All SNL memberships expired on December 31st. The Society for the Neurobiology of Language supports studies of the anatomic and physiologic basis for language. Currently, SNL has close to 1000 members, representing a wide range of language research areas. 50% of our members come from outside the United States, representing more than 25 countries.
Being an SNL member has many benefits, including voting privileges in Society elections, substantially reduced registration rates to the Annual Meeting as well as reduced article processing charges for submissions to the Neurobiology of Language, and the ability to post job and conference listings in the SNL Newsletter. Please consider renewing today.
To renew your membership, log in to your SNL Account. From your account home page, click "Renew My Membership." For more information about becoming an SNL member, go to Membership.
SNL 2020
October 21-23, 2020
Philadelphia, USA
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
 Job Postings and Announcements
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Nominations and self-nominations sought for the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics invites nominations, including self-nominations, for a director, who will establish a new research department at the institute with a unique, innovative and long-term research program focussed on the study of language. The area of expertise is entirely open. Examples of potential research areas are semantics, morphosyntax, phonology and/or pragmatics in spoken or sign languages, multimodal communication, comparative linguistics, typology, language evolution or computational linguistics.
Max Planck directors need to have a record of successful leadership, the ability to devise a long-term visionary strategy for their research, and the potential to make a substantial contribution to their institute's mission and to develop collaborations with other departments at the institute and other institutes within the Max Planck Society.
at the MPI for Psycholinguistics is focussed on the interdisciplinary study of language (see www.mpi.nl). Our mission is to understand how our minds and brains process language, how language interacts with other aspects of mind, how we can learn language, and what is the underlying genetic and neurobiological infrastructure. The institute currently has four departments, each led by one director; the new director will join the directorate as the 5th director. The institute offers outstanding facilities for studying language, including extensive onsite labs and access to state-of-the-art facilities at Radboud University.
The institute is situated on the campus of the Radboud University in Nijmegen and has close collaborative links with the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University. Nijmegen is a thriving Dutch city close to the German border, and a popular place for students, postdoctoral researchers and young families (see https://en.visitnijmegen.com/). The working language of the institute is English.
The institute is part of the German Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Max Planck Society, an equal opportunities employer, is committed to diversity and inclusion in all aspects of recruitment and employment, and is particularly committed to increasing the number of women amongst its scientific leadership. Therefore, we strongly encourage nominations of qualified women researchers.
Nominations, including self-nominations, should be sent to: caroline.rowland@mpi.nl. A nomination should include: * The candidate's name and current affiliation * A brief motivational statement (200 words max.) specifying why you have nominatResearch ed the candidate.
Note that this call is part of the institute's scouting procedure; its purpose is to inform the institute about possible candidates. The formal appointment procedure has not yet begun. As a result of this call, a selection of (self-)nominated candidates will then be invited for a visit to the institute in due time.
All nominations will be treated in the strictest confidence. We expect this call to remain open until midnight (CET) on Sunday 31st May.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics www.mpi.nl
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Language & Genetics Department
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Statistical Genomics/Genetic Epidemiology
Job Description
The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, is offering a Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in Statistical Genomics/Genetic Epidemiology within the
Population Genetics of Human Communication research group, led by Dr Beate St Pourcain. The host research group is embedded within the Language & Genetics Department and investigates the genetic basis of social communication, language and interaction. The successful applicant will work on large-scale omics analyses of social-communication and social behaviour within population-based cohorts and study overlap with disorder, taking a developmental perspective. In addition, he/she will carry out work "Disentangling autism heterogeneity through multivariate genetic analyses", a project funded by the Simons foundation and the Max Planck Society, using data from the Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK) cohort.
The successful applicant will hold, or shortly expects to obtain, a PhD qualification in Statistical Genomics, Genetic Epidemiology, Medical Statistics, Bioinformatics or a related quantitative discipline involving the interrogation of 'omics' datasets. This includes a strong computational background with knowledge of shell, R, Python or Perl or another programming language, and familiarity with approaches to integrate biological information from a wide range of (publicly available) data resources. Knowledge of one or more of the following data-analytical approaches is an advantage:
- Structural equation modelling or twin modelling techniques
- 'Omics' methods to analyse the genetic architecture of human phenotypes
Familiarity with the genetic architecture of ASD is a further advantage. There are furthermore opportunities to contribute to the development of genetic-relationship structural equation modelling techniques (GSEM, R gsem library, v0.1.2)1 if of interest.
1 St Pourcain B, Eaves LJ, Ring SM, Fisher SE, Medland S, Evans DM et al. Developmental Changes Within the Genetic Architecture of Social Communication Behavior: A Multivariate Study of Genetic Variance in Unrelated Individuals. Biological Psychiatry 2018; 83: 598-606.
Conditions of employment
Full-time position (39 hours per week) with a term of appointment of 3 years.
The salary is according to the German TVöD (Starting salary: €49,598 - €54,380 p.a.).
All research staff have access to state-of-the art research and training facilities and a generous conference and travel budget.
The MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen is the only research institute in the world entirely devoted to the study of language. Our goal is to understand how our minds and brains process language, how language interacts with other aspects of mind, and how we can learn languages of quite different types. We are situated on the campus of the Radboud University, and have close collaborative links with the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University. We are part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Institute is part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunities employer. Applications from women, people with disabilities and under-represented groups are particularly encouraged. The Institute is located in the Netherlands. Scientists in the Netherlands report among the highest job satisfaction ratings of any in the world.
For further details please see our website: http://www.mpi.nl
Application procedure
For informal scientific enquiries, please get in touch with Beate St Pourcain (beate.stpourcain@mpi.nl).
Applications should include in a single pdf file:
(i) A 2-page statement of interest
(ii) A CV
(iii) A list of publications
(iv) Names, email addresses and contact numbers of three referees
Applications and general enquiries should be sent to Martina Bernhard (Secretary, Language & Genetics Department); E-mail: martina.bernhard@mpi.nl
Applications will be viewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The proposed starting date is 1 June 2020 though the start date is negotiable.
University of Connecticut
Two Research Assistant Coordinator positions
We are seeking two full-time research assistants (Research Assistant I) to manage research projects at brainLENS (Laboratory for Learning Engineering and Neural Systems; PI: Fumiko Hoeft MD PhD) and NIDL (Neurobiology of Individual Differences in Language; PI: Roeland Hancock PhD) at the University of Connecticut (UConn) on the main campus (Storrs, CT). The assistants will manage and execute a large-scale, multi-site, federally-funded 5-year research projects aimed at investigating the neurobiological mechanisms underlying: (1) language, literacy and cognition in generally healthy young adults using multimodal neuroimaging techniques such as MRI, MRS and TMS ("Compensation Modulation RA"; PI: Hoeft); or (2) intergenerational transmission of language, literacy and math in parent-offspring dyads using MRI techniques ("Intergenerational RA"; PIs: Hoeft/Hancock). Assistants will work closely with collaborators at UConn, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), and Georgia State University (GSU). In addition, the successful candidates will have the opportunity to be involved in other federally and non-federally funded-research projects in the laboratory, gain experience in grant and manuscript writing and large-scale project management, outreach and community engagement projects, and access to a wealth of archival developmental and longitudinal neuroimaging data on language and literacy. This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in research and considering graduate school.
Project management includes hiring and training of personnel, participant recruitment, data collection and analysis, and purchasing and expense tracking. Other responsibilities include managing and submitting Institutional Review Board (IRB), administrative coordination, and occasional participation in outreach programs. Incumbents will be trained in 2 transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), neuropsychological assessment administration, and will assist in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Coordinators will have the opportunity to gain skills in grant and manuscript writing, programming, and undertake independent research endeavors.
Required Qualifications
* BA/BS in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Computer Science or related field
* Experience in research (e.g., conducting research projects)
* Ability to work independently and in a team environment
* Strong time management skills and ability to organize priorities among multiple tasks
* Strong verbal and written communication skills
* Attention to detail and high level of self-motivation
* Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office)
Preferred Qualifications
* Programming skills (e.g., python, matlab, e-prime)
* Experience in data analysis
* Previous neuroimaging collection and analysis experience
* Experience with Qualtrics and/or Redcap
* Flexibility with work hours
* Experience working with kids (preferred in a research setting)
Interested candidates should email brainLENS@uconn.edu with the subject heading "[RA Job (Full Name)]". In the email they should include (a) a current CV, (b) a one-page cover letter describing qualifications, interest, career goals and which RA position they are interested in (refer to as *"Compensation Modulation" *or *"Intergenerational Project")*, and (c) a list of 3 potential referees with their contact information.
The preferred start date for the two positions is early June.
With offices at both University of Connecticut and University of California, San Francisco, we
combine cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research methods with a deep passion for maximizing children's potential and academic achievement. Dr. Fumiko Hoeft is Professor of Psychological Sciences, Psychiatry, Mathematics and Neuroscience, Director of BrainLENS at UConn and UCSF, and the Director of the Brain Imaging Research Center (BIRC) at UConn. She is a psychiatrist and developmental cognitive neuroscientist, and trained at institutions including, Keio Univ (Tokyo), Harvard, Caltech and Stanford.
Dr. Roeland Hancock is the Director of the NIDL Lab and Associate Director of the Brain Imaging Research Center at the University of Connecticut. His current research interests include the use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study neural excitability in auditory and language processing; distinguishing genetic and environmental contributions to language pathways; and developing tablet-based games for cognitive and literacy assessment. He has a Ph.D. in cognitive science from the University of Arizona, B.S. in mathematics, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Francisco Department of Psychiatry and Weill Institute for Neurosciences.
The University of Connecticut is committed to building and supporting a multicultural and diverse
community of students, faculty and staff. The diversity of students, faculty and staff continues to increase, as does the number of honors students, valedictorians and salutatorians who consistently make UConn their top choice. More than 100 research centers and institutes serve the University's teaching, research, diversity, and outreach missions, leading to UConn's ranking as one of the nation's top research universities. UConn's faculty and staff are the critical link to fostering and expanding our vibrant, multicultural and diverse University community. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer, UConn encourages applications from women, veterans, people with disabilities and members of traditionally underrepresented populations
University of California San Diego
Seeking Post-Doctoral Researcher to Investigate the Neural Correlates of Language
Processing and Language Development Multimodal Language Development Lab, Department of Linguistics, UC San Diego.
We are seeking a full-time post-doctoral researcher to study the neural correlates of
brain language processing and language acquisition in congenitally deaf adults and
adolescents. The researcher will be housed in the MLD Lab
(http://mayberrylab.ucsd.edu/) under the direction of Dr. Rachel Mayberry, in
collaboration with Dr. Eric Halgren of the Center for Brain Activity Mapping
(http://cbam.ucsd.edu/). This NIH funded project combines psycholinguistic and
neuroimaging paradigms (fMRI, DTI, and anatomical analyses) to investigate the effects
of early and delayed language acquisition on the brain language system using American
Sign Language. The position is for one year with the possibility of renewal to begin in
April or May 2020, circumstances permitting.
Required Qualifications:
* Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology, Linguistics or related field
* Experience collecting, processing, and analyzing neuroimaging data
* Strong statistical skills
* Excellent programming skills (e.g. Python, MATLAB)
* Experience designing experiments
* Strong publication record
* Excellent interpersonal skills
Additional Preferred Qualifications:
* Experience with MRI, DTI, and possibility VBM or SBA
* A broad understanding of the brain language system and language acquisition
* Experience testing and interacting with humans subjects, including children
* Knowledge of American Sign Language or a willingness to learn
How to apply:
Interested applicants should email their CV, a cover letter describing their research
interests and career goals, and contact information for 2-3 references to Marla Hatrak
For questions, please contact Dr. Rachel Mayberry (rmayberry@ucsd.edu)
UC San Diego is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong
institutional commitment to excellence through diversity. All qualified applicants will
receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status.
Seeking Post-Doctoral Researcher to Investigate Causal Mechanisms Underlying Perception and Cognition in Patients Multisensory Perception Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to study the causal mechanisms underlying broad facets of cognition and perception in patients (language, motor/sensory functions, attention, auditory perception, and multisensory integration). The researcher will be housed in the Multisensory Perception Lab (https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/brang-lab/) at the University of Michigan, but this project involves multiple labs and hospitals. The goal of this collaboration is to improve surgical outcomes and quality of life in those with an intrinsic brain tumor, while also conducting basic science research on the causal mechanisms underlying cognitive and perceptual processes. This project uses electrocorticography (ECoG), direct cortical stimulation (DCS), and voxel lesion symptom mapping (VLSM) in brain tumor patients, and there will be freedom for separate research using other methods in our lab (ECoG in epilepsy patients, fMRI, DTI, and EEG). The ideal start date is from spring to fall 2020 and the position is expected to last for at least two years, with the possibility of extension for subsequent years.
Required qualifications:
* A Ph.D. in psychology, neuroscience, or a related field
* Experience analyzing neurophysiological signals (EEG, ECoG, MEG, or neurophysiological recordings in animals)
* Strong computational skills (e.g., machine learning or other advanced oscillatory analyses)
* Excellent programming skills (e.g., Python or MATLAB)
* Experience designing experiments
* A strong publication record
* Excellent interpersonal skills
Additional preferred qualifications:
* A broad understanding of cognitive and perceptual processes (including language, motor/sensory functions, attention, auditory perception, and multisensory integration)
* Experience with MRI, DTI, or VLSM
* Although it is not required that the individual work directly with patients in this position, prior experience testing or interacting with patients is beneficial for the ethical and effective design of new experiments
Please contact Dr. David Brang (djbrang@umich.edu) with questions and visit https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/brang-lab/join-the-lab/ for additional information.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Postdoctoral Fellow
Two postdoctoral fellow positions are available to work on the Project of Strategic Importance Scheme funded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) titled 'The neurocognition of typical and atypical language development: Towards developing early biomarkers'. These are two-year positions with the starting date of 1 September 2020.
The research project is an international collaboration between PolyU and Georgetown University. The aim is to identify key neurocognitive substrates of typical and atypical speech, language and reading development, including developmental stuttering, developmental language disorder (DLD) and developmental dyslexia, in Chinese children through cognitive and MRI measures. Headed by Dr. Caicai Zhang, the research team includes several speech language pathologists and cognitive neuroscientists at PolyU (Dr. Angel Chan, Dr. Dustin Lau, Dr. Mehdi Bakhtiar, Dr. Min Ney Wong, Dr. Man Tak Leung and Dr. William Shi Yuan Wang), and an international collaborator Dr. Michael Ullman.
The project is linked to CoBra (Conversational Brains), a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme.
The successful candidates will be based at the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies at PolyU and work with the entire research team. Job duties include behavioral and MRI data collection and analysis, paper writing and publishing.
(i) Applicants should have a PhD in linguistics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience or related disciplines;
(ii)Applicants should have research experience in developmental neuroscience or any of the three aforementioned developmental disorders: developmental stuttering, DLD, and developmental dyslexia, with possible qualification/experience for diagnosing any of the three disorders;
(iii)Experience with MRI data collection and analysis is preferred;
(iv) It is desirable if the applicant is familiar with Chinese (Cantonese).
Please refer to the post specification here, and send the following materials to Dr. Caicai Zhang at caicai.zhang@polyu.edu.hk.
(i) CV;
(ii) Completed application form for Research/Project posts (HR Form 7A);
(iii) Two references.
Applicants will be considered until the position is filled.
PolyU is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants, without discrimination against national origin, gender, religion will receive equal considerations for employment.
University Wisconsin - Madison
Postdoctoral Research Positions
The Speech Motor Neuroscience Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for two postdoctoral research positions in the field of speech motor control and learning / speech motor neuroscience. The Speech Motor Neuroscience group consists of two research labs, the Brain Language and Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) lab (directed by Carrie Niziolek) and the Speech Motor Action + Control lab (directed by Ben Parrell). Both labs are funded through grants from the NIH. One position is NIH-funded (T32) and one is funded through an internal grant from UW-Madison. Both postdoctoral scholars will additionally have opportunities to interact with vibrant research communities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, including the Waisman Center (which houses both labs) and the Neuroscience Training Program.
Position 1: We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to investigate techniques to modulate the effectiveness of sensorimotor learning in speech. This research involves functional neuroimaging with magnetoencephalography (MEG) as well as acoustic analysis of speech. This position also holds the potential to use these tools in the investigation of limb control.
Position 2 (BLAB lab): We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to investigate neural changes associated with speech production training in both typical individuals and persons with aphasia. This research involves functional neuroimaging with MRI and MEG as well as analysis of speech produced over multiple sessions of a visual feedback training paradigm.
As a postdoc in the Speech Motor Neuroscience Group, you will also be encouraged to develop additional lines of research in related topic areas, including predictive coding of self-produced vocalizations, feedback-driven speech learning, dynamics of native and non-native speech production, and speech motor control in individuals with neurological disorders. Additionally, there are opportunities for developing new studies employing structural and functional MRI, MEG with optically pumped magnetometers, and TMS. The initial appointment for both positions will be for one year, with potential extensions for additional years.
Required qualifications:
- PhD or equivalent in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,communication sciences and disorders, or a closely related field
- A documented history of research productivity
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Leadership and organizational skills
Useful qualifications:
- Experience collecting and analyzing human behavioral data, MEG or EEG, MRI,and/or TMS data
- Computational skills, including MATLAB
- Advanced knowledge and expertise in statistics
Salary and benefits are based on NIH guidelines, commensurate with experience and qualifications. The start date for Position 1 is flexible, and the position is open until filled. The start date for Position 2 must be on or earlier than June 30, 2020.
Interested candidates should email the Speech Motor Neuroscience Group (speechmotor@waisman.wisc.edu) with "Postdoc Job (YOUR FULL NAME)" in the subject line to submit (1) a current CV, (2) a one-page cover letter describing qualifications, interests, and career goals, and (3) a list of the names and contact information for three references.
Conferences, Meetings, Programs, and Calls
Academy of Aphasia 58 th Annual Meeting
October 18-20, 2020
Philadelphia: The Notary Hotel (previously Courtyard Marriot)
The 58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia will be held at The Notary Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical, and historical research from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, History, and Computational Modeling.
Our keynote speaker is Dr. Elissa Newport of Georgetown University. Dr. Newport is a Professor of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at the Georgetown University Medical Center, where she directs the Center for Brain Plasticity and Recovery. Dr. Newport runs the Learning and Development Lab, which studies the acquisition of language, the relationship between language acquisition and language structure, and the Pediatric Stroke Research Project, which studies the recovery of language after damage to the brain early in life.She has been recognized by a number of organizations for the impact of her theoretical and empirical contributions to the field of language acquisition. She has been elected as a fellow in the Association for Psychological Science, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Cognitive Science Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the McDonnell Foundation, and the Packard Foundation. In 2015 she received the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science.
Now in its third year, the NIDCD-funded Academy of Aphasia conference grant (R13 DC017375-01) will sponsor student fellows for focused mentoring and training, and includes a of state-of-the-art New Frontiers in Aphasia Research seminar. This year's topic will focus on transcranial direct current stimulation, and the speaker will be Dr. Marom Bikson of The City College of New York. Dr. Bikson is the Shames Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering where he directs the Neural Engineering Group. His work studies the effects of electricity on the human body and applies this knowledge toward the development of medical devices and electrical safety guidelines, including transcranial direct current stimulation. Both U.S. and international students are eligible to apply. Please contact Swathi Kiran (kirans@bu.edu) with inquiries.
Submission types and details
Presentation types. The annual meeting includes both platform and poster sessions.
Platform sessions include:
- Scientific papers-consisting of original research that has not yet been published.
- Symposia-consisting of a number of papers focusing on a common theme from researchers representing different laboratories. These papers may report on previously published research.
- Mini-Workshops-methodologically oriented sessions consisting of a number of papers reporting a unique approach to a timely topic. The authors of these papers may be from a single research group.
Poster sessions include:
- Scientific papers that can be presented primarily in a visual format.
The Academy considers poster sessions to be as scientifically meritorious as platform sessions. Poster sessions will not conflict with platform sessions.
Guidelines for abstract content. The submitted abstract should provide a concise statement of the problem or hypothesis, procedures and analyses conducted, results obtained, and final conclusion(s) drawn. Abstracts may include a maximum of 500 words (excluding references) as well as one camera-ready figure or one table.
Symposia and Mini-Workshops. In the case of symposia and mini-workshops, the organizer should submit an abstract summarizing the topic, including the names and affiliations of all the participants, and the titles of the other abstracts. In addition, an abstract should be submitted for each of the individual presentations. Abstracts for those individual presentations will need to indicate the symposium they are affiliated with as part of the submissions process, in the Acknowledgments (see Submission Procedures below for details). To help in the planning of the program, it is recommended that organizers of symposia and mini-workshops contact the chair of the Program Committee by e-mail (sjf2@rice.edu) about their plans to receive feedback on proposed content and organizational issues.
Authorship of submissions. More than one abstract may be submitted by an individual, but an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission. Both members and non-members of the Academy are encouraged to submit proposals for scientific papers, symposia and mini-workshops. Student papers must be co-authored by a member of the Academy. (Note: Membership in the Academy of Aphasia is now open to all.) All submissions will be given equal consideration on the basis of their scientific merit and fitness for the Academy.
Conference participation. The meeting is open to anyone interested in attending. However, meeting space is limited, and Academy of Aphasia members, authors of accepted papers, and the first authors of rejected papers will have preference if space limitations restrict the number of registrants.
Submission procedures. This year, we are switching to EasyChair as a new conference management portal. Abstracts must be submitted through EasyChair.
If you have previously submitted to a conference using EasyChair, you can simply log in at this point. If you have not previously submitted to a conference using EasyChair, you will need to follow the link to create a new account. EasyChair provides instructions at this link: https://easychair.org/help/account_creation
Once you have logged in, you will be given the option to log in as an author to make a submission. After clicking on the "enter as an author" link, you will be brought the submission window. We are providing a submission template this year, in an effort to standardize the formatting of different abstracts. You can download it by clicking on the "Submission Template" link in the upper right corner of the screen. Read the submission instructions, fill out information about the authors, title, and keywords, as well as other information we are requesting, and then upload your abstract as a Microsoft Word file at the bottom of the page.
Student Award.
This award is given to the student presenting the most scientifically meritorious paper (either platform or poster presentation). Submissions are judged by the Program Committee on the basis of the abstract submission and the conference presentation itself. All full-time graduate students are eligible for the student award, although priority is typically given to students focusing on research. Student applicants for this award must:
- be enrolled full time and be in good standing in a graduate program at the time of submission
- be the first author and presenter of the paper submitted
- not have received a student award from the Academy in the past
Students wishing to be considered must indicate this during the submission process.
Selection criteria for the meeting program. The Program Committee will review the abstracts anonymously. Selection of papers will be based on scientific merit, innovation, appropriateness for the Academy of Aphasia, and on the representation of topics in the program.
Notification regarding acceptance: You will be notified by email of the decision by the Program Committee by NO LATER THAN June 30, 2019.
Program availability. A PDF eBook with formatted abstracts will be distributed at the conference.
Program Committee:
Simon Fischer-Baum(Chair) Dirk den Ouden (Asst. Chair) Erica Middleton Bonnie Nozari Susan Duncan
IMPRS for Language Sciences Conference
We have received an overwhelming number of registrations and we would like to thank everyone for their interest in the IMPRS Conference. Given that we have limited capacity, we will close the official registration as of now, but we would like to encourage anyone who is interested to still sign up, as we might be able to expand our limit if there is sufficient demand and interest.
Therefore, we will continue to accept registrations until April 28. Please head over to the registration form.Note that the workshop spots are also full, but feel free to still indicate your preferences in the event a spot opens up. We will confirm your registration by 15th May at the latest.
Dear Colleagues,
We are e-mailing you with an update about the Summer Neurolinguistics School on Child Language Development, to be held on 22-24 June 2020 in Moscow. We are monitoring the situation and currently it seems most likely that the School will have to be moved to an online format.
3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2020)
ISBPAC 2020 will take place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on May 28-29, 2020. It will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, which is located on the Radboud University campus. There will be a pre-conference workshop on Teaching L2 Listening on May 27, 2020.
We encourage you to submit 250 word abstracts that address topics in bilingual child, adult, and heritage-speaker processing, including but not limited to the following:
- Phonetic, phonological, lexical, morphological and syntactic processing
- Crosslinguistic influence in bilingual speech production and comprehension
- Code-switching
- Cognitive consequences of multilingualism
- Language processing in attrition
- Implications of multilingual language processing for teaching
- Neuroscientific studies of bilingual processing
- Multimodal language and communication
ISBPAC started in 2016 at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, initiated by Shanley Allen and colleagues. The second edition took place in 2018 at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, organized by Holger Hopp and colleagues.
When the ISBPAC symposium started out in 2016, it had the explicit aim to include research on children as well as adults. ISBPAC 2018 added "L2" to the title, to include all types of bilingualism ranging from fluent bilinguals to beginning L2 learners. At ISBPAC 2020, while we do not wish to add any more words to the symposium's name, we emphasize multi- and interdisciplinarity: we aim to bring together researchers who investigate bilingual and L2 processing from various disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, multimodal communication, and language pedagogy, and all domains of language. Our fantastic keynote speakers illustrate ISBPAC's aims.
Keynote Speakers
Ann Bradlow, Northwestern University
Ton Dijkstra, Radboud University
Ludovica Serratrice, University of Reading
Pre-Conference Workshop "Teaching L2 Listening"
This one-day workshop aims to bring together educational practitioners and researchers interested in L2 listening.
Keynote speech by John Field, University of Bedfordshire
Important Dates
Notification of Acceptance
Early March, 2020
March 1st, 2020 - April 10th, 2020 (Early Bird) April 11th, 2020 - May 15th, 2020 (Regular)
Pre-Conference Workshop
May 27th, 2020
May 28th, 2020 - May 29th, 2020
The ISBPAC 2020 organizing committee:
Evan Kidd
Kristin Lemhöfer
James McQueen
Asli Özyürek
Sharon Unsworth
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language