Welcome to the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Newsletter
We are discontinuing the SNL listserv (mailing list) and replacing it with this monthly newsletter. The monthly newsletter will contain news and developments at SNL and updates on the annual conference.
If you are receiving this email, you are already subscribed to this newsletter. If you wish to be taken off this list, please use the unsubscribe button located at the bottom of this newletter. |
 Thank You For Attending NLC 2011
Thank you to all who joined us for our meeting in Annapolis this year! With over 450 attendees, NLC 2011 was a great success. We sincerely thank everyone who contributed -- event and hotel staff, board members, sponsors, and most of all, our attendees and presenters. We look forward to seeing you next year in San Sebastian, Spain! Your feedback is important to us and will play an important role in making improvements to the Society and NLC in future years. Please help improve SNL by responding to a BRIEF survey. Thank you in advance for your participation. Click here to take the NLC 2011 Survey. |
San Sebastian, Spain
October 25 - 27, 2012 |
Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
NLC 2011 Survey Closes February 15, 2012
Registration Open
March 2012
Submissions Open
April 2012
NLC 2012
San Sebastian, Spain
October 24-27, 2012 |
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting, general announcement or a conference/workshop posting you would like to include in the SNL newsletter, please send it to |
Thank you to these NLC 2011 Sponsors:
Job Postings
Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside
The Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside, invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Cognitive Psychology to start July 1, 2012. We seek applicants whose research examines the cognitive neuroscience of human learning and memory. The ideal candidate will contribute to our emerging emphasis in experience-dependent change. Applicants should demonstrate a record of research excellence using methodological approaches involving human behavior, cognitive neuroscience, and/or computational modeling. Individuals with interdisciplinary interests are encouraged to apply.
Applicants should be committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education and interest in teaching quantitative methods at the graduate level is preferable. The Ph.D. is required and salary is commensurate with education and experience. Review of applications will begin February 15, 2012 and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should send hardcopies of their curriculum vitae, a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, reprints if available, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to:
Professor Steve Clark, Chair Cognitive Search Committee Department of Psychology University of California, Riverside 900 University Avenue Riverside, CA 92521
The Riverside campus of the University of California is growing rapidly and has an excellent psychology department with a strong record of success in research, teaching, and extramural funding. For information on the Department of Psychology, see our website at: http://www.psych.ucr.edu. The campus is located about 50 miles east of Los Angeles and less than an hour drive from the area's mountains, deserts, and beaches.
Tenure-Track Faculty Position, University Laval, Quebec City
University Laval's Rehabilitation Department, located in beautiful Quebec City, is seeking applications for one full-time tenure-track position in the Speech-Language Pathology program. University Laval's Rehabilitation Department offers a professional Masters (M.Sc.) program in Speech-Language Pathology that enrols 50 students per year. The department also houses the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy (both Masters degrees) programs.
1. Graduate teaching in speech-language pathology: courses about motor speech disorders (articulation, voice, resonance, stuttering), swallowing disorders or associated deficits; 2. Contribution to teaching in other areas of the speech-language pathology program; 3. Development of an independent research program in speech-language pathology or a related discipline (motor speech disorders, swallowing disorders or associated deficits); 4. Supervision of research projects at the master and doctoral levels. 5. Participation in pedagogical and administrative committees in the Rehabilitation Department
1. Completed, or in the process of completing, a doctoral level qualification in speech-language pathology or related discipline; 2. Holding a postgraduate training will be considered an asset; 3. Being a member (or eligible to become a member) of the Ordre professionnel des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Quebec; 4. Clinical experience in speech-language pathology will be considered an asset. 5. Research expertise in motor speech disorders, swallowing disorders or associated deficits will be considered an asset; 6. Experience teaching at the university level in motor speech disorders, swallowing disorders or associated deficits will be considered an asset; 7. Candidates must have the potential to communicate and teach in French.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 24th, 2012.
POSITION START DATE: Preferably before June 2012.
APPLICATION Candidates are invited to submit their curriculum vitae, a letter including a statement of teaching and research interests, and the names of three referents. The candidates should submit documents relating to their application to:
Joel Macoir, Ph.D., President du comite de selection
Departement de readaptation,
Faculte de medecine,
Pavillon Vandry
Universite Laval
Quebec (Quebec) G1V 0A6 CANADA
joel.macoir@rea.ulaval.ca |
Society for the Neurobiology of Language |