SNL 2020
October 21-23, 2020
Philadelphia, USA
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
 Job Postings and Announcements
This PhD studentship, fully funded by the Bloomsbury Colleges, will use EEG and behavioral techniques to examine the effects of language background on perceptual strategies. Recent work from our laboratory has shown that Mandarin speakers place more importance on pitch and less importance on duration compared to English speakers when categorizing linguistic phrase boundaries and musical beats, and that Mandarin speakers have difficulty ignoring pitch and attending to other acoustic dimensions. These findings suggest that learning a first language can change the salience of different perceptual dimensions.
This project will investigate the relationship between language background, cue weighting during auditory categorization, and dimensional salience, and test whether Mandarin speakers can be trained to direct their attention away from pitch and towards other, more relevant acoustic dimensions during English speech perception.
Perceptual strategies underlying second language acquisition
Principal supervisor: Dr. Adam Tierney (Birkbeck)
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Kazuya Saito (Institute of Education, University College London)
Award includes tuition fees and a stipend of £17,009 including London Weighting (at 2019/20 rates, so slightly higher for 2020 entry)
100% FTE for 3 years, from September 2020.
Project Description: One of the most demanding aspects of learning to perceive second language speech is acquiring appropriate perceptual strategies. Learning a language requires learning which acoustic cues are most relevant to a given task, such as detecting phrase boundaries. However, languages can differ in the roles played by different acoustic dimensions. For example, in tone languages such as Mandarin, pitch is a vital cue to the meaning of words, but it plays a much more secondary role in non-tonal languages such as English. Pilot data from our laboratories has shown that Mandarin speakers place more importance on pitch and less importance on duration compared to English speakers when categorizing both linguistic phrase boundaries and musical beats. These findings suggest that learning a first language can change the salience of different perceptual dimensions, colouring the strategies developed as individuals learn new categories. Learning a second language, therefore, may require individuals to learn to direct attention to perceptual dimensions which they have grown used to neglecting. This project will investigate two main research questions. First, the student heading the project will conduct a series of cross-sectional studies comparing native English speakers to native Mandarin speakers who recently arrived in the UK. These studies will use EEG and behavioural methods to test the hypothesis that weighting of acoustic dimensions during speech perception reflects the direction of attention to the most relevant acoustic cues. Second, a longitudinal study will attempt to train Mandarin speakers to direct attention away from pitch and towards other acoustic dimensions during speech perception, and examine the consequences of this training for participants' ability to selectively attend to acoustic dimensions, English perception and pronunciation skills, and neural encoding of sound. This project will provide a student with the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking interdisciplinary work, integrating cognitive neuroscience and applied linguistics research. The student will benefit from training in techniques in these two fields, including EEG experiment design and data analysis techniques as well as assessment of second language proficiency. The student will be based at Birkbeck in the Department of Psychological Sciences, currently rated as the 5th leading Psychology department in the UK ( http://www.bbk.ac.uk/psychology/). The student will also have associate registration at the Institute of Education. Candidate requirements: Candidates must have a first class or upper second undergraduate degree in a relevant scientific discipline, including but not limited to psychology, neuroscience, or linguistics. Candidates should ideally have some background in statistics, basic programming, and neuroscience. Knowledge of linguistics and/or sound processing will also be advantageous. Students will be required to undertake training in advanced quantitative methods as part of their programme, so a good grounding in quantitative analysis is an essential requirement. Subject Areas/Keywords: Key References: Holt L, Tierney A, Guerra G, Laffere A, Dick F (2018) Dimension-selective attention as a possible driver of dynamic, context- dependent re-weighting in speech processing. Hearing Research, 366, 50-64. Jasmin K, Dick F, Holt L, Tierney A (2019) Tailored perception: individuals' speech and music perception strategies fit their perceptual abilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. doi: 10.1037/xge0000688 Kachlicka M, Saito K, Tierney A (2019) Successful language learning is tied to robust domain-general auditory processing and stable neural representation of sound. Brain and Language 192, 15-24. Further details about the project may be obtained from: Further information about PhDs at Birkbeck is available from:
Application forms and details about how to apply are available from: The online application is found here: Please state in your form that you are applying for a Bloomsbury studentship. Questions regarding the application process can be directed to the Departmental Administrator: Ida Akhtar, email: i.akhtar@bbk.ac.uk, Telephone 0207 631 6535 Application Requirements include a CV, cover letter, 2 academic references, an example piece of academic writing and the standard application form. For informal queries, please contact Adam Tierney ( a.tierney@bbk.ac.uk), and include a CV and academic transcript.
Closing date for applications is: 28 February 2020
General Information
Chapman University's Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) seeks applications for a tenure track Associate Professor or Tenured Full Professor, beginning August 2020.
The mission of the CSD department is to prepare ethical, research-conscious, and culturally respectful speech-language pathologists, committed to preventing, assessing and treating communication and swallowing disorders across the age span. The CSD program is 11 years old and is accredited by the Council of Academic Accreditation (CAA). Based on a cohort model the CSD program prepares graduates to provide services in medical, school and private practice settings. The department houses a unique clinic that exclusively assesses and treats adults with acquired brain injury and other neurological problems.
CSD is located on the Rinker Health Science campus in Irvine, California, which is home to several graduate health science professional programs, including physical therapy, pharmacy, and physician assistant studies. The campus is distinguished by its innovative research laboratories, teaching and learning technology, and emphasis on inter-professional education, evidence-based practice, and health promotion and prevention. The newly established Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences on the Rinker campus provides opportunity for interdisciplinary research with leaders in neuroscience. Additionally, the CSD program is strategically located near numerous medical centers and in the heart of Orange County, where we are associated with centers, such as the RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Orange County and 30+ school districts.
Chapman University is a nationally ranked institution offering traditional undergraduate and graduate programs in the heart of Orange County, one of Southern California's most diverse and vibrant regions. The university achieved R2 status in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, a distinction held by just 10 percent of all U.S. universities. Our faculty include academic leaders who excel in research, publishing and world-class teaching in our 11 schools and colleges, including Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences. Dedicated to forward-looking, personalized education, we create an environment for unlimited achievement by both our students and faculty.
The University is dedicated to enhancing diversity and inclusion in all aspects of recruitment and employment. More information on diversity and inclusion at Chapman University is available at https://www.chapman.edu/diversity.
Excellence in research and teaching with a strong commitment to working in an inter-professional health services environment. Applicants must have a doctorate in communication disorders or closely related field, with a preference for those with CCC-SLP certification and eligibility for CA license.
Candidates applying for this associate or full professor position are expected to: have an established line of research as demonstrated by scholarly publications and internal/external funding; demonstrate excellence in teaching; and provide evidence of prior institutional and professional service.
Candidates will be expected to teach courses in their areas of expertise and the teaching load is commensurate with other research universities. Research expertise may include but is not limited to the following: child speech and/or language development and disorders; adult speech and/or language disorders; dysphagia; cognitive and communication disorders across the lifespan; multicultural and multilingual development, assessment and treatment; medical speech pathology; speech-language pathology in the schools; and literacy. Faculty responsibilities also include advising graduate students and mentoring student research.
Tenure track faculty are expected to develop and maintain an active research agenda and are evaluated on their research/scholarly activity, teaching, service, and advising / mentoring.
Contact Information
Qualified candidates should electronically submit a Chapman University faculty application, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching and research statement as well as contact information for three references to:
Mary RT Kennedy, PhD., CCC-SLP
Search Committee Chair
Inquiries: Please direct inquiries to Ms. Christine Dumaual at dumaual@chapman.edu. Please use "CSD Faculty Position" as the email subject line.
Application reviews will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Salary is competitive and will be commensurate with experience. Chapman University offers a relocation expense reimbursement package as well as a first-time Orange County homebuyer assistance program. Successful completion of a criminal background check is required for the final candidate. This position is subject to final budget approval.
Up to 6 PhD positions in Cognitive Neuroscience are available at SISSA, Trieste, starting October 2020. SISSA is an elite postgraduate research institution located in Trieste, Italy, and focused on Maths, Physics and Neuroscience. It operates in English: many among its students and faculty are not Italian.
The Cognitive Neuroscience Department hosts 6 research labs that study the neuronal bases of time and magnitude processing (Domenica Bueti), visual perception (Davide Zoccolan), motivation and intelligence (Raffaella Rumiati), language and reading (Davide Crepaldi), tactile perception and learning (Mathew Diamond), and neural computation (Alessandro Treves). The Department is highly inter-disciplinary; our approaches include behavioural, psychophysics, and neurophysiological experiments with humans and animals, as well as computational and mathematical models. Students with diverse backgrounds (physics, math, medicine, psychology, biology) are most welcome to apply.
The Department has an exceptional track record with highly competitive funds (recent funding includes 4 ERC and 3 Human Frontiers grants) and publication in top journals (Nature, Science, PNAS, Current Biology). Recent placements after PhD include Harvard, MIT, Columbia and Princeton in the US; the NTNU, Manchester and Radboud University in Europe; and Sydney University, Australia. Our alumni have been awarded 4 ERC grants, the 2015 Kandel Young Neuroscientist Prize and the 2017 ICTP Prize.
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Research topics
Post-doctoral fellows are encouraged to pursue their own research in parallel with working on research projects of the Center for Language and Brain in the broad areas of:
- Neural bases of language processing in healthy individuals,
- Language acquisition,
- Language disorders.
The Center offers access to various healthy (children, young and aging adults, bilingual speakers) and clinical populations (including patients with aphasia, epilepsy, and brain tumors) and equipment (128-channel scalp EEG, intracranial EEG, 1.5T and 3T MRI scanners, high-speed eye-tracker, TMS, tDCS and tACS), available at HSE or through clinical partners.
- A recent PhD degree (awarded over the last 5 years);
- A strong background in at least one of the following methods: EEG (ERPs, ECoG), structural and functional MRI (fMRI, DTI, VBM, VLSM), non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS, tACS), eye-tracking, computational modeling;
- Note that knowledge of Russian is not required.
How to apply
Please see the position announcement for more details on the application procedure. The application deadline is February 9, 2020. Appointments will be normally made for one year, with a possibility of extension. For informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Olga Dragoy ( odragoy@hse.ru).
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, is offering a Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in Statistical Genomics/Genetic Epidemiology.
The position is within the Population Genetics of Human Communication research group, led by Dr Beate St Pourcain. The host research group is embedded within the Language & Genetics Department and investigates the genetic basis of social communication, language and interaction. The successful applicant will work on large-scale omics analyses of social-communication and social behaviour within population-based cohorts and study overlap with disorder, taking a developmental perspective. In addition, he/she will carry out work "Disentangling autism heterogeneity through multivariate genetic analyses", a project funded by the Simons foundation and the Max Planck Society, using data from the Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK) cohort.
Requirements The successful applicant will hold, or shortly expects to obtain, a PhD qualification in Statistical Genomics, Genetic Epidemiology, Medical Statistics, Bioinformatics or a related quantitative discipline involving the interrogation of 'omics' datasets. This includes a strong computational background with knowledge of shell, R, Python or Perl or another programming language, and familiarity with approaches to integrate biological information from a wide range of (publicly available) data resources. Knowledge of one or more of the following data-analytical approaches is an advantage: - Structural equation modelling or twin modelling techniques
- 'Omics' methods to analyse the genetic architecture of human phenotypes
Familiarity with the genetic architecture of ASD is a further advantage. There are furthermore opportunities to contribute to the development of genetic-relationship structural equation modelling techniques (GSEM, R gsem library, v0.1.2)1 if of interest. 1 St Pourcain B, Eaves LJ, Ring SM, Fisher SE, Medland S, Evans DM et al. Developmental Changes Within the Genetic Architecture of Social Communication Behavior: A Multivariate Study of Genetic Variance in Unrelated Individuals. Biological Psychiatry 2018; 83: 598-606. Conditions of Employment- Full-time position (39 hours per week) with a term of appointment of 3 years.
- The salary is according to the German TVöD (Starting salary: €49,598 - €54,380 p.a.).
- All research staff have access to state-of-the art research and training facilities and a generous conference and travel budget.
Employer The MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen is the only research institute in the world entirely devoted to the study of language. Our goal is to understand how our minds and brains process language, how language interacts with other aspects of mind, and how we can learn languages of quite different types. We are situated on the campus of the Radboud University, and have close collaborative links with the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University. We are part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Institute is part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunities employer. Applications from women, people with disabilities and under-represented groups are particularly encouraged. The Institute is located in the Netherlands. Scientists in the Netherlands report among the highest job satisfaction ratings of any in the world. Application ProcedureApplications should include in a single pdf file: - A 2-page statement of interest
- A CV
- A list of publications
- Names, email addresses and contact numbers of three referees
Applications and general enquiries should be sent to Martina Bernhard (Secretary, Language & Genetics Department); E-mail: martina.bernhard@mpi.nl The deadline for applications is 1 February 2020. The proposed starting date is 1 April 2020 though the start date is negotiable.
University of Connecticut
Postdoc Positions at the University of Connecticut: Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication-CT: Apply by February 1st for full consideration
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication--CT program (funded by a T32 Institutional Research Service Award from the NIH to Inge-Marie Eigsti & Emily Myers) invites applications for two-year postdoctoral positions. Postdoctoral trainees will work under the supervision of one or more mentors on the CNC-CT team. These mentors are: Richard Aslin (Haskins Labs and UConn), Inge-Marie Eigsti, Deborah Fein, Roeland Hancock, Fumiko Hoeft, Nicole Landi, James Magnuson, Jay Rueckl (Psychological Sciences, UConn), and Emily Myers, Erika Skoe, and Rachel Theodore (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, UConn). We will begin reviewing applications on February 1st until positions are filled.
Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant field and show evidence of research productivity; they must contact a prospective mentor from the team to assess the degree of fit to the program. Experience with neuroimaging and neuromodulation methods, experience with clinical populations affected by communication disorders, and computational skills are preferred; given the nature of this program, trainees are not required to have each of these experiences. Positions are open to US Citizens or permanent residents. To apply, contact a prospective mentor or mentors from our team, and send application documents to charlotte.nelson@uconn.edu. As part of your application, you should supply a current CV, up to three publications, names and contact information (including phone and email) for three references, and a letter of intent (see https://cncct.research.uconn.edu/postdoc-trainee-application/ for full details). Contact Charlotte Nelson (charlotte.nelson@uconn.edu) with any questions.
International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain (IDEALAB)
"International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain" (IDEALAB) offers 3-year PhD positions in the area of psycho-/neurolinguistics from September 2020. The PhD program has been established as an outstanding 3-year doctoral training to its candidates to study structure, processing and foundations of human language integrating interdisciplinary approaches.
For this purpose, three European universities (Potsdam (GER), Groningen (NL), Newcastle- upon-Tyne (GB),) and one non-European university (Macquarie University Sydney (AU)) provide an intellectual environment for original and independent research on experimental and clinical aspects of language and the brain. Associated members from Research & Development industries and several clinics contribute in various ways to the program and stimulate an innovative environment. They are potential co-supervisors and are involved in training.
The program is jointly offered by a transnational consortium with an integrated study program along with required mobility between the participating institutions. The mobility plan of each individual young researcher is tailored according to the particular specialities required by the thesis topic.
The application period ends on January 31, 2020. Further information can be found at our website: https://phd-idealab.com/application/
Medical College of Wisconsin
Language Imaging Laboratory, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Position in the Neurobiology of Aphasia
The MCW Language Imaging Laboratory ( www.neuro.mcw.edu), directed by Jeffrey Binder, is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to collaborate on imaging and behavioral studies of post-stroke aphasia. The work focuses on testing and refining a high-dimensional embodiment model of semantic representation using lesion-symptom correlation and resting state fMRI connectivity analysis in people with aphasia. Results will be applied to developing a mechanistic account of category-related deficit patterns, including verb, event, and abstract concepts as well as concrete object categories. The postdoc will also be involved in therapeutic studies of aphasia using high-definition tDCS and targeted psycholinguistic training methods. The postdoc will work with a large interdisciplinary team. Ample funding for scanning and neuroimaging resources are available, including two research-dedicated 3T MRI systems, human 7T MRI, magnetoencephalography, tDCS, and TMS. Applicants should have an interest in theoretical and empirical studies of aphasia and a high level of proficiency with computational methods in neuroimaging.
The Language Imaging Laboratory is funded by federal and intramural grants and provides a rich research environment for postdoctoral students with opportunities to mentor graduate students and minimal formal teaching responsibilities. MCW is an equal opportunity employer. To apply for the position, please submit a cover letter stating research interests, a curriculum vitae, and copies of at least one published or in-press paper to Samantha Drane ( sdrane@mcw.edu), Aphasia Program Coordinator.
Conferences, Programs, and Calls
Meeting on Language in Autism (MoLA) - Durham, NC
The focus of this meeting is on the scientific study of the emergence, use, and nature of language in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Language impairment, though not a core symptom of ASD, is one of the most important predictors of long term outcomes and independence. The study of language in ASD also has the potential to inform our understanding of language itself, as we explore why some individuals with ASD have difficulties with certain domains of language while other domains remain fully intact. It is our goal to bring together researchers approaching questions of language in autism from a variety of backgrounds, topics and approaches. Some of these include: Aspects of Language * Speech Production and Perception * Phonetics/Phonology * Morphology * Semantics * Syntax * Pragmatics * Communication in Minimally Verbal Individuals Approaches to the Study of Language * Social communication to the extent that it informs questions about language. * Development throughout the lifespan * Modality - Spoken/Gestural/AAC * Clinical/Experimental/Naturalistic * Comprehension and Production
Sixth Learning and Plasticity Meeting - Äkäslompolo, Finnish Lapland
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open at the Meeting Website (Deadline for Abstracts January 15, 2020): http://lapmeeting.fi/
Dear colleague,
We are happy to inform that the abstract submission and registration to the 6th Learning and Plasticity Meeting is now open! We have confirmed five exciting symposia (see below) besides the keynote lecture by Professor Simone Kühn at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany (see http://simonekuehn.com/). The title of her keynote is "Brain structural and functional effects of video gaming".
LaP is a small, highly interactive cross-disciplinary meeting that connects psychological and neuroscience research on the mechanisms of learning and brain plasticity. It is organized by the Åbo Akademi University, the University of Turku, the Turku Brain and Mind Center, and the CICERO Learning Network. The congress venue is the same as for the previous meetings, namely Äkäshotel at the Äkäslompolo village.
The special theme of the 2020 meeting is "Videogaming and Cognitive Enhancement". However, as before, the program will also include free papers presented as posters, reflecting the broad spectrum of learning and plasticity research.
The five confirmed symposia at LaP2020 are as follows:
Uncovering underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms and individual differences to maximize cognitive training outcome using game-like approaches. Organized by Susanne Jaeggi. Speakers: Anna Stigsdotter Neely, Juan Ramos-Cejudo, Anja Pahor, Tilo Strobach.
Reading difficulties and audio-visual learning: neural bases and intervention effects. Organized by Paavo Leppänen & Teija Kujala. Speakers: Teija Kujala, Paavo Leppänen, Jarmo Hämäläinen, Yi-Fang Hsu.
Human goal-directed cognition and its malleability: fundamental questions. Organized by Juha Salmi. Speakers: Neil Burgess, Robert Logie, Matias Palva, Juha Salmi.
Gaming in language learning. Organized by Sari Ylinen & Maria Uther. Speakers: Katja Junttila, Maria Uther, Sari Ylinen.
Child media use and child development and wellbeing in the context of early life stress. Organized by Hasse and Linnea Karlsson. Speakers: Jani Kajanoja, Elisabeth Nordenswan, Riikka Korja.
Despite of its northern location way above the Polar Circle, the congress site is easy to reach from Helsinki by night train to Kolari or by flight to the nearby airport at Kittilä. The congress program runs from afternoon to evening, enabling one to utilize the excellent possibilities for various winter sports and other outdoor activities during the long days in early April. Due to auditorium space and to keep the meeting highly interactive, the number of participants is limited to 60. It is important to make travel arrangements early on as the night trains and flights tend to become fully booked due to the number of tourists coming to enjoy the unique Lappish Spring.
Hope to see you at the Heart of Finnish Lapland in Spring 2020!
The LaP Scientific Committee,
Matti Laine, Åbo Akademi University, Finland (Chair) Lars Bäckman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Susanne Jaeggi, University of California at Irvine, USA Hasse Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland Minna Lehtonen, University of Oslo, Norway Marcus Meinzer, University of Queensland, Australia Lars Nyberg, Umeå University, Sweden Juha Salmi, University of Turku, Finland
- Abstract submission by the end of January 15, 2020 (Eastern European time)
- Congress registration early-bird deadline by the end of February 15, 2020
3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2020)
Happy new year! This is a friendly reminder that the abstract submission for the 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2020) is open until January 15.
ISBPAC 2020 will take place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on May 28-29, 2020. It will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, which is located on the Radboud University campus. There will be a pre-conference workshop on Teaching L2 Listening on May 27, 2020.
We encourage you to submit 250 word abstracts that address topics in bilingual child, adult, and heritage-speaker processing, including but not limited to the following:
- Phonetic, phonological, lexical, morphological and syntactic processing
- Crosslinguistic influence in bilingual speech production and comprehension
- Code-switching
- Cognitive consequences of multilingualism
- Language processing in attrition
- Implications of multilingual language processing for teaching
- Neuroscientific studies of bilingual processing
- Multimodal language and communication
ISBPAC started in 2016 at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, initiated by Shanley Allen and colleagues. The second edition took place in 2018 at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, organized by Holger Hopp and colleagues.
When the ISBPAC symposium started out in 2016, it had the explicit aim to include research on children as well as adults. ISBPAC 2018 added "L2" to the title, to include all types of bilingualism ranging from fluent bilinguals to beginning L2 learners. At ISBPAC 2020, while we do not wish to add any more words to the symposium's name, we emphasize multi- and interdisciplinarity: we aim to bring together researchers who investigate bilingual and L2 processing from various disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, multimodal communication, and language pedagogy, and all domains of language. Our fantastic keynote speakers illustrate ISBPAC's aims.
Keynote Speakers
Ann Bradlow, Northwestern University
Ton Dijkstra, Radboud University
Ludovica Serratrice, University of Reading
Pre-Conference Workshop "Teaching L2 Listening"
This one-day workshop aims to bring together educational practitioners and researchers interested in L2 listening.
Keynote speech by John Field, University of Bedfordshire
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
November 15th, 2019 - January 15th, 2020
Notification of Acceptance
Early March, 2020
March 1st, 2020 - April 10th, 2020 (Early Bird) April 11th, 2020 - May 15th, 2020 (Regular)
Pre-Conference Workshop
May 27th, 2020
May 28th, 2020 - May 29th, 2020
The ISBPAC 2020 organizing committee:
Evan Kidd
Kristin Lemhöfer
James McQueen
Asli Özyürek
Sharon Unsworth
IMPRS for Language Sciences Conference
This conference series on Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Language Sciences is catered towards junior scientists (master's & doctoral students) and aims to inspire the next generation of language scientists to take on new challenges that will further our understanding of the human language ability.
To illustrate a variety of interdisciplinary approaches, each theme consists of keynotes and short talks presented by up-and-coming as well as prominent scientists. The poster sessions will offer junior researchers the opportunity to showcase their work and to connect with other researchers. Several workshops will also be on offer.
To stay informed of updates, head over to our website and sign up for the mailing list.
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language