Countdown to SNL 2019! The SNL Meeting is less than one week away! This year, we are excited to be offering a rich scientific program, as well as an elegant Opening Night Reception at the Helsinki City Hall. Don't forget that all attendees and guests will need to present their invitations at the Banquet Hall door. Invitations will be distributed when attendees pick up their badges. The meeting will commence on Tuesday, August 20th with Opening Remarks by SNL Chair Manuel Carreiras, followed by the first Keynote Lecture delivered by Nikolaus Kriegeskorte. On Tuesday afternoon, Jeffrey Binder will accept the 2019 Distinguished Career Award.
Wednesday morning will feature a Dyslexia Symposium, after which Early Career Award recipients Jonathan Brennan and Vitória Piai will deliver talks on their research. On Wednesday afternoon, Dorothy Bishop will present the second Keynote Lecture. Attendees are invited to cap off the evening with a fun Social Hour which will take place during Poster Session D. The first drink is on us!
On Thursday morning, Frank Guenther will deliver the last Keynote Lecture, followed by the SNL Business Meeting. After lunch, the Invited Symposium will take place, after which Manuel Carreiras and incoming Chair, Sonja Kotz, will conclude the meeting with closing remarks and an outlook toward SNL 2020.
To view the entire SNL 2019 schedule, go to Schedule of Events. Attendees can also download a PDF of the 2019 Program with full abstracts of all slides and posters.
We look forward to seeing you in Helsinki!

Following the first day's sessions, join your colleagues for an an elegant evening of food, drinks and stimulating conversation. The reception will open with a Welcome Address from a City of Helsinki official, after which SNL attendees will enjoy a delicious salad bar buffet, wine and refreshments. We are excited to announce that entertainment during the reception will be provided by the acclaimed Philomela.
All attendees and guests must present their invitations at the Banquet Hall door. Invitations to the reception will be distributed when attendees pick up their badges. |
New: Bar Hopping Event for Students 
Join Helsinki students on a tour of local bars, while enjoying
Meet in the lobby on Wednesday, August 21 at 7:00 pm -- immediately following Poster Session D and SNL Social Hour.
The first drink is FREE!
SNL 2019
August 20-22, 2019
Helsinki, Finland
Now Accepting Submissions
The editors of Neurobiology of Language are now accepting submissions for the inaugural issue. For more information about the journal and how to submit articles, go to
http://mitpressjournals.org/nol |
| Take a day trip to the charming town of Porvoo
| Banquet Hall in the Helsinki City Hall, site of the Opening Night Reception
| The famed Philomela Choir will perform at the Opening Night Reception
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
 Job Postings and Announcements
Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL)
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL- (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) (Center of excellence Severo Ochoa) is offering a postdoctoral position focused on the neurobiological basis of predictive processing and statistical learning. The main project will focus on the oscillatory correlates of predictive processing in vision and audition with a special focus on neural entrainment phenomena and top-down control. The project is part of a collaborative research effort of the BCBL with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem funded by the ERC with PIs: Ram Frost (Hebrew U), Craig Richter (BCBL), and Nicola Molinaro (BCBL). The expected time frame is one year with a possible extension to July 2021. The project is based upon a set of MEG experiments that will be designed to uncover the neural mechanisms supporting predictive processing - across sensory modalities and cognitive domains. The long-term goal is to evaluate the role that such predictive skills play in second language learning, and how these are implemented neurobiologically. We are interested in candidates with a high level of independence, familiarity with EEG or MEG, as well as computing tools (Python/Matlab). Candidates should demonstrate a convincing publication record. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team of researchers studying the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying statistical learning, predictive processing and language learning, and research will be carried out primarily at the BCBL, with stays at the and Hebrew U. Deadline: September 15th, 2019 To submit your application please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/calls, applying for MEG Postdoc 2019 and upload: 1. A curriculum vitae. 2. A cover letter/statement describing your research interests (4000 characters max). 3. Two reference letters submitted directly by the referees through the outline system. For more information about the specifics of the position, please contact Ram Frost ( ram.frost@mail.huji.ac.il) and/or Craig Richter at the BCBL (craiggrichter@gmail.com).
Three-year Postdoctoral Fellowship
Closing date: 23rd August
Understanding how we make sense of the world around us and generate thoughts and actions that are appropriate to our circumstances is a key challenge within cognitive neuroscience. The FLEXSEM project provides a focussed exploration of the neurocognitive mechanisms that underpin our ability to retrieve relevant aspects of knowledge, as well as the functional consequences of individual differences in this capacity for decision-making, creativity and well-being. As a member of the friendly and highly productive Memory and Thought Lab at the University of York, headed by Beth Jefferies and Jonny Smallwood, you will have the opportunity to use multiple neuroscience methods to tackle this issue, including network connectivity and multivariate approaches to fMRI and MEG data, transcranial magnetic stimulation and magnetoencephalography.
The Psychology Department at York is a great place to be a postdoc: it has a vibrant community of Early Career Researchers and excellent research facilities at the York Neuroimaging Centre. The Department was rated 4th in the UK for research quality in the most recent research assessment (REF 2014). The research group has an excellent track-record of developing people's careers and the Department holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of its work in promoting gender equality.
As a Research Associate in the Memory and Thought Lab, you will conduct research and develop new projects under the supervision of Beth Jefferies. You will be expected to work independently, and also collaboratively with others. We are looking for someone with a keen interest in the underlying architecture of memory retrieval, who will be able to develop analyses to test hypotheses about brain organisation within the domain of semantic cognition. You will have prior experience of neuroimaging analysis, excellent coding skills in any language (e.g., MATLAB, Python etc.) and skills in cutting-edge neuroscientific methods.
Skills, Experience & Qualification needed
- A PhD in Neuroscience/Psychology or another relevant field (or equivalent experience).
- Skills in neuroimaging methods, programming, experimental design and advanced statistics, plus an ability to apply these methods to address specific research questions.
- An interest in brain organisation and semantic cognition, and an understanding of contemporary issues in cognitive neuroscience.
- High attention to detail to ensure high-quality research at all stages of the process.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, including experience writing results up for publication and presenting at conferences.
- An ability to work as part of a highly-focussed and productive team, and also to work independently.
This vacancy is available full-time, on a fixed-term contract for up to 3 years.
Interviews for this post will take place around 16 September 2019.
Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL)
4-year Full-Time PhD Positions
Funded PHD candidate position at the BCBL- Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) www.bcbl.eu (Center of excellence Severo Ochoa)
The BCBL invites applications for four 4-year full-time Ph.D positions in Cognitive Neuroscience funded by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Universities, within the call "Ayudas Predoctorales Severo Ochoa 2019" (to be opened in the fall 2019). The thesis projects/positions will be included in the following research lines:
- One PhD position: Neurobiological indices of language development in infancy (under the supervision of Dr. Marina Kalashnikova). This research line investigates the neurobiological indices of language ability in young infants from 0 to 2 years of age, and their interaction with a variety of endogenous and environmental factors. This program aims to identify the earliest reliable predictors of individual children's language outcomes in early and later childhood. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop an individual project within this research program and will have access to a large database of monolingual and bilingual infants acquiring Spanish and Basque and a state-of-the-art BabyLab equipped with behavioral (visual preference, eye-tracking), neurophysiological (EEG), and functional neuroimaging (fNIRS) techniques specialized for infancy research.
Application requirements: Applicants should have a Master's (or equivalent Honours) degree in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Linguistics, and/or neighboring areas. The applicants must demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills in English (knowledge of Spanish and/or Basque is not a requirement). Previous experimental experience in developmental research is an asset (but not required). For further information about this position, contact Dr. Marina Kalashnikova (m.kalashnikova@bcbl.eu).
- One Ph.D position: Language processing in brain damage and aphasia (under the supervision of Dr. Simona Mancini). This research line focuses on the study of language comprehension and production in brain-damaged patients and on the development of computerized diagnostic and training tools for aphasic patients. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on an individual project within this research line. She/he will have access to clinical populations and to a state-of-the-art lab with behavioral, eye-tracking, EEG and MRI equipment.
Application requirements: Applicants should have a Master's (or equivalent Honours) degree in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Linguistics, and/or neighboring areas. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are required, as well as a good level of written and oral Spanish. Previous experience in experimental research is an asset (but not required). For further information about this position, contact Dr. Simona Mancini (s.mancini@bcbl.eu).
- Two Ph.D positions: Neuroimaging methods for cognitive and clinical neuroscience (under the supervision of Dr. César Caballero-Gaudes). This research line investigates the development of novel advanced neuroimaging methods and algorithms, mainly using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), that enable to address new questions in the study of human brain physiology, function and structure and its relationship with cognition in healthy subjects and patients (Parkinson's Disease, aphasia, stroke or with brain tumors). The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop an individual Ph.D project within this research program. She/he will have access to state-of-the-art neuroimaging facilities (MRI, fNIRS, MEG and EEG) and physiological and behavioral monitoring equipment, and will acquire a profound knowledge of their use throughout the research project.
Application requirements: Applicants should have a Master's (or equivalent Honours) degree in Engineering (biomedical, electrical, signal processing are preferred), Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, and/or neighboring areas. A good knowledge and previous experience in scientific programming with R, Python or Matlab, and shell scripting are essential. Previous experience in experimental research with neuroimaging techniques (MRI, EEG, MEG or fNIRS) is an asset (but not required). Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are required, and knowledge of Spanish is beneficial in the daily life (but not in BCBL, where Spanish lessons are given weekly). For further information about these positions, contact Dr. César Caballero-Gaudes (c.caballero@bcbl.eu).
To submit your application, please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/calls, applying for "SO_PhD2019" and upload before September 15th, 2019:
- A curriculum vitae
- A statement outlining research interests and motivation to apply for the position (1 page maximum)
- Two letters of recommendation
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview. Official submission of proposals will have to be done through the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities website once the call is open (fall 2019). Contact point at the BCBL for all this process: Ana Fernández (a.fernandez@bcbl.eu)
Language Neuroscience Lab, Vanderbilt University
A postdoctoral position is available in theLanguage Neuroscience Laboratory(PI: Stephen M. Wilson, Ph.D.) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
The successful applicant will design and carry out complex multivariate analyses of a large longitudinal dataset (300+ patients) of functional and structural MRI in individuals recovering from aphasia after stroke.
The ideal candidate will have experience in analysis of functional and structural MRI. Solid programming skills are required. A record of research productivity is highly desirable. Previous experience is speech/language research is desirable but not required.
Research in the Language Neuroscience Laboratory is focused on investigating the neural basis of language function, understanding how language breaks down in patients with different kinds of aphasia, and identifying patterns of neuroplasticity that can support recovery over time. Our approach combines multimodal neuroimaging with quantitative assessments of language function. Our work is supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).
Vanderbilt University provides an excellent environment for our research program. The Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science (director: John Gore, Ph.D.) is a state-of-the-art facility with two 3T scanners and one 7T scanner, and there are numerous investigators at Vanderbilt carrying out innovative cognitive neuroscience research. The Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences offers top-ranked graduate education in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, and provides clinical care to thousands of individuals with communication disorders. We work closely with colleagues at the Vanderbilt Stroke Center (director: Howard Kirshner, M.D.), which sees over a thousand patients each year, and the Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute (director: Michael de Riesthal, CCC-SLP, Ph.D.). You will have opportunities to collaborate with an outstanding group of scientists and clinicians, and to build an independent research program.
Nashville is often rated one of the best places to live and work in the USA, thanks to its vibrant economy, reasonable cost of living, educational opportunities, friendliness, diversity, and renowned live music scene.
Salary will be commensurate with experience, and will be consistent with NIH NRSA stipends. The start date is flexible, and the position is open until filled.
To apply, please send a letter of interest, a CV, up to three representative publications, and contact information for two references, to Stephen M. Wilson <stephen.m.wilson@vanderbilt.edu>.
Cognitive Neurosciences Lab at the University of Potsdam
Postdoctoral and PhD Student Positions
The newly established Cognitive Neurosciences Lab at the University of Potsdam (PI Milena Rabovsky) is looking for a Postdoc to focus on neural network modeling of brain potentials during sentence comprehension and a PhD student to investigate prediction and adaptation during language comprehension using EEG. The positions are funded by an Emmy Noether grant from the German Research Foundation focused on investigating the processing of language and meaning in the brain using EEG and deep neural network models (see e.g., Rabovsky, Hansen, & McClelland, 2018, Nature Human Behaviour). Preferred starting date for both positions is November 1, 2019 (but can be discussed).
Postdoc Position
The salary and benefits are determined by the collective bargaining agreement for public employees in Germany (TV-L 13 Ost, 100%). This is a temporary position initially limited to a term of 24 months.
Project and Responsibilities
The goal of this project is to train a neural network model of sentence comprehension that has been successfully used to simulate language related brain potentials (Rabovsky, Hansen, & McClelland, 2018, Nature Human Behaviour) on a large-scale semantically labeled training corpus. Prospectively, the trained model will allow for (in collaborations with others in the lab) the simulation of language related brain potentials using stimulus materials from empirical experiments, and the comparison of representations in the model with representations in the brain via representational similarity analysis.
- very good Master and PhD in relevant field (Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Data Science, Computational Neuroscience, etc.)
- excellent computational skills (e.g., MATLAB, Python,...)
- deep learning/ deep neural network modeling skills
- capacity to work independently
- excellent writing, communication, and presentation skills (in English)
- strong interest in several aspects of the lab's research focus, i.e., neural network models, cognitive neurosciences, language, meaning
- high motivation and commitment
In addition, the ideal candidate has
- experience with deep neural network language models
- excellent track record in a relevant field
PhD Student Position
The salary and benefits are determined by the collective bargaining agreement for public employees in Germany (TV-L 13 Ost, 65%; please note that 65% of full staff member positions are the current norm for PhD student positions in Germany). This is a temporary position initially limited to a term of 36 months.
Project and Responsibilities
The goal of this project is to investigate the relation between prediction errors and adaptation/ learning during language comprehension, as reflected in event-related brain potentials (ERPs). Specific tasks include designing and programming the experiments, collecting and analyzing the data (behavioral and EEG), interpretation of the results as well as presentation of the results at international conferences and publication of the results in international peer-reviewed journals.
- very good Master in relevant field (Cognitive Sciences, Cognitive Neurosciences, Psychology, etc.)
- experience with and interest in neuroscientific methods (preferably EEG)
- solid statistical skills
- good programming skills (e.e., MATLAB, Python, R,...)
- excellent writing, communication, and presentation skills (in English)
- strong interest in several aspects of the lab's research focus, i.e., cognitive neurosciences, prediction, adaptation, language, meaning, event-related brain potentials
- high motivation and commitment
In addition, the ideal candidate has
- excellent skills in advanced statistical analyses
- experience in research on language, prediction and/ or implicit memory
The University strives to maintain gender balance among its staff. Severely disabled applicants shall receive preference in case of equal qualifications. We expressly invite applications from people with migration backgrounds.
Please send your application (including letter of motivation, CV, at least 1 [PhD position] or 2 [Postdoc position] names of potential referees, copies of academic certificates) as a single pdf file to bewerbung@uni-potsdam.de until August 31 for full consideration (late applications may be considered until the position is filled). Please direct informal inquiries to Milena Rabovsky at milena.rabovsky@gmail.com.
The official ads can be downloaded here (there are some aspects that relate to German laws and may be confusing for potential international applicants - please get in touch if you have questions!)
Language, Cognition and Brain Sciences Laboratory at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia
Applications are invited for PhD scholarship/stipends for projects with the Language, Cognition and Brain Sciences Laboratory (http://www.langcogbrain.net) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia.
Research in the lab makes use of a range of methodologies, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electrophysiology (intracranial and scalp-recorded EEG), transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation (TMS & tDCS), and behavioural paradigms, in both healthy and neurologically disordered populations. Current projects involve research into the cognitive and neural mechanisms of healthy language production and comprehension, intracranial EEG in candidates for epilepsy surgery, and aphasia following stroke and surgery for brain tumours in children and adults.
How to apply:
Applicants need to apply by 30 September 2019 (AEST).
Eligible applicants will:
- have completed a postgraduate qualification from the United Kingdom, European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Russian Federation, Canada and United States of America
- the postgraduate qualification must have been administered and assessed in English and must include a significant research component and thesis (at least 25 percent of the total degree).
Successful scholarship applicants will receive a:
- living stipend valued at AU$27,596pa in 2019 and indexed annually
- applicants meeting criteria for academic excellence are eligible for an additional top-up scholarship at AU$5,000pa
- tuition fees offset or sponsorship
- research support allowance of AU$4,500
- opportunity to apply for Grant-in-Aid travel funding up to AU$2,000
Further information:
Please contact our Research Services Office if you have any questions about our courses and scholarships:
Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver Campus
The Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver campus (psych.ubc.ca) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor level in developmental psychology, which will begin July 1, 2020.
Candidates must hold a PhD before starting the position.
We are seeking applicants with strong research records appropriate to a research-oriented doctoral program. We are looking for outstanding candidates in any area of developmental psychology, but we are particularly interested in candidates whose work focuses on language development, including perceptual and conceptual development. Applicants should have research interests that complement existing strengths in the department (psych.ubc.ca/people). We especially encourage applications from candidates who use diverse methodologies (e.g., behavioural, computational, neuroimaging) and who can contribute to UBC's Language Sciences Initiative (languagesciences.ubc.ca). The successful candidate will be expected to maintain a program of scholarly research that leads to publication; conduct effective undergraduate and graduate teaching and research supervision; and contribute to departmental service.
Applications are to be submitted online through the Department of Psychology's Internal Resources website at: https://psyc.air.arts.ubc.ca/jobid34709/. Applicants should upload the required documents by the deadline in this order: cover letter, CV, research statement, teaching statement, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three publications. In their research statement, we encourage applicants to discuss their past and/or planned research approach in the context of ongoing discussion in the sciences about research practices, replicability, and open science. We also ask applicants to include a one-page statement about their experience working with a diverse student body and their contributions or potential contributions to creating/advancing a culture of equity and inclusion. In addition, applicants should arrange to have at least three confidential letters of recommendation submitted via email to ubcpsycjobs@psych.ubc.ca.
The deadline for applications is October 1, 2019.
The position is subject to final budgetary approval. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition UMR CNRS 5105 Language Team, Grenoble
Post-Doctoral position: Functional connectivity of language networks
PI: Monica Baciu and Sophie Achard
Project (short presentation): Language neurocognition is undergoing a change of perspective and within the connectomic perspective linguistic processes are now based on integrative models that consider sets of brain regions that are inter-connected and organized into cortical and subcortical networks. Our objective is to assess integrative language networks and sub-networks based on a large set of functional neuroimaging (fMRI) data obtained with specific language production and comprehension tasks. Functional connectivity analyses will be the core of the postdoctoral work in this project.
Candidate: Should hold a PhD in cognitive neuroscience/cognitive sciences/cognitive psychology in the field of language neurocognition. He/she should demonstrate relevant experience with programming (MATLAB, R, Python...) and with the existing tools for neuroimaging and functional connectivity analyses.
Duration: 12 months (possible extension)
Salary: 2588 € (gross salary)/month
Starting date: January/February 2020
Interested candidates are required to send their applications including CV with publication list, a summary of their research interests together with names and contact information of at least two references to monica.baciu@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Scientific Researcher (Postdoc)
Fixed-term (until 31.10.2020); Salary Scale 13 TV-L FU, 100% ID: WiMi SOM 10/2019
The project "The Sound of Meaning" supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft addresses the functional interaction between action sounds and word and sentence meaning. Its main aim is to shed light on the neuromechanistic basis of semantic processes by performing behavioral and neuroimaging experiments with human subjects. The position will be situated at the Brain Language Laboratory of the Freie Universität Berlin (head: Prof. Friedemann Pulvermüller).
Job tasks and responsibilities:- Investigating the biological basis of language and communication with neuro- and psycholinguistic methods using neuroimaging procedures (EEG, fMRI, MEG) and behavioral experiments
- Planning, execution, evaluation and publication of experiments regarding semantic processing
- Completed university education (Magister or Master) in a relevant field (linguistics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, medicine) and completed PhD, Dr phil or other doctoral degree
- Candidates without a completed doctoral degree can be employed part-time (65%)
Desirable:- Strong background in neuroscience of language, neuroimaging and linguistics, in particular semantics
- Very good German and English skills
Applications should be sent by e-mail until 02.09.2019 to the following address (Prof. Dr. Friedemann Pulvermüller): verena.arndt@fu-berlin.de or by surface mail to:
Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie Herrn Prof. Dr. Friedemann Pulvermüller Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
By submitting an online application, you as an applicant agree that your data will be electronically processed and stored.
Please note that in the case of unprotected electronic transmission of your application the Freie Universität Berlin can give no guarantee for the security of transmitted personal data.
Workshop: Computational approaches in language and music cognition research
August 30 - 31, 2019 Alter Seminarraum, Institute of Musicology, University of Cologne
We are very happy to announce the workshop on "Computational approaches in language and music cognition research" taking place on August 30th and 31st, 2019 at the University of Cologne, Germany.
Investigating language and music in the field of cognitive science means studying them as (computational) neurocognitive systems, i.e., information processing systems in the mind/brain.
Thus, language and music cognition research deals with the following questions:
- What is computed in the mind/brain and why?
- How is a particular computation realized in terms of algorithms or neural implementation?
Formal-mathematical theory of language and music mainly contributed to the former question, while computer simulations of cognitive and neural processes rather tackled the latter question. The current workshop discusses different computational approaches and aims at clarifying the role of computational modelling to advance mechanistic explanations to language and music cognition.
- Computational and conceptual neurocognitive models of language and music processing
- Models of interaction and situated music and language cognition
- Computational music theory and computational linguistics
Overall, this workshop also aims at fostering computational thinking as a core competence enabling interdisciplinary communication and welcomes students and researchers interested in modelling cognition of music and language.
Invited speakers:
Alexander Clark (King's College London, UK)
Richard Cooper (Birkbeck University of London, UK)
Peter Ford Dominey (INSERM U846 Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute & Université de Lyon, France)
David Temperley (Eastman School of Music, USA)
...more tba
Hope to see you there!
Society for Neuroscience 2019 Annual Meeting (SfN)
Global collaboration in neuroscience is growing at a breathtaking rate, enriching the field and fueling breakthroughs that are improving the quality of life for billions of people around the world affected by brain and nervous system diseases. As a member of the international neuroscience community, you play an essential role in this crucial collaborative endeavor. We urge you to join your colleagues this October at Neuroscience 2019, where you can interact with and learn from thousands of scientists from more than 70 countries. This meeting is an unparalleled venue for discovering new perspectives, experiencing cutting-edge research, forming collaborations, and building your professional network and career. If you have any questions, you can reach SfN's annual meeting staff at program@sfn.org or +1 202-962-4000. We hope to see you in Chicago. Sincerely, The Neuroscience 2019 Program Committee Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Patricia H. Janak Chair
Anissa Abi-Dargham
Shernaz X. Bamji
Gilad Barnea
Caroline E. Bass
Haruhiko Bito
Ona Bloom
Frank Bradke
Matteo Carandini
Rui M. Costa
Robert Desimone
Xinzhong Dong
Cagla Eroglu
Barry J. Everitt
Damien A. Fair
Shelly B. Flagel
Winrich Freiwald
Li Gan
Aaron D. Gitler
Aryn H. Gittis
Yukiko Goda
Suzanne N. Haber
Anne C. Hart
Z. Josh Huang
Tadashi Isa
Joshua P. Johansen
Sheena A. Josselyn
Alexandra L. Joyner
Paul S. Katz
Karla R. Kaun
Takaki Komiyama
Diane Lipscombe
Ann C. McKee
Jose Antonio Moron-Concepcion
Martin Müller
Rony Paz
Paul E. M. Phillips
Daniela Puzzo
Zilong Qiu
Lawrence P. Reagan
Mitchell F. Roitman
Subhojit Roy
Susan J. Sara
Daniela Schiller
Andrew B. Schwartz
Nirao M. Shah
Kang Shen
Per Jesper Sjöström
Cheryl L. Stucky
Irene Tracey
Nicolas X. Tritsch
Anastasios Tzingounis
Hongkui Zeng
Yimin Zou
AMLaP 2019 will take place in Moscow, Russia 6-8 September!
AMLaP is an international conference, which has established itself as the premier international forum for interdisciplinary research into how people process language. AMLaP 2019 aims to bring together researchers using experimental, neuroimaging, computational, and theoretical perspectives on the cognitive architectures and neural mechanisms underlying language use and communication. We welcome theoretical and empirical reports on all aspects of word and sentence production and comprehension, discourse level mechanisms, bilingualism, and beyond.
Keynote Speakers:
Evelina Fedorenko, MIT, USA
Antje Meyer, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands
Christoph Scheepers, University of Glasgow, UK
Yury Shtyrov, Aarhus University, Denmark
Linda Wheeldon, University of Agder, Norway
Satellite Symposia:
In addition to the main program, this year's AMLAP will host two satellite symposia:
4 September "Typical and atypical language development"
5 September "Bilingualism and cognition"
You can find information about the symposia including the programmes, invited speakers, and submission details on the main conference website (https://neuro.hse.ru/amlap2019).
Follow us on Facebook: @AMLAP2019
We are looking forward to seeing you in Moscow in September!
20th Science of Aphasia Conference
The 20th International Science of Aphasia Conference will take place on September 23-26, 2019 in Rome, Italy. The main theme of the conference will be "The temporal lobe revisited: Functional and neural updates".
Current neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and behavioral investigations provide increasingly detailed insights into the functional neuroanatomy of the temporal lobe.
Studies in cognitively intact and brain-damaged populations converge in considering the left temporal lobe as critical for the recognition and processing of auditory inputs; for the recognition, comprehension and retrieval of spoken and written words; for sentence comprehension; and for verbal memory skills.
The role of the left temporal lobe in the neural networks involved in language and language-related skills will be discussed by cognitive neuroscientists from the perspective of neuroanatomy, neurology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging and neurolinguistics. During the conference, oral communications and posters will allow discussing additional aspects of the neurofunctional organization of language.
iWORDD was created back in 2013 with the aim to bring together researchers interested in understanding the causes and manifestations of developmental dyslexia and attempts to address the theoretical issues faced in this field.
Across two full days (October, 2nd -3th), the third edition of iWORDD will feature four excellent invited speakers whose theoretical views will cover various issues related to the impact of cross-linguistic variations on the manifestations of reading development and reading disorders. Questions linked to how structural differences amongst languages modulate reading acquisition and reading disorders will be addressed as well as important timely issues such as multilingualism and second language learning.
iWORDD will therefore offer the research community the opportunity to get a broad overview of the current cross-linguistic theories underlying research in the field, while helping outline future directions in the investigation of developmental dyslexia.
With it limited size, iWORDD will encourage interactions among invited speakers and researchers during the four keynote lectures, invited symposiums, oral as well as poster sessions.
Coupled with the aim of generating new ideas to advance our field from theoretical perspectives, the ultimate goal of iWORDD is to highlight innovative thinking which could play in important role in clinical practice and education. With this in mind, a day devoted to linking theory to practice which will be open to a broader audience will take place after the two days of scientific meeting between researchers (October, 4th).
Speakers iWORDD 3
Charles Perfetti Johannes Ziegler Ludo Verhoeven Karin Landerl
Research Perspectives: October 2nd - 3th, 2019 From Theory to Practice: October 4th, 2019
International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia
October 2 - 3, 2019
Dear Researcher,
We're inviting you to the third edition of the International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia in San Sebastián!
iWORDD was created back in 2013 with the aim to bring together researchers interested in understanding the causes and manifestations of developmental dyslexia and attempts to address the theoretical issues faced in this field. Across two full days (October, 2nd -3rd), the third edition of iWORDD will feature four excellent invited speakers whose theoretical views will cover various issues related to the impact of cross-linguistic variations on the manifestations of reading development and reading disorders. Questions linked to how structural differences among languages modulate reading acquisition and reading disorders will be addressed as well as important timely issues such as multilingualism and second language learning. iWORDD will therefore offer the research community the opportunity to get a broad overview of the current cross-linguistic theories underlying research in the field, while helping outline future directions in the investigation of developmental dyslexia. With it limited size, iWORDD will encourage interactions among invited speakers and researchers during the four keynote lectures, invited symposiums, oral as well as poster sessions. Coupled with the aim of generating new ideas to advance our field from theoretical perspectives, the ultimate goal of iWORDD is to highlight innovative thinking which could play in important role in clinical practice and education. With this in mind, a day devoted to linking theory to practice which will be open to a broader audience will take place after the two days of scientific meeting between researchers (October, 4th). Speakers iWORDD 3 Charles Perfetti Johannes Ziegler Ludo Verhoeven Karin Landerl For further information please visit https://www.bcbl.eu/events/iwordd2019/en/. Research Perspectives: October 2nd - 3th, 2019 From Theory to Practice: October 4th, 2019 Yours sincerely, Marie Lallier & Manuel Carreiras BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language www.bcbl.eu
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language