Coming Soon: Call for Competitive Symposium Submissions for SNL 2020, Philadelphia
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language plans to invite symposium submissions for the 2020 meeting in Philadelphia. Competitively-reviewed symposia are a new element of the meeting, and this format is intended to add new and exciting research topics to the SNL program.
Details about submission format and requirements will be published in January. Submissions will be due on March 6, 2020.
Symposium Topics:
Symposium proposals should target topics that are likely to be of broad interest to SNL members, as well as influence the direction of science in our community. Compelling symposia include topics that highlight a current debate in the field, introduce new methods or techniques, or challenge the status quo.
Topics that are of especially high interest include (but are not limited to) advances in statistical methods, integration of natural language processing (NLP) data with neurolinguistics, advances in lesion symptom mapping and functional neuroimaging methods for neurological disorders (e.g., aphasia), longitudinal assessment of treatment-induced gains, genetic and epigenetic factors in language development, predictive coding and speech processing, the role of the motor system in language, sleep consolidation during language acquisition, among many other topics.
We encourage symposium organizers to consider diversity on many dimensions, including diversity of perspective, discipline, and demographics.
Symposium Structure:
Symposia sessions will last two hours, and will typically consist of up to six 15-minute talks, with 5 minutes following each talk for discussion. Organizers may also choose to reserve all discussion for the end of the symposium, or to reserve a slot for a moderated panel discussion. In general, organizers have flexibility in the structure of the symposium, but the symposium must fit within the two hour block.
Submission Procedure:
Look for submission details in an upcoming SNL newsletter. In the meantime, please contact Emily Myers (SNL 2020 Program Committee Chair) with any questions about topic or format.
SNL 2020
October 21-23, 2020
Philadelphia, USA
| George Washington Monument
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
 Job Postings and Announcements
Fully-Funded PhD Positions in Educational Neuroscience At Gallaudet University
The PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) Program at Gallaudet University is inviting prospective students to apply to our Ph.D. program to start in Fall 2020. The program provides four years of full funding (tuition scholarships + $25,200 annual stipend + health insurance option).
Students in this pioneering, bilingual ASL-English program gain state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience training in how humans learn, with a special strength in the neuroplasticity of visually-guided learning processes. PEN students become experts in at least one cutting-edge neuroimaging method in the discipline of cognitive neuroscience (e.g., fNIRS, EEG, fMRI), study neuroethics, gain strong critical analysis and reasoning skills in science, and develop their own research program under close mentorship from our faculty. While becoming experts in both contemporary neuroimaging and behavioral experimental science, students also learn powerful, meaningful, and principled ways that science can be translated for the benefit of education and society. Students also benefit from Gallaudet University's local university consortium, which provides students access to courses taught in the Washington D.C. area. Additionally, students benefit from PEN's collaborations with Gallaudet's Departments of Psychology; Linguistics; Interpretation and Translation; Education; and Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences. PEN students also have access to a national network of more than 20 cognitive neuroscience labs throughout the world, through formal Memoranda of Understanding. PEN students can expect to receive fellowship support through a combination of University and grant funding, direct mentoring support from individual advisors, and opportunities to apply for additional resources through a fund managed by students in the VL2 national network. The PEN program faculty and directors consist of: -
Dr. Thomas Allen (Program Director)
Focus: deaf education, statistics, psychometrics, longitudinal research.
Dr. Melissa Herzig (Assistant Program Director)
Focus: translation of science, assessment, literacy development.
Dr. Lorna Quandt (Assistant Professor)
Focus: action, gesture, embodied cognition, visual perception, EEG, virtual reality.
Dr. Ilaria Berteletti (Assistant Professor)
Focus: math and numeracy in the brain, fMRI.
Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience Laboratory
For further information, contact us at EdNeuroscience@gallaudet.edu.
Have any questions about our application process or graduate school? TEXT Heidi Z. Foster @ (202) 751-3131.
The deadline to apply for the PEN program is February 15, 2020. Early applications will be considered on a rolling basis. ________________
Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professorship in the PhD Program in Educational Neuroscience with an emphasis on the neural basis of learning in child development
Job Overview The exciting interdisciplinary PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) program at Gallaudet University (Washington, D.C.) is seeking applicants with an expertise in Cognitive Neuroscience-Educational Neuroscience at the assistant or associate professor level for a tenure-track position beginning in fall, 2020. Candidates with a vibrant Cognitive Neuroscience-Educational Neuroscience research program--specifically, with strong neuroimaging expertise, a strong focus on children, and who advance understanding of the neural basis of learning broadly defined--will be seriously considered.
Gallaudet's PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) program pioneers new Cognitive Neuroscience and Educational Neuroscience science especially involving how children learn. The successful candidate will be housed in the PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) program and may also enjoy an affiliation one of PEN's five affiliated departments as per the candidate's scholarly research and expertise (e.g., Psychology, Linguistics, Hearing Speech and Language Sciences, Interpretation or Education). As a member of PEN's research faculty, the individual will join colleagues who use a broad array of neuroimaging technologies (fNIRs, MRI, EEG) to advance new understanding of deaf and hearing children's acquisition of language and bilingualism, reading, literacy, higher cognition, math and numeracy, action perception and embodied cognition. The individual will also enjoy the VL2-PEN researchers engaged in the assessment of cognitive development and literacy and the transformative translation of science spanning revolutionary robotics and avatar language learning tools to the creation of virtual reality language and reading apps using state-of-the art Motion Capture.
The new faculty member will have vibrant opportunities to work collaboratively with members from the home PEN program and its newly created Cognitive Neuroscience Institute, the five affiliated departments, the consortium of universities in the Greater Washington DC Area, and, importantly, an extensive network of scholars available via the PEN program's direct relationship with the National Science Foundation-Gallaudet University's Science of Learning Center, Visual Language and Visual Learning, VL2. As a core mission outgrowth of VL2, the PEN program is fundamentally linked to an active network of greater than 20 leading world universities (through formal MOUs) and scholars in Cognitive Neuroscience and neuroimaging around the globe.
The PEN program is further propelled by the goal of achieving great excellence in teaching, and to provide its students with the most cutting-edge knowledge, healthy and lively critical analysis and discussion, strong mentorship, and a great richness and diversity of career paths.
Qualifications Candidates must show (i) significant potential for innovation and leadership in research, scholarship, and commitment to excellence in one's proposed research program as well as teaching. Additionally, candidates must have (ii) a PhD or EdD in Cognitive Neuroscience or Educational Neuroscience; (iii) strong evidence of foundational research training in the Cognitive Neurosciences with specific neuroimaging expertise (e.g., fMRI, EEG, fNIRS, MEG); (iv) an innovative research program that links (or has the potential to link) Cognitive Neuroscience research outcomes with learning and education in children; (v) promising publication record and teaching experience; and (vi) proficiency in American Sign Language and knowledge of Deaf Culture, or, a demonstrable commitment to develop mastery of American Sign Language.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate will maintain a highly effective research program in the Cognitive Neurosciences (inclusive of combined neuroimaging and behavioral experimentation), engage in teaching, graduate student mentorship, and scholarly dissemination activities that lead to publications and federal external grant funding. The new faculty position also affords exciting leadership enhancing opportunities in Gallaudet's PhD in Educational Neuroscience program through the building and sustaining of partnerships with other universities and related student mentoring, and encourages great innovation and creativity in building diverse, meaningful, and principled two-way partnerships spanning science and society.
Gallaudet University is a bilingual university and serves deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students from many different backgrounds and seeks to develop a workforce that reflects the diversity of its student body. Gallaudet is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer and actively encourages deaf, hard of hearing members of traditionally underrepresented groups, people with disabilities, women, and veterans to apply for open positions.
Compensation Assistant/Associate Professor: Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications.
Application Information Review of applications to begin immediately. Send a curriculum vitae, representative publications, and a detailed cover letter demonstrating each of the following five (5) points inclusively: (i) Evidence of your quality of scholarly training and activities specifically in the Cognitive Neurosciences (with clear identification of your neuroimaging expertise), (ii) Research Program, (iii) your unique approach to the emerging field of Educational Neuroscience, (iv) teaching experiences and, specifically, your teaching philosophy, and (v) how your expertise in the Cognitive Neurosciences can inform learning in young children, or, how you plan to do so in the future. Under separate cover, please have three letters of reference sent; all correspondence should be addressed to: PhD in Educational Neuroscience Program Search Committee Attention: Provost Carol Erting Gallaudet University 800 Florida Ave., NE Washington, DC 20002-3695
Review of completed applications will begin January 15, 2020 and continue until the position is filled; employment is expected to begin Fall semester 2020.
Specific questions may be addressed either to Provost Erting (carol.erting@gallaudet.edu) or to Professor Laura-Ann Petitto (Laura-Ann.Petitto@Gallaudet.Edu), Chair, PhD in Educational Neuroscience Steering Committee.
Fully funded PhD position Department of Psychology, University of York (UK)
Project: Cognitive ageing and lexical retrieval during language production in context
Supervisors: Dr. Angela de Bruin and Prof. Beth Jefferies
Application deadline: 13 January 2020
Project description
The PhD candidate will focus on how age affects lexical retrieval during language production in context. Healthy older adults might have more difficulties retrieving words during language production than younger adults. For example, older adults need more time when they have to name pictures. Most research on this topic has focused on the production of single words. However, language production is rarely limited to individual words. Instead, we usually produce language in sentences in dialogue and are influenced by the (semantic) information present in the context. This PhD project aims to study how age affects lexical retrieval during language production in context. The project will assess how age effects on lexical retrieval differ between language production in context versus production of isolated words. The project will furthermore examine how semantic cues available from the context can hinder versus facilitate lexical retrieval in older and younger adults. These questions will be addressed in behavioural and fMRI experiments.
The PhD candidate will be responsible for all aspects of the research project, that is for designing experiments, conducting behavioural and neuroimaging experiments, data analysis, and the dissemination of results.
Essential requirements - Strong 2.1 BSc (Hons) or equivalent degree in psychology, (cognitive) neuroscience, (psycho-/neuro-)linguistics, or a related discipline - Solid knowledge of statistical methods - Experience with empirical work in (psycho-/neuro-)linguistics, psychology and/or (cognitive) neuroscience - High motivation and strong interest in the topics of language and cognitive ageing - Strong writing and communication skills
For more information about the project, including the application procedure, please see:
Leverhulme Doctoral Training Programme for the Ecological Study of the Brain
The Leverhulme Doctoral Training Programme for the Ecological Study of the Brain (ECOLOGICAL BRAIN DTP) is a truly cross-disciplinary 4-year fully funded PhD programme concerned with studying brain and behaviour in the real-world.
We are now inviting applications for five places to study in the ECOLOGICAL BRAIN DTP starting on 28/09/2020.
ECOLOGICAL BRAIN provides training in methodologies and analytical tools for studying brain and behaviour in the real-word. Projects are divided in three highly interrelated pathways: (i) basic research (ii) applied research and (iii) methodology. We hope to attract students from a variety of academic backgrounds such as psychology, anthropology, biology, architecture, engineering, computer science, education and geography.
Programme Structure
The programme follows a four-year model, in which the first year (rotation year) consists of intense but personalised core training, including; basic scientific training (statistics, programming, neuroanatomy), bespoke training (e.g. mobile sensing and tracking, designing experiments with VR, app development, applied machine learning) and research ethics. In addition to this students will conduct three rotation projects under supervisors from different fields. These projects enable students to develop relationships and collaborations with various supervisors before deciding on a three year PhD project, as well as allowing students to try new areas.
Students will embark on their 3 year PhD project at the end of year one, after submitting a PhD proposal. In line with the interdisciplinary nature of the DTP, every student should have at least one secondary supervisor from a different department from those of the primary supervisors.
Our supervisors have been selected based on their outstanding record in real-world research and cover a broad range of areas including basic behavioural sciences, applied sciences and data sciences. Further information on our supervisors can be found here.
This is a fully-funded four year PhD programme, which offers Home/EU tuition fees and living stipend of approx. £17,009k per year (for 2019/2020). To be eligible for a studentship, applicants must either be UK or EU nationals.
Students must have achieved (or expect to obtain) at least an upper 2:1 in their undergraduate degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Geography or related discipline within the remit of the ECOLOGICAL BRAIN.
How to Apply
Applications should be submitted via the University College London Admissions web page. Please note that students do not need to decide on their PhD project/primary supervisors when submitting the application. Students with all backgrounds and interests related to the ECOLOGICAL BRAIN are highly encouraged to apply. The interviews for prospective candidates will take place at the end of Feb/beginning of March 2020.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
Closing date: Friday, 07 February, 2020 23:59 BST.
Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL)
Position One
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL- (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) is offering a predoctoral position to work on a funded research project aimed at investigating the functional and structural role of thalamocortical projections on typical and atypical reading (i.e., Dyslexia). This multimodal MRI project capitalizes on the use of behavioral, functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion MRI (dMRI), quantitative MRI (qMRI) and machine learning techniques to provide new insights into how thalamocortical circuits support reading, and how reading disabilities may occur as a consequence of breakdowns in these circuits. The long-term goal of the project is to generate a novel mechanistic account of reading and dyslexia by using a pioneering multimodal neuroimaging approach to investigate (1) how dynamically coordinated thalamocortical and corticocortical networks orchestrate reading; and (2) how dyslexia is characterized by atypical functional connectivity and abnormal structural connections in different brain circuits.
The project is part of a collaborative research effort among several BCBL PIs, including Manuel Carreiras, Kepa Paz-Alonso, Marie Lallier and Cesar Caballero-Gaudes. The PhD student will join the Developmental Language Disorder group leaded by Marie Lallier. The starting date is flexible, but it is expected that the PhD student will join the project no later than April 2020.
We are interested in candidates with:
- A strong theoretical and methodological background in experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience or related fields.
- A strong level of written and spoken English.
- Strong statistical and computational skills (Python, R...)
Research experience with large behavioral datasets will be an asset. Possession of a Master degree in experimental psychology or cognitive neuroscience or any other related area is highly recommended and will be positively valued.
To submit your application, please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/calls, applying for "PhD Lallier's group (Dysthal) 2019" and upload before January 12th, 2020:
- A curriculum vitae
- A statement outlining research interests and motivation to apply for the position (1 page maximum)
- Two letters of recommendation
Position Two
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL- (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) is offering a predoctoral position to work on a funded research project aimed at investigating the functional and structural role of thalamocortical projections on typical and atypical reading (i.e., Dyslexia). This multimodal MRI project capitalizes on the use of behavioral, functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion MRI (dMRI), quantitative MRI (qMRI) and machine learning techniques to provide new insights into how thalamocortical circuits support reading, and how reading disabilities may occur as a consequence of breakdowns in these circuits. The long-term goal of the project is to generate a novel mechanistic account of reading and dyslexia by using a pioneering multimodal neuroimaging approach to investigate (1) how dynamically coordinated thalamocortical and corticocortical networks orchestrate reading; and (2) how dyslexia is characterized by atypical functional connectivity and abnormal structural connections in different brain circuits.
The project is part of a collaborative research effort among several BCBL PIs, including Manuel Carreiras, Kepa Paz-Alonso, Marie Lallier and Cesar Caballero-Gaudes. The PhD student will join the Language and Memory Control group leaded by Kepa Paz-Alonso. The starting date is flexible, but it is expected that the PhD student will join the project no later than April 2020.
We are interested in candidates with:
- A strong methodological and theoretical background in cognitive neuroscience, biomedical engineering, or related fields.
- A strong level of written and spoken English.
- Strong computational skills (Matlab, Python,...)
Research experience with MRI will be an asset. Possession of a Master degree in cognitive neuroscience, biomedical engineering, experimental psychology or any other related area is highly recommended and will be positively evaluated.
To submit your application, please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/calls, applying for "PhD Paz-Alonso's group (Dysthal) 2019" and upload before January 12th, 2020:
- A curriculum vitae
- A statement outlining research interests and motivation to apply for the position (1 page maximum)
- Two letters of recommendation
Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL)
Master in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language - BCBL
Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
The Master's program aims to provide specialized, comprehensive and rigorous training in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. The Master's program includes core courses (theoretical and methodological), advanced elective courses, and a research-based project at the end of the program. Students learn from the world-class scientists at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain, and Language.
The Master's program is aimed at university graduates with various degrees who are interested in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, including previous training in psychology or linguistics, as well as language-oriented training in cognitive science, computer science, or mathematics. The duration of the program is one academic year with 60 ECTS credits. Students will develop research skills through the mentorship of experts and by completing a Master's Research Project at the end of the program. The language of instruction is English. Selecting the appropriate Masters program is the best way to start a successful research career, and in fact, several of our current PhD students began their research careers in our Master's program.
In the 8 years that we have been running our Master's program, graduates have gone on to PhD programs in places such as New York University, the Donders Center at Radboud University, UC San Diego, the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Michigan State University, the University of Bielefeld, and our own PhD program at BCBL.
Application Process
Application Periods
- Application sent by mail to mastercnl@bcbl.eu by FEBRUARY 25.
- Notification of the Master's admissions board's decision: MARCH 25.
- Admitted students should confirm their intention to participate in the program by APRIL 15.
- Pre-enrollment must be submitted ONLINE along with the confirmation of participation.
- Application sent by mail to mastercnl@bcbl.eu by APRIL 30. Rolling admissions until JUNE 30 the latest. If slots are filled before, no more admissions will be accepted.
- Notification of the Master's admissions board's decision: Applications received by APRIL 30 will receive notification by MAY 31.
- Admitted students should confirm their intention to participate within two weeks of being accepted into the program.
- Pre-enrollment must be submitted ONLINE along with the confirmation of participation.
** The first of our deadlines are approaching fast-- applicants have to submit the first part of their application to CalState Apply by December 15th**
San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego Joint Doctoral Program (PhD) in Language and Communicative Disorders Program Directors: Tracy Love (SDSU) and Seana Coulson (UCSD)
To obtain admission information and to download our application for Fall 2019 visit our website at: http://slhs.sdsu.edu/phd/admissions/application/
The SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Language and Communicative Disorders (JDP-LCD) is designed to educate a new generation of scientists who are interested in applying state-of-the-art research skills to the study of language and communicative disorders. Our interdisciplinary program, the only program of its kind in California, provides training in normal (spoken and signed) language, language disorders, multilingualism, and in the neural bases of language learning, use, and loss. Our doctoral program ranked fourth on the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index rankings compiled by Academic Analytics and released by The Chronicle of Higher Education in 2007. The National Research Council (NRC) ranked our doctoral program among the top ten in the nation in their most recent rankings. The majority of our graduates hold university faculty positions or research scientist positions in labs here in the US and abroad. GOALS: - To provide doctoral training in the study of language and communicative behavior with an interdisciplinary focus that integrates state-of-the-art knowledge from the fields of communicative disorders, cognitive science, neurosciences, psychology and linguistics represented by the expertise of core faculty from SDSU and UCSD.
- To prepare professionals, educated in the interface between behavioral and cognitive neuroscience methodologies, who will provide critical leadership in research and health services.
- To prepare Ph.D.-level scientists in the field of language and communicative disorders to serve as faculty in university programs and scientists in a variety of settings to carry out much-needed research on the processes of language development, disorders, assessment and intervention.
- To prepare researchers to carry out much-needed research in communicative behavior and disorders in bilingualism.
ASHA CLINICAL CERTIFICATION: Although this is a research Ph.D. program, the School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at SDSU offers a separate clinical graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology. It may be possible to complete a CF or obtain academic and clinical training concurrently with doctoral studies. Access to clinical training is not automatic nor is it guaranteed.
RESOURCES AND SUPPORT: Our program at SDSU resides in a clinical, research, and academic building with state-of-the-art Speech-Language and Audiology clinics, high-tech labs, and great instructional facilities. These resources, combined with the outstanding facilities at UCSD, provide doctoral students with the best possible training environment. Several different funding sources are used to support doctoral students including program scholarships, graduate assistantships, in-state and out-of-state fee support, and faculty grants. Some doctoral students receive funding from our NIH doctoral training grant (NIDCD T32 DC00731) "Neurocognitive Approaches to Communication Disorders" (2017-2022). Contact Dr. Tracy Love ( tlove@sdsu.edu) for more information regarding this training grant. |
Medical College of Wisconsin
Language Imaging Laboratory, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Position in the Neurobiology of Aphasia
The MCW Language Imaging Laboratory ( www.neuro.mcw.edu), directed by Jeffrey Binder, is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to collaborate on imaging and behavioral studies of post-stroke aphasia. The work focuses on testing and refining a high-dimensional embodiment model of semantic representation using lesion-symptom correlation and resting state fMRI connectivity analysis in people with aphasia. Results will be applied to developing a mechanistic account of category-related deficit patterns, including verb, event, and abstract concepts as well as concrete object categories. The postdoc will also be involved in therapeutic studies of aphasia using high-definition tDCS and targeted psycholinguistic training methods. The postdoc will work with a large interdisciplinary team. Ample funding for scanning and neuroimaging resources are available, including two research-dedicated 3T MRI systems, human 7T MRI, magnetoencephalography, tDCS, and TMS. Applicants should have an interest in theoretical and empirical studies of aphasia and a high level of proficiency with computational methods in neuroimaging.
The Language Imaging Laboratory is funded by federal and intramural grants and provides a rich research environment for postdoctoral students with opportunities to mentor graduate students and minimal formal teaching responsibilities. MCW is an equal opportunity employer. To apply for the position, please submit a cover letter stating research interests, a curriculum vitae, and copies of at least one published or in-press paper to Samantha Drane ( sdrane@mcw.edu), Aphasia Program Coordinator.
Neuroscience of Language Lab in NYU Abu Dhabi
Postdoctoral Research Position
Pre-doctoral research positions in MEG research at the Neuroscience of Language Lab in NYU Abu Dhabi (PIs Pylkkänen & Marantz).
The Neuroscience of Language Lab at NYU Abu Dhabi (http://www.psych.nyu.edu/nellab/) has openings for pre-doctoral research RAships. All positions are based in Abu Dhabi but involve regular travel to New York. A BA/BS, MA/MS in a cognitive science-related discipline (psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, etc.) or computer science is required. The hired individuals would ideally have experience with psycho- and neurolinguistic experiments, a background in statistics and programming (especially Python and R). A strong computational background and knowledge of Arabic are both big pluses. The pre-doc's role will depend on the specific qualifications of the person hired, but will in all cases involve MEG research on structural and/or semantic aspects of language. In Abu Dhabi, salary and benefits, including travel and lodging, are quite generous. We are looking to start these positions in spring or summer 2020. Evaluation of applications will begin immediately. To apply, please use the following link: http://apply.interfolio.com/72130
The University of Texas at Dallas
Three Tenure-Stream Faculty
The School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at The University of Texas at Dallas seeks to hire 3 tenure-system faculty members at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor rank.
Successful candidates will join the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, which integrates basic and applied research in hearing, speech and language, and neurophysiological (including motor speech) domains with state-of-the-art clinical programs. The University offers competitive salaries and generous start-up packages. Applicants from all areas of speech, language, and hearing sciences will be considered. Priority will be given to candidates with a research focus in the following areas: (1) agerelated changes in hearing; (2) language disorders, emphasizing learning and remediation; and (3) speech motor function and/or computational neuroscience, particularly technology-intensive investigation.
Applicants should hold a PhD in a relevant field (e.g., Communication Sciences and Disorders; Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Computer Science; Engineering; Neuroscience; and/or Psychology) and show evidence of a dynamic and productive research program with clear record of or potential for funding.
Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of current and future research, a statement of teaching philosophy and experience, teaching evaluations, and the full contact information for at least three professional references via the online application form at http://jobs.utdallas.edu/postings/13167.
The University of Texas at Dallas is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer M/F/D/V.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen is offering two postdoctoral positions to work on speaking and listening in conversation.
Job description Much of experimental psycholinguistics has studied how individuals carry out tasks such as picture naming or lexical decision in the lab. But language use in everyday life is different. Most of it occurs in conversation, where speakers may or may not know each other, have common and individual goals, and coordinate their utterances, more or less successfully, in time and content to achieve these goals. The work of the Postdoctoral Researchers will contribute to a better understand of the cognitive processes occurring when individuals speak in conversation. This will involve innovative neurobiological, computational and behavioural work involving individuals as well as pairs or larger groups of interacting speakers. The choice of project is flexible and specifics will be discussed further at interview.
Successful applicants are expected to take the lead in designing the experiments, supervising the laboratory work, performing the analyses, writing up findings for publication, and giving presentations at international conferences. The project will be embedded in the Psychology of Language Department, but collaborations with other departments are strongly encouraged. More information about the research in the department can be found here: https://www.mpi.nl/department/psychology-language/5
Requirements- The successful applicant holds a PhD qualification in Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, or a related field.
- Their PhD and/or postdoc project concerned a topic in psycholinguistics, memory, or attention.
- They have outstanding skills in experimental design and state-of-the art statistical analyses. EEG, fMRI or MEG experience would be highly desirable.
- They have demonstrable experience in mentoring students.
- They have strong organizational and writing skills.
Conditions of Employment- The positions are available from March 2020.
- The term of appointment is minimally 2 and maximally 5 years.
- The salary is according to the German salary scale TVöD (starting salary €51,797 - €60,721 p.a., for full-time employment).
- All research staff have access to cutting-edge research and training facilities and technical infrastructure, as well as a generous conference and travel budget.
Employer The MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen is the only research institute in the world entirely devoted to the study of language. Our goal is to understand how our minds and brains process language, how language interacts with other aspects of mind, and how we can learn languages of quite different types. We are situated on the campus of the Radboud University, and have close collaborative links with the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University. We are part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunities employer.
How to apply Applications should include in a single .pdf document:- A 2-page statement of interest, including motivation for applying and specific explanation of how the applicant's skills fit the requirements of the position
- a CV
- a list of publications
- the names, email addresses and contact numbers of at least two referees who would be willing to provide letters of recommendation
Complete applications should be sent to Ms Thy Mathu (Secretary, Psychology of Language Department); E-mail: thy.mathu@mpi.nl
For any pre-application enquiries feel free to write to antje.meyer@mpi.nl
Review of applications will start on February 1 2020 and will continue until the posts have been filled.
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Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Listening and speaking in conversation
Three four-year fully funded PhD positions in the Psychology of Language Department Doctoral supervisor: Prof. Antje Meyer
Job description The PhD projects should investigate the cognitive processes and neurobiological basis of speaking and listening in everyday conversation. Questions to be addressed include how interlocutors divide attention between listening and speech planning, how they prime each other and establish common ground, how they adapt to their interlocutor's speech, how multimodal cues are integrated in face-to-face communication, and how individual differences in linguistic and domain-general skills shape conversations. These questions can be investigated using a wide range of methods including behavioural methods, assessment of individual differences, eye-tracking, EEG, and computational modelling, depending on the nature of the project and the candidate's interest.
What we expect from you We seek exceptional students with a talent and inclination for first class research. Candidates should have, or shortly expect to obtain, a high-quality Research Master's degree or equivalent in a relevant field (e.g. experimental psychology, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, computer science, linguistics, phonetics). Masters degrees should involve several months of experience and training on a scientific project. Candidates should have a solid background in experimental design and data analysis. Furthermore, they should have excellent command of written and spoken English. The preferred starting date is 1 September 2020.
What we have to offer The PhD position is fully funded for 4 years (starting gross salary is €2,531 per month). The institute provides fully equipped research facilities, technical support, as well as a conference and travel budget. PhD students participate in the International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences, which involves core and individually chosen coursework to complement the PhD research and training in soft skills such as writing and presentation.
Work environment The MPI in Nijmegen is an internationally recognized, leading research institute, with a stimulating environment and excellent facilities and resources. Work in the Psychology of Language Department focusses on the cognitive processes underlying language use. The department provides opportunities for training in a range of neuropsychological, psychological and phonetic techniques, frequent research and public engagement meetings, and support from an excellent team of researchers in psycholinguistics. The department also benefits from close connection to the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour at Radboud University. Cross-departmental projects and interdisciplinary work are strongly encouraged. For further details of our research, please see our website: http://www.mpi.nl/departments/psychology-of-language
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from under-represented minorities, women, and people with disabilities are particularly encouraged.
Application process
Applications should include:- One-page statement of why you are interested in this post, why you consider yourself a good match for the post, and what research projects you would like to pursue
- One-page summary of your MA dissertation
- CV including publication list
- Names and email addresses of up to three referees who would be willing to provide letters of recommendation
Applications or enquiries should be made to Ms. Thy Mathu (Secretary to Antje Meyer); Email: thy.mathu@mpi.nl
Short-listed candidates will be invited to participate in a skype interview and site visit to the institute.
Evaluation of applications will begin on February 1 2020 and will continue until all posts are filled.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
We welcome highly qualified and promising applicants to apply for this opportunity to conduct a PhD project within the newly established Language and Computation in Neural Systems Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. The project will be headed by Dr. Andrea E. Martin (research group leader), a second supervisor, and Prof. dr. Antje Meyer as promotor. Doctoral-level educational training will be provided by the IMPRS, which covers interdisciplinary training in both its core and elective curricula. The scope of research topics covered by our students is highly diverse and has resulted in an impressive collection of publications.
Interested? Learn more about the position and the application process here.
Georgetown University's Center for Aphasia Research and Rehabilitation (CARR), directed by Rhonda Friedman, Ph.D., is seeking a full-time research assistant to begin sometime in fall 2019 or early 2020. Research in our lab examines language and learning/memory function and dysfunction in people with stroke or dementia. Projects include behavioral, eye tracking, fMRI, and EEG studies, and development of cognitive treatments for acquired language disorders. A major ongoing study examines the decline and treatment of word-finding abilities in adults with Alzheimer's disease and Primary Progressive Aphasia.
Duties include: preparing stimulus materials according to research protocols; data organization, input, and maintenance; scoring language and neuropsychological assessment tests; coordination and scheduling of participants; recruitment and testing of normal control subjects; managing the lab's IRB protocols; and data processing and analysis, including coding of subjects' errors. The research assistant will provide support to the Principal Investigators and other lab members, including ordering supplies and equipment, processing subject payments, supervising undergraduate student work, maintaining and updating the lab's library, data back-up, and other duties as assigned. This position will involve working closely with other lab members for coordination of tasks, as well as a significant amount of independent work. The successful research assistant will be self-initiated, motivated, and have the ability to work independently with minimal supervision. Direct contact and testing of participants may be required at a later date. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, or a related field; research experience; excellent oral and written communication skills; and a demonstrable interest in brain and language.
This is an ideal job for someone who may be interested in pursuing a graduate education in a related field. Minimum two-year commitment required.
For further details and to apply, please email a cover letter and CV, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent, to:
3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2020)
We are pleased to inform you that the abstract submission for the 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2020) is now open.
ISBPAC 2020 will take place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on May 28-29, 2020. It will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, which is located on the Radboud University campus. There will be a pre-conference workshop on Teaching L2 Listening on May 27, 2020.
We encourage you to submit 250 word abstracts that address topics in bilingual child, adult, and heritage-speaker processing, including but not limited to the following:
- Phonetic, phonological, lexical, morphological and syntactic processing
- Crosslinguistic influence in bilingual speech production and comprehension
- Code-switching
- Cognitive consequences of multilingualism
- Language processing in attrition
- Implications of multilingual language processing for teaching
- Neuroscientific studies of bilingual processing
- Multimodal language and communication
ISBPAC started in 2016 at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, initiated by Shanley Allen and colleagues. The second edition took place in 2018 at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, organized by Holger Hopp and colleagues.
When the ISBPAC symposium started out in 2016, it had the explicit aim to include research on children as well as adults. ISBPAC 2018 added "L2" to the title, to include all types of bilingualism ranging from fluent bilinguals to beginning L2 learners. At ISBPAC 2020, while we do not wish to add any more words to the symposium's name, we emphasize multi- and interdisciplinarity: we aim to bring together researchers who investigate bilingual and L2 processing from various disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, multimodal communication, and language pedagogy, and all domains of language. Our fantastic keynote speakers illustrate ISBPAC's aims.
Keynote Speakers
Ann Bradlow, Northwestern University
Ton Dijkstra, Radboud University
Ludovica Serratrice, University of Reading
Pre-Conference Workshop "Teaching L2 Listening"
This one-day workshop aims to bring together educational practitioners and researchers interested in L2 listening.
Keynote speech by John Field, University of Bedfordshire
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
November 15th, 2019 - January 15th, 2020
Notification of Acceptance
Early March, 2020
March 1st, 2020 - April 10th, 2020 (Early Bird) April 11th, 2020 - May 15th, 2020 (Regular)
Pre-Conference Workshop
May 27th, 2020
May 28th, 2020 - May 29th, 2020
The ISBPAC 2020 organizing committee:
Evan Kidd
Kristin Lemhöfer
James McQueen
Asli Özyürek
Sharon Unsworth
IMPRS for Language Sciences Conference
This conference series on Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Language Sciences is catered towards junior scientists (master's & doctoral students) and aims to inspire the next generation of language scientists to take on new challenges that will further our understanding of the human language ability.
To illustrate a variety of interdisciplinary approaches, each theme consists of keynotes and short talks presented by up-and-coming as well as prominent scientists. The poster sessions will offer junior researchers the opportunity to showcase their work and to connect with other researchers. Several workshops will also be on offer.
To stay informed of updates, head over to our website and sign up for the mailing list.
Meeting on Language in Autism (MoLA) - Durham, NC
The focus of this meeting is on the scientific study of the emergence, use, and nature of language in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Language impairment, though not a core symptom of ASD, is one of the most important predictors of long term outcomes and independence. The study of language in ASD also has the potential to inform our understanding of language itself, as we explore why some individuals with ASD have difficulties with certain domains of language while other domains remain fully intact. It is our goal to bring together researchers approaching questions of language in autism from a variety of backgrounds, topics and approaches. Some of these include: Aspects of Language * Speech Production and Perception * Phonetics/Phonology * Morphology * Semantics * Syntax * Pragmatics * Communication in Minimally Verbal Individuals Approaches to the Study of Language * Social communication to the extent that it informs questions about language. * Development throughout the lifespan * Modality - Spoken/Gestural/AAC * Clinical/Experimental/Naturalistic * Comprehension and Production
Sixth Learning and Plasticity Meeting - Äkäslompolo, Finnish Lapland
Second Call for the Learning and Plasticity Meeting, April 5-8 2020, Äkäslompolo, Finnish Lapland
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open at the Meeting Website (Deadline for Abstracts January 15, 2020): http://lapmeeting.fi/
Dear colleague,
We are happy to inform that the abstract submission and registration to the 6th Learning and Plasticity Meeting is now open! We have confirmed five exciting symposia (see below) besides the keynote lecture by Professor Simone Kühn at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany (see http://simonekuehn.com/). The title of her keynote is "Brain structural and functional effects of video gaming".
LaP is a small, highly interactive cross-disciplinary meeting that connects psychological and neuroscience research on the mechanisms of learning and brain plasticity. It is organized by the Åbo Akademi University, the University of Turku, the Turku Brain and Mind Center, and the CICERO Learning Network. The congress venue is the same as for the previous meetings, namely Äkäshotel at the Äkäslompolo village.
The special theme of the 2020 meeting is "Videogaming and Cognitive Enhancement". However, as before, the program will also include free papers presented as posters, reflecting the broad spectrum of learning and plasticity research.
The five confirmed symposia at LaP2020 are as follows:
Uncovering underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms and individual differences to maximize cognitive training outcome using game-like approaches. Organized by Susanne Jaeggi. Speakers: Anna Stigsdotter Neely, Juan Ramos-Cejudo, Anja Pahor, Tilo Strobach.
Reading difficulties and audio-visual learning: neural bases and intervention effects. Organized by Paavo Leppänen & Teija Kujala. Speakers: Teija Kujala, Paavo Leppänen, Jarmo Hämäläinen, Yi-Fang Hsu.
Human goal-directed cognition and its malleability: fundamental questions. Organized by Juha Salmi. Speakers: Neil Burgess, Robert Logie, Matias Palva, Juha Salmi.
Gaming in language learning. Organized by Sari Ylinen & Maria Uther. Speakers: Katja Junttila, Maria Uther, Sari Ylinen.
Child media use and child development and wellbeing in the context of early life stress. Organized by Hasse and Linnea Karlsson. Speakers: Jani Kajanoja, Elisabeth Nordenswan, Riikka Korja.
Despite of its northern location way above the Polar Circle, the congress site is easy to reach from Helsinki by night train to Kolari or by flight to the nearby airport at Kittilä. The congress program runs from afternoon to evening, enabling one to utilize the excellent possibilities for various winter sports and other outdoor activities during the long days in early April. Due to auditorium space and to keep the meeting highly interactive, the number of participants is limited to 60. It is important to make travel arrangements early on as the night trains and flights tend to become fully booked due to the number of tourists coming to enjoy the unique Lappish Spring.
Hope to see you at the Heart of Finnish Lapland in Spring 2020!
The LaP Scientific Committee,
Matti Laine, Åbo Akademi University, Finland (Chair) Lars Bäckman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Susanne Jaeggi, University of California at Irvine, USA Hasse Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland Minna Lehtonen, University of Oslo, Norway Marcus Meinzer, University of Queensland, Australia Lars Nyberg, Umeå University, Sweden Juha Salmi, University of Turku, Finland
- Abstract submission by the end of January 15, 2020 (Eastern European time)
- Congress registration early-bird deadline by the end of February 15, 2020
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language