facilities/applied-health-research-group/ and http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/centres-facilities/basic-and-applied-neurosciences/. The School of Life and Health Sciences is an
established provider of high quality learning and teaching.
Psychology undergraduate students reported an overall satisfaction of
92% in the 2016 National Students Survey.
Candidates for the Lectureship in Brain and Behaviour
should have experience of undergraduate teaching. The successful
candidate will contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching
and supervision of project students. Specifically they will be expected
to contribute to modules in Brain and Behaviour. They will also
be expected to offer a specialised final year option for the BSc
Psychology single honours in their area of expertise. If a suitable
teaching qualification is not already held, they will register for the
PG Certificate in Learning and Teaching at Aston University.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate a record of
research excellence appropriate for their stage of career and a track
record in securing research funding, or potential to attract such
funding. Submission to REF 2020 is an expected target. The
successful candidate will be expected to join BANG and will have the
skills and experience to develop an independent research programme
which complements the work of researchers at Aston. A research interest
in Affective Neuroscience would be advantageous.
All candidates must be able to demonstrate the necessary
teamwork skills to foster collaboration with existing colleagues and to
build links both within the University and externally; the attitude and
ability to engage in continuous professional development.
are encouraged to contact the Head of Psychology, Professor Helen
Pattison (0121-204 4073; email: h.m.pattison@aston.ac.uk) for informal discussion about the posts before
applying. You may also wish to consult the Professor Brian Roberts,
Research Director for BANG (0121-204 3887; email: b.roberts@aston.ac.uk). Our web site at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/ provides further details about the School of Life
& Health Sciences.
Further particulars and application forms are available in alternative
formats on request i.e. large print, Braille, tape or CD Rom.
Ashton University
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Salary: £48,327 to £55,998 per
Closing Date: Monday 01 May 2017
Interview Date: See advert
Led by an ambitious research and development strategy,
we are seeking to build on our established strengths. As part of this
initiative, the School of Life and Health Sciences is seeking to
appoint four new colleagues who will contribute to the research and
teaching profile in Psychology at Aston University. One
appointment will be a Senior Lecturer with expertise and a strong track
record in Health Psychology.
Aston's School of Life and Health Sciences was ranked
5th out of 94 UK Higher Education Institutions for research in Allied
Health Professions in the last Research Excellence Framework (REF),
with 94% of our research being rated world-leading or internationally
excellent. Members of the Psychology Department are members of the
Applied Health Research Group (AHRG) or the Basic and Applied
Neurosciences Group (BANG), with Health Psychologists in AHRG.
Further information about research activities may be found at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/centres-facilities/applied-health-research-group/ and http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/centres-facilities/basic-and-applied-neurosciences/. The School of Life and Health Sciences is an
established provider of high quality learning and teaching, including
postgraduate training in Health Psychology. Psychology
undergraduate students reported an overall satisfaction of 92% in the
2016 National Students Survey.
Candidates for the Senior Lectureship should have a
strong track record in Health Psychology research evidenced by
successful independent research activity including securing external
research funding and publications in peer-reviewed journals, with
submission to REF 2020 an expected target. They will join AHRG and
their expertise will complement the existing successful Health
Psychology group. Experience of conducting interdisciplinary research
within an applied health setting is desirable.
Candidates for the Senior Lectureship should have HCPC
registration as a Health Psychologist or eligibility to register.
The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate a track record of
effective teaching in Health Psychology or related areas and an
enthusiasm to engage in the strategic development of teaching programmes.
They will be asked to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching and supervision of project students including offering a
specialised final year option for the BSc Psychology single honours.
They will also contribute to the MSc Health Psychology, on-campus and
online, and the forthcoming Stage 2 training in Health Psychology
Professional Practice. Experience of teaching on related programmes at
MSc level will be desirable.
All candidates must be able to demonstrate the necessary
teamwork skills to foster collaboration with existing colleagues and to
build links both within the University and externally; the attitude and
ability to engage in continuous professional development.
are encouraged to contact the Head of Psychology, Professor Helen
Pattison (0121-204 4073; email: h.m.pattison@aston.ac.uk) for informal discussion about the posts before
applying. You may also wish to consult the Research Director for AHRG,
Dr Claire Farrow (0121-204 5384; email: c.farrow@aston.ac.uk.) Our web site at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/ provides further details about the School of Life
& Health Sciences.
Further particulars and application forms are available in alternative
formats on request i.e. large print, Braille, tape or CD Rom.
Ashton University
Teaching Fellow in Psychology
Salary: £32,004 to £38,183 per
Closing Date: Monday 01 May 2017
Interview Date: Monday 15 May 2017
Led by an ambitious research and development strategy,
we are seeking to build upon our established strengths. As part of this
initiative, the School of Life and Health Sciences is seeking to
appoint four new colleagues who will contribute to the research and
teaching profile in Psychology at Aston University. One
appointment will be of a Teaching Fellow who will make a significant
contribution to teaching on our Psychology programmes.
Candidates for the Teaching Fellowship may be in the
early stages of their academic career but must be able to demonstrate
aptitude and enthusiasm for teaching and scholarship. If a suitable
teaching qualification is not already held, the successful candidate
will register for the PG Certificate in Learning and Teaching at Aston
University. They will not be expected to maintain a strong research
profile but must be willing to maintain sufficient breadth or depth of
specialist knowledge in the discipline to work within undergraduate and
postgraduate teaching programmes. Experience of, or aptitude for,
teaching in one of the following areas of Psychology would be
advantageous:Clinical/Abnormal; Social; Developmental (including
Ageing); Auditory and/or Visual Perception.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate the necessary
teamwork skills to foster collaboration with existing colleagues and to
build links both within the University and externally; the attitude and
ability to engage in continuous professional development.
are encouraged to contact the Director of Studies, Dr Dan Shepperd
(0121-204 4210; email: d.shepperd@aston.ac.uk) or the Head of Psychology, Professor Helen Pattison
(0121-204 4073; email: h.m.pattison@aston.ac.uk) for informal discussion about the post before
applying. Our web site at http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/ provides further details about the School of Life
& Health Sciences.
Further particulars and application forms are available in alternative
formats on request i.e. large print, Braille, tape or CD Rom.
National Science
Program Director in Cognitive Neuroscience
you want to help identify areas of potentially transformative research?
Serve as the liaison to our research community? Build new national or
international collaborations? Experience how NSF's merit review process
The Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences is pleased to
announce an opening for a Program Director in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Specifics and application procedures can be found at https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/466845000/ for a two-to-three year position and at https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/466841200/ for a permanent position.
The close date for
applications is May 11, 2017. You will need to have a
Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience or in a related field with relevant
NSF offers the rare opportunity for scientists to join as temporary program
officers for up to three years before returning to their institution.
Information about our rotator program can be found at https://www.nsf.gov/careers/rotator/.
For additional queries, contact Uri Hasson (uhasson@nsf.gov)
UCSF and Stanford University
Joint Affective Neuroscience Postdoctoral Position
Hoeft Lab (http://brainLENS.org PI: Fumiko Hoeft MD PhD) at the UCSF Dept of
Psychiatry and Weill Institute for Neurosciences in collaboration with
the Stanford Mood and Anxiety Disorders Lab in the Dept of Psychology (http://goo.gl/dc96Cx PI: Ian Gotlib PhD) is looking for an exceptional
postdoc in the field of affective neuroscience, with skills such as
advanced neuroimaging, computational and programming, as well as
organizational skills. Training in genetics and psychophysiology is a
primary project that the postdoc will be responsible for is the
examination of intergenerational neuroimaging using a 'natural'
cross-fostering design that allows dissociation of genetic, prenatal
and postnatal environment on brain networks that are transmitted across
generations. Related articles from our lab can be found here - Yamagata
et al. J Neurosci 2016 (http://goo.gl/vMK8iy), Ho et al. Trends in Neurosci 2016 (http://goo.gl/SyXLcK), and Scientific American (http://goo.gl/YTiH6D). There are other funded opportunities to be involved
in such as research that examines the impact of anxiety and stereotype
on psychophysiology and cognitive processes.
position can begin immediately.
email brainlens@ucsf.edu with your CV, and with brief paragraphs of
research interests, career goals and why you feel you are a good fit
for the lab. Please add "[Postdoc job]" and your full name in
the Subject of the email. Qualified candidates will be asked to have 3
letters of reference forwarded.
University of California, San
Francisco (UCSF)
Language Neuroscience Postdoctoral Position
Hoeft Lab (http://brainLENS.org PI: Fumiko Hoeft MD PhD) at the UCSF Dept of
Psychiatry and Weill Institute for Neurosciences is looking for an
exceptional postdoc in the field of language neuroscience, with skills
such as advanced neuroimaging, computational and programming as well as
organizational skills. Training in genetics is a plus.
primary project that the postdoc will be responsible for is the
examination of intergenerational neuroimaging using a 'natural'
cross-fostering design that allows dissociation of genetic, prenatal
and postnatal environment on brain networks that are transmitted across
generations. Related articles from our lab can be found here - Yamagata
et al. J Neurosci 2016 (http://goo.gl/vMK8iy), Ho et al. Trends in Neurosci 2016 (http://goo.gl/SyXLcK), and Scientific American (http://goo.gl/YTiH6D). There are other funded opportunities to be involved
in such as research that examines the Neural Noise Hypothesis of
dyslexia (Hancock, Pugh and Hoeft, TiCS, in press) and the abundance of
archival data on neuroimaging of language and literacy.
position can begin immediately.
email brainlens@ucsf.edu with your CV, and with brief paragraphs of
research interests, career goals and why you feel you are a good fit
for the lab. Please add "[Postdoc job]" and your full name in
the Subject of the email. Qualified candidates will be asked to have 3
letters of reference forwarded.
Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands
PhD Position on the Neurobiology of Reference
The position is available at the Max Planck Institute
for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, beginning September
2017, embedded within the Neurobiology of Language department.
Candidates should have, or shortly expect to obtain, a high
quality scientific degree in the cognitive neurosciences, cognitive
science, experimental psychology, or psycholinguistics. Preference will
be shown for candidates with advanced technical skills or an affinity
for acquiring them, and who are interested in applying those skills to
fundamental questions about language. We seek exceptional students with
a talent and inclination for first class research. Candidates should
have an excellent written and spoken command of English.
The successful candidate will be affiliated with the
Neurobiology of Language department (Prof. Dr. P. Hagoort). The project
will be supervised by Dr. Mante Nieuwland (http://www.mpi.nl/people/nieuwland-mante) and focuses on the neurobiology of reference during
language processing, using neuroimaging tools (EEG/MEG/fMRI) to reveal
the Memory and Unification processes that allow people to establish
reference. The candidate will be part of the International Max Planck
Research School for Language Sciences (http://www.mpi.nl/education/imprs-for-language-sciences), which will provide a tailor-made set of education and
training opportunities.
Deadline: May 1st 2017. To apply, write to Carolin.Lorenz@mpi.nl,Your application should include your CV, the names and
e-mail addresses of two referees, and a letter of application that
includes a brief statement of your research interests (maximally 500
words), where you describe your research experience and potential
research plans regarding the neurobiology of reference you might want
to pursue in your PhD project.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer.
Applications from women, people with disabilities and under-represented
groups are particularly encouraged.
Moss Rehabilitation Research
Institute (MRRI), Philadelphia/Elkins Park, PA
Research Assistant in the Language and Learning Lab
Erica Middleton, Director of the Language and Learning Lab of Moss
Rehabilitation Research Institute (http://mrri.org/language-and-learning-lab/), announces a new opening for a BA/BS-level research
assistant supporting research on language processing in typical
speakers and those with post-stroke aphasia. The Language and Learning
Lab focuses on advancing an understanding of the cognitive basis of
aphasia and mechanisms of language change in the service of promoting
effective rehabilitation. With appropriate training and supervision,
the candidate will administer diagnostic tests; conduct experimental
studies with patients as participants; process and analyze behavioral
data; gain experience disseminating research via manuscript preparation
and presentation at professional conferences.
should have a strong academic background in cognitive psychology,
psycholinguistics, linguistics, and/or neuroscience, with coursework in
statistics and research methods. Preference will be given to applicants
with prior research experience in relevant areas. MRRI and Moss Rehab
are part of the Einstein Healthcare Network. The position offers
competitive salary and benefits (medical, dental, vision, tuition
reimbursement). Send cover letter, C.V. (including a list of relevant
coursework), and two letters of reference (including details of
performance in prior research roles) to Dr. Julia Schuchard at: schuchaj@einstein.edu. Position is available immediately. Applications will
be accepted until the position is filled.
Speech Neurophysiology Lab,
Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan
Two-Year Post Doc Position
Speech Neurophysiology Lab, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (website: www.neurostutteringresearch.com) is offering a two-year post doc position in multimodal
neuroimaging and brain stimulation research in speech disorders,
The University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry is
seeking candidates for a postdoctoral research fellow position in a
brain imaging laboratory that studies the neural bases of stuttering
and other related speech-language and developmental disorders.
Design, implement, and run behavioral, brain stimulation
and neurimaging experiments (fMRI, DTI, fNIRS, ERP, tDCS, etc.).
Statistical analyses of multimodal and longitudinal neuroimaging data.
Train research assistants, students and other research staff in
research methods and analyses. Assist in medical/scentific literature
searches, manuscript preparation and presentation of data collected.
Writing proposals and grants to be submitted to intramural and
extramural funding agencies.
Good familiarity with the published literature on the
neural bases of stuttering, brain development, and speech motor
control. In addition, strong preference will be given to applicants
with prior experience with acquiring and analyzing structural and
functional MRI data. Applicants for this position should have a track
record of published research commensurate with the experience in an
area that closely relates to the project aims. Attention to detail,
accuracy, safety, and ethical standards will be required and expected.
A PhD degree is required for his position; relevant areas of the PhD
are Speech and Hearing Sciences, Psychology, Neuroscience and/or
Cognitive Science. Proficiency with MATLAB and UNIX/Linux programming
is preferred. Strong background in statistics (including all standard
univariate statistical methods such as multiple regression, ANOVA) is
Evidence of independent work experience with
behavioral/brain imaging, particularly functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), electrophysiology,
and/or brain stimulation techniques (e.g., tDCS). Proficiency with
various neuroimaging software (AFNI, FSL, Freesurfer, SPM, etc.) is
also highly desired. Strong organizational skills and interpersonal
skills are needed, as the position requires the ability to work both
independently and as part of a team.
Rachel Upjohn Building, 4250 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI
will be based on NIH guidelines for postdocs and will be commensurate
with level of experience.
of Psychiatry
University of Michigan
Upjohn Building Rm. 2541
4250 Plymouth Rd
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Phone: 734-232-0300
Fax: 734-939-7868
Dutch Research Consortium
'Language in Interaction'
Senior Postdoc Position
Postdoc for the Dutch Research Consortium 'Language in Interaction'
(1.0 FTE)
Maximum salary: € 4,691 gross/month
Vacancy number: 30.01.17
Application deadline: 17 April 2017
The Language in Interaction research consortium invites
applications for a senior postdoctoral position. You will contribute to
the integration of empirical research in our consortium. You will act
in close collaboration with Peter Hagoort, programme director of the
consortium. This position provides the opportunity for conducting
world-class research as a member of an interdisciplinary team.
Moreover, it will provide the opportunity to contribute to developing a
theoretical framework for our understanding of the human language
The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the
language sciences. The Language in Interaction research consortium,
which is sponsored by a large grant from the Netherlands Organization
for Scientific research (NWO), brings together many of the excellent
research groups in the Netherlands in a research programme on the
foundations of language. In addition to excellence in the domain of
language and related relevant fields of cognition, our consortium provides
state-of-the-art research facilities and a research team with ample
experience in the complex research methods that will be invoked to
address the scientific questions at the highest level of methodological
sophistication. These include methods from genetics, neuroimaging,
computational modelling, and patient-related research. This consortium
realises both quality and critical mass for studying human language at
a scale not easily found anywhere else.
We have identified five Big Questions (BQ) that are central to our
understanding of the human language faculty. These questions are
interrelated at multiple levels. Teams of researchers will collaborate
to collectively address these key questions of our field.
Our Five Big
Questions Are:
The nature of the mental lexicon: How to bridge neurobiology and
psycholinguistic theory by computational modelling?
What are the characteristics and consequences of internal brain
organization for language?
Creating a shared cognitive space: How is language grounded in and
shaped by communicative settings of interacting people?
Variability in language processing and in language learning: Why does
the ability to learn language change with age? How can we characterise
and map individual language skills in relation to the population
How are other cognitive systems shaped by the presence of a language
system in humans?
You will be appointed at the Donders Institute, Centre for Cognitive
Neuroimaging (Radboud University, Nijmegen). The research is conducted
in an international setting at all participating institutions. English
is the lingua franca.
are looking for a highly motivated, creative and talented candidate to
enrich a unique consortium of researchers that aims to unravel the
neurocognitive mechanisms of language at multiple levels. The goal is
to understand both the universality and the variability of the human
language faculty from genes to behaviour.
The selection criteria include:
- a PhD in
an area related to the neurobiology of language and/or language
- expertise/interest
in theoretical neuroscience and language;
- an
integrative mindset;
- a
theory-driven approach;
- good
communication skills;
- excellent
proficiency in written and spoken English.
- employment:
1.0 FTE;
- a maximum
gross monthly salary of € 4,691 based on a 38-hour working
week (salary scale 11);
- in
addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3%
end-of-year bonus;
- you will
be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your
performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the
contract will be extended by 30 months;
- the
Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch Universities is
- you will
be classified as Researcher, level 3 in the Dutch university
job-ranking system (UFO);
- the Dutch
universities and institutes involved have a number of regulations
that enable employees to create a good work-life balance.
Are you interested in our excellent employment
The institute involved is an equal opportunity employer,
committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and
as such encourages applications from women and minorities.
You Like to Know More?
Further information on: Language in Interaction
Further information on: Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and
more information about this vacancy, please contact:
Prof. dr. Peter Hagoort, programme director Language in Interaction and
director of DCCN
Telephone: +31 24 3610648, +31 24 3521301
E-mail: p.hagoort@donders.ru.nl
should upload your application (attn. of Prof. dr. P. Hagoort) exclusively
using the button 'Apply' below. Your application should include (and be
limited to) the following attachment(s):
- a cover
- your
curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and the names
of at least two people who can provide references
apply before 17 April 2017, 23:59 CET.
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
Post-doctoral position in Cognitive Control and Language
are invited for a full-time post-doctoral research position in the
Speech Acquisition and Perception Group (SAP), led by Nuria Sebastian
Galles, at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). The position is
covered by a European Research Council Advanced grant on Mechanisms of
cognitive control and language learning (project number 323961) https://www.upf.edu/web/undercontrol.
project explores the interaction between the establishment of the
phonological system and the learning of the first words in the first
two years of life. The project focuses in the consequences
(commonalities and differences) of exposure to a bilingual environment
to such interaction.
are looking for a person with solid experience leading research on
Infant Cognitive or Language Research. Involvement in some
organizational and management aspects is expected. The candidate must
(1) have solid demonstrable experience (i.e., publications) in the
field of Developmental Science, (2) strong background in either
cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, infancy behavioural
procedures and/or electrophysiological techniques (EEG/ERPs), or in
computational methods and (3) scientific motivation about early
mechanisms of cognitive and language development.
offer onsite laboratory facilities (http://cbclab.upf.edu) and a highly interdisciplinary and active research
environment at the Center for Brain and Cognition (with four ongoing
ERC grants). The position will be funded for one year and may be
renewable for two years. Starting date: September 2017
Gross Salary: up to 33,000 Eur/Year
should include:
a C.V. including a list of publications
the names of two referees who would willing to write letters of
a short cover letter describing research interests
Information about the research group: www.sap.upf.edu and about the research center:
For informal enquiries about the position and applications, please
contact u.control@upf.edu.
will be accepted until the position is filled.
mention that you are applying to the POSTDOCTORAL position in the email
University of
Postdoctoral Position in Speech Comprehension
Grossman Lab at the University of Pennsylvania is seeking a motivated
and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Research Fellow to contribute to research
projects investigating the neurobiology of language and cognition. The
successful candidate will have completed a PhD in neuroscience,
psychology, or an equivalent field, have proven technical ability
in image analysis, and a demonstrated publication record. This position
is funded in part through a collaborative grant examining aging and
speech comprehension with Jonathan Peelle (Washington University in
Saint Louis) and Art Wingfield (Brandeis University). We are interested
in the neurobiologic basis for the interaction of acoustic challenges
(such as background noise or hearing loss), linguistic (such as syntactic
complexity or semantic predictability) and cognitive (such as working
memory) factors in aging and early dementia.
University of Pennsylvania is a leading center in human brain imaging,
with access to advanced MRI and PET imaging. The lab studies language
and cognitive processing in healthy adults, normal aging, and focal
neurodegenerative disease using converging evidence from multiple
methods. Philadelphia is an outstanding city with extraordinary
cultural resources.
responsibilities in this position include the analysis, interpretation,
and scientific presentation of functional and structural MRI data
related to the neural systems supporting speech processing in young and
older adults. Previous experience in these areas is helpful, and the
successful candidate will benefit from demonstrated independence in
conducting analyses and interpreting results. Essential skills are
motivation, critical thinking, and a record of scientific communication
(papers, posters, and talks). Background knowledge in speech or aging,
fMRI data analysis, experience with scripting languages, and
familiarity with behavioral statistical analyses are highly desirable.
Symposia, Conferences and Workshops
4th Annual Summer Neurolinguistics School
year the school will be devoted to brain stimulation methods and their
applications in neurolinguistic research and speech-language therapy.
The invited speakers include Nina Dronkers (University of California),
Roelien Bastiaanse (University of Groningen), and Dirk-Bart den Ouden
(University of South Carolina). Besides invited talks, the school will
feature a poster session: we encourage participants to submit abstracts
on a wide range of topics related to neurolinguistics and/or brain
more information and to register, please see our website.
Call for Papers for the Academy of Aphasia
of Aphasia 55th Annual Meeting
55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia will be held at the
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, USA. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes
submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical, and
historical research from any field that contributes to the study of
aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology,
Neuroscience, Linguistics, History, and Computational Modeling.
For further details on the meeting and how to submit an abstract,
please see our website.
Faroqi-Shah (Chair)
Rapp (Asst. Chair)
Embodied and Situated
Language Processing Conference
have the pleasure to announce that the 10th Anniversary edition of the
"Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference"
(ESLP 2017) will be held in Moscow on September 10-12, 2017.
The general topic of this Anniversary edition of ESLP is Interdisciplinary
Approaches to Embodied and Situated Cognition. ESLP 2017 will showcase
new theoretical and empirical research by individuals and groups who
transcend traditional research fields' boundaries and combine research
methodologies in their investigations of the embodied and situated
nature of linguistic and conceptual knowledge, and processing.
We will have the pleasure to welcome the following
confirmed keynote speakers:
Arbib, University of Southern California, USA
Barsalou, University of Glasgow, UK
Boroditsky, UC San Diego, USA
Fadiga, University of Ferrara, Italy
Knoeferle, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
us in Facebook: @eslp2017
International Conference on
Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning
is pleased to announce the International
Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning,
which will take place in Bilbao, Spain June 28-30, 2017.
conference will discuss statistical learning and its underlying
mechanisms from behaviour to neuroscience, in various domains such as
language, music, vision, and audition, with data from adult
participants, development, individual differences, computational
modeling, and non-human species.
conference will include invited speakers, regular talks, panel
discussions, and poster sessions.
Jenny Saffran, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sharon Thompson-Schill, University of Pennsylvania
Simon Kirby, University of Edinburgh
Michael C. Frank, Stanford University
further information please visit
look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Carreiras, Ram Frost, Blair Armstrong and Pello
registration deadline:
14th, 2017. (Will open soon)
International Morphological
Processing Conference
are pleased to inform you that the 2017 edition of the International
Morphological Processing Conference will be held in Trieste, Italy, at
the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) on June
core highlight will be a joint effort by MoProc founders and first
organisers, Ram Frost and Jonathan Grainger, on the past
and future of our discipline, moderated by Kathy Rastle.
In addition to this, we'll have a number of symposia, covering the entire
range of disciplines through which we're trying to tackle the mystery
of morphology -- psychology, neuroscience,
linguistics, neuropsychology, and computational modelling. These
will be delivered by bright stars in the morphology sky such as Jon
Andoni Duñabeitia, Na'ama Friedmann, Adam Albright, Jim
Blevins and Petar Milin. Moreover, there will be a special
methodological talk, delivered by Eric Jan Wagenmakers, dedicated
to inference in experimental psychology. And of course, we'll have the
usual host of wonderful contributed talks, posters, and social events.
all relevant details and full calendar, please refer to the conference
website that is now online: http://indico.sissa.it/e/moproc2017.
any question, you can e-mail us at moproc2017@sissa.it
look forward to meeting you in Trieste next summer!
Crepaldi, Simona Amenta, Marco Marelli and the MoProc2017 team
The Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language is pleased to announce
the third biennial Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD). The
overarching goal of WILD is to bring together scientists with different
perspectives and methodological approaches to the study of early language
and cognitive development. The meeting will be held between June 15th
and 17th, 2017 in Bilbao, Spain.
has been created to highlight recent research on a wide range of topics
within monolingual and bilingual development, including speech perception
and production; word learning; the development of syntax and
morphology; brain mechanisms and first language acquisition; recent
advances in infant brain imaging techniques (i.e., EEG, NIRS); atypical
language development; language and cognition; early bilingualism;
multilingual development; the role of culture in language development;
gestures and non-verbal communication in infants and toddlers.
Janet Werker, The University of British Columbia
David Lewkowicz, Northeastern University
Takao Hensch, Harvard University
further information please visit
Carreiras, Arthur Samuel, Monika Molnar and Joana Acha
registration deadline:
registration deadline:
The Bloorview Research Institute
Pursuit Award competition
The Bloorview
Research Institute at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in
Toronto, Canada is proud to host the annual Pursuit Award competition.
The Pursuit Awards recognize PhD students from across
the globe for their outstanding achievements in childhood disability
research. The focus of the student/graduate's research must be in the
area of applied or clinical research and linked to childhood
disability. Finalists are chosen based on significance of research
results, methodologic rigour, empirical content, and impact
on childhood disability care. For complete details go to:
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language