June 2013






Registration Is Now Open for the SNL 2013 Annual Meeting!


We are pleased to announce that registration for SNL 2013 in San Diego, California is now open!  San Diego is a fabulous city, known for its great weather and relaxed, welcoming atmosphere.  The conference will be held at the Westin San Diego, which is located in the heart of downtown. Register before September 10, 2013, to receive discounted registration rates. See Registration Information for registration rates and deadlines.


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CallforAbstractsCall for Abstracts


Submissions for the 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language are now being accepted. The abstract submission deadline is Tuesday, July 9 (midnight latest time zone on earth). Accepted abstracts will be organized into poster and slide sessions by the SNL Program Committee. You must be a current SNL member to be eligible to submit an abstract. 


For details on the submissions process, please visit our website.




Important Dates 


Discounted Hotel Reservations

Open Now


Abstract Submission Deadline

July 9, 2013


Early Discounted Registration

September 10, 2013


NLC 2013

 November 6-8, 2013

San Diego, California, USA



In This Issue    







 Job Postings & Announcements 

 If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL newsletter, please send it to






JobPostingsJob Postings and Announcements


Scientific Meetings & Calls for Papers


Call For Papers -- "The Metaphorical Brain" at Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 

 We are currently organizing a Research Topic at Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and we welcome contributions from SNL members.


Research Topic Title: The Metaphorical Brain

Topic Editors: Vicky T. Lai, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands, Seana Coulson, University of California at San Diego, USA


Description: Metaphor has been an issue of intense research and debate for decades. Researchers in various disciplines, including linguistics, psychology, computer science, education, and philosophy have developed a variety of theories, and much progress has been made. For one, metaphor is no longer considered a rhetorical flourish that is found mainly in literary texts. Rather, linguists have shown that metaphor is a pervasive phenomenon in everyday language, a major force in the development of new word meanings, and the source of at least some grammatical function words. Indeed, one of the most influential theories of metaphor involves the suggestion that the commonality of metaphoric language results because cross-domain mappings are a major determinant in the organization of semantic memory, as cognitive and neural resources for dealing with concrete domains are recruited for the conceptualization of more abstract ones. Researchers in cognitive neuroscience have explored whether particular kinds of brain damage are associated with metaphor production and comprehension deficits, and whether similar brain regions are recruited when healthy adults understand the literal and metaphorical meanings of the same words. Whereas early research on this topic focused on the issue of the role of hemispheric asymmetry in the comprehension and production of metaphors, in recent years cognitive neuroscientists have argued that metaphor is not a monolithic category, and that metaphor processing varies as a function of numerous factors, including the novelty or conventionality of a particular metaphoric expression, its part of speech, and the extent of contextual support for the metaphoric meaning. Moreover, recent developments in cognitive neuroscience point to a sensorimotor basis for many concrete concepts, and raise the issue of whether these mechanisms are ever recruited to process more abstract domains.


In order to promote the development of the neuroscientific investigation of metaphor, this Frontiers Research Topic aims at bringing together contributions from researchers in cognitive neuroscience and related fields, whose work involves the study of metaphor in language and thought. Specifically, this special issue will adopt an interdisciplinary perspective on the cognitive and neural basis of metaphor production and comprehension. Here, an important focal point will be to characterize the underlying processes and mechanisms involved in metaphoric language and identify their relationship, if any, to those involved in the organization of semantic memory. For this Research Topic, we, therefore, solicit original research articles, reviews, opinion and method papers, that investigate the cognitive neuroscience of metaphor. While focusing on work in the neurosciences, this Research Topic also welcomes contributions in the form of behavioral studies, psychophysiological investigations, methodological innovations, computational approaches, along with developmental and patient studies that revisit established findings and explore new questions about the neural basis of metaphor.


This Frontiers Special Issue will synthesize current findings on the cognitive neuroscience of metaphor, provide a forum for voicing novel perspectives, and promote new insights into the metaphorical brain.


Deadline for abstract submission: 01 Sep 2013

Deadline for full article submission: 01 Apr 2014


For more information and for submitting your abstract, please visit:



Call for Papers -- International Conference on Multilingualism:Linguistic Challenges and Neurocognitive Mechanisms 

The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at McGill University and the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music in Montreal are pleased to invite papers and posters for the International Conference on Multilingualism: Linguistic Challenges and Neurocognitive Mechanisms.


24-25 October 2013 (Thursday and Friday)

Hosted by McGill University in Montreal, Canada

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th June 2013

Conference Website:  http://multilingualism.conference.mcgill.ca


The conference examines recent advances in our understanding of multilingualism, including simultaneous bilingualism, language learning mechanisms, sign language, transfer effects, brain plasticity and critical periods, providing a critical overview of current developments in this field. Another important goal of this conference is to facilitate and inspire the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas among researchers and students from different backgrounds, and to promote collaborative research projects in the future. 


Researchers in the areas of linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, neurolinguistics, speech language pathology and related fields are invited to submit abstracts that report on relevant work in the field of bilingualism and multilingualism.


Invited Speakers:

Manuel Carreiras (BCBL, Spain)

Harald Clahsen (University of Potsdam)

Holger Hopp (University of Mannheim)

Sonja Kotz (University of Manchester + MPI)

Rachel Mayberry (University of California, San Diego)

Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois)

Eric Pakulak (University of Oregon)

Elin Thordardottir (McGill University)


Important dates:

30 June 2013 - Abstract submissions deadline

15 July 2013 - Notification of acceptance

01 July 2013 - Registration opens

15 August 2013 - 'Early bird' registration ends


How to submit an abstract:

Step 1: Prepare an abstract of no more than 300 words in either 'Word' or 'PDF' format (*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf). Abstracts should include enough details to allow reviewers to judge the scientific merit of the proposal. To enable blind review, please do not include the name(s) of the author(s) in the abstract. Only one presentation as a first author is allowed.

Step 2: Abstracts must be submitted through EasyAbstracts at the LinguistList website.

To submit your abstract, please click here  (http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/Multilingualism2013)  

Submission will take about 3 minutes. 

Note: On submitting your abstract, you will receive an automatic notification acknowledging receipt of your submission. (If you do not receive such an email, or if you have any questions, please contact us at 



For further information please visit our Conference Website:  http://multilingualism.conference.mcgill.ca


The conference is also part of a number of events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (SCSD) at McGill. You will have opportunities to visit the research facilities of the School as well as the interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music that brings together top scientists from all four universities in Montreal.


Last but not least - Montreal is one of the most vibrant multilingual cities in the world !   You may wish to stay an extra day or two to experience 'applied multilingualism', Montreal's famous cuisine, and the city's multi-faceted cultural life.


We hope to see you all in October,

Karsten Steinhauer, PhD  (Chair, Organizing Committee)

Conference Contact: multilingualism2013@gmail.com


51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Lucerne, Switzerland

This year marks the 51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia which will be held in Lucerne, Switzerland from October 20-22, 2013.


We are pleased to announce that Stanislas Dehaene will be this year's luncheon speaker. Dr. Dehaene is Professor and Chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology at the College dè France and Director of the INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit in France.  Further information about Dr. Dehaene can be found at: http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/en-stanislas-dehaene/


The meeting will be held at Hotel Continental Park in Lucerne, Switzerland.

For more information about the conference location, please refer to the Academy website:

http://www.academyofaphasia.org/.  Information will be posted as it becomes available. 


Faculty Positions


1-3 Faculty Positions--Interventional Cognitive Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Seeking 1-3 individuals to fill faculty positions of flexible rank, from junior (Research Associate) to senior (Professor) levels.  Appropriate candidates should have a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, or a comparable empirical discipline. The positions are potentially available immediately.  They will be within the Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology Group of the Department of Neurology of The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine.


The Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology Group is committed to targeted, long-term efforts to safely improve aspects of communication, speech, language, and all related cognitive skills (including aspects of cognitive control and self-awareness) in individuals who have failed to develop language normally (in particular, individuals with autism), lost speech and language functions, or who have developed amnesia and other disorders of learning/memory (see http://web.jhu.edu/cognitiveneurology/index.html for a more complete summary of current and planned efforts).  Assessment methods are heavily weighted towards behavioral measures, and towards implicit measures (such as evoked potentials, eye movements, pupillometry).  The main interventional methods being studied are behavioral, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), and a combination of the two.


We seek faculty capable of (a) managing, coordinating, and expanding existing efforts, and/or (b) developing new efforts in keeping with our general goals.  As currently envisioned, applicants should have expertise in theoretical and behavioral experimental methods related to one or more of the following areas:  (a)  lexical retrieval and word production,  (b) motor speech control, (c) human learning and memory, including amnesic conditions; and/or (d) executive functions/cognitive control, particularly the processes involved in 'elementary' decisions and choices.  However, other domains of expertise that are relevant to the overall efforts will be considered.  Applicants are also expected to have demonstrated expertise in oral and written communication, management skills, and an independent publication record.


The specific positions being offered (in particular, faculty rank and potential associated joint appointment(s)) will depend both upon the candidate's qualifications, and upon decisions by the appropriate committees within the Department and the University.  The positions and expected associated costs (e.g., research assistance) are fully funded from private source(s), pledged through 2016 at a minimum.  In their current formulation, these are pure research positions.  There are no teaching responsibilities.   Independent funding will allow independent efforts.   While full-time arrangements are anticipated, there is the possibility of part-time or other flexible arrangements.


Applicants are encouraged to contact Barry Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., Therapeutic Cognitive Neuroscience Professor, at 410-955-3407 (voice, 24/7), or via E-mail at bgordon@jhmi.edu, for any preliminary inquiries.


Postdoctoral Positions


Postdoctoral Position--Boston/Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School 

The Gaab Lab http://childrenshospital.org/research/gaablab and (babymri.org)) at the Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children's Hospital (Developmental Medicine Center) invites applications for a NIH funded post-doctoral associate in the area of developmental cognitive neuroscience/pediatric fMRI. 


Available resources include a 3.0T MRI scanner, a child-friendly Mock scanner and analysis platforms based in MATLAB/UNIX. The candidate will be expected to oversee pediatric and infant (f)MRI experiments, analyze behavioral and fMRI data, prepare manuscripts for publication, and participate in conferences.


The NIH and foundation funded projects will focus on language processing in autism, neural and behavioral pre-markers of developmental dyslexia in infants and pre-reading children as well as typical reading and language development throughout childhood. The successful applicant should have a doctoral degree in a field related to developmental cognitive neuroscience (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, psychology, developmental psychology, medicine). Individuals with a background in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering or computer science will also be considered. The successful applicant must possess excellent English verbal and written communication skills. Applicants are expected to have a very strong research background in the design and statistical analysis of functional brain-imaging experiments. Experience with one of the fMRI analyses programs (SPM, FSL, Freesurfer) a must. Programming skills (MATLAB, C++; Python) are desirable and experience with MVPA or connectivity analyses a plus. Experience with pediatric functional neuroimaging and language and reading research are useful. Approximate start date is Summer/Early Fall 2013 (the earlier the better). Successful applicants will be appointed at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School.


For consideration please send a statement of interest, a CV and a list of three potential referees via email to Nadine Gaab, PhD (nadine.gaab@childrens.harvard.edu). The search will continue until the position is filled. 


Two Postdoctoral Fellow Positions--College of Education and Human Development, The University of Delaware  

We are seeking two full time postdoctoral fellows to participate in our new Institute of Education Sciences (IES) postdoctoral training program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Two appointments will begin in the fall of 2013, with additional appointments in following years. These postdoctoral fellowships present a unique opportunity to participate in a peer-approved program designed to support the development of excellent scholars in education research.  Fellows will receive rigorous, interdisciplinary training in one or more of the following areas:mathematical development and learning, language acquisition and literacy, learning disabilities,and methodological approaches to the study of learning and development. Our postdoctoral program targets competencies related content in education and cognitive science, research methods, practical knowledge, and outreach to train the next generation of education researchers.  Specific research projects will be based upon the joint interests of the fellow and the faculty mentor(s).  


The program brings together a multi-disciplinary research team, including faculty members with expertise in mathematics development and learning disabilities, spatial learning, language and literacy, intervention design, and quantitative methods. The core team includes Dr. Nancy Jordan, Dr. Roberta Golinkoff, and Dr. Henry May, who will serve as primary mentors for the fellows.  


The appointments will begin in September 2013. Applicants must possess their doctoral degree before that date.  All qualified U.S. citizens and permanent residents with doctoral degrees in relevant disciplines (e.g., education, psychology, cognitive science, quantitative research methods) will be considered. Salary is set by IES at $52,500 annually plus benefits. Additionally, each fellow will receive an annual research and travel allowance of $9,500. 


To Apply: Applicants should send the following materials to Dr. Nancy Jordan at njordan@udel.edu: (1) A letter of interest detailing the applicant's graduation date, research interests, and areas of competence along with short- and long-term career goals; (2) Curriculum vitae; (3) Contact information for three references; and (4) Reprints, preprints, or other scholarly writing samples. The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer, which encourages applications from minority group members and women. The University's Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found at http: //www.udel.edu/aboutus/legalnotices.html.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neural Bases of Developmental Stuttering, University of Michigan Department Of Psychiatry 

Job Summary

The University of Michigan Department Of Psychiatry is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral research fellow position in a brain imaging laboratory that studies the neural bases of stuttering and other related speech-language and developmental disorders.



Primary duties include: 1) executing standard statistical methods for analysis of neuroimaging data; 2) researching and implementing novel/advanced methods for data analysis. Secondary duties include: 1) helping to design, set-up, and run behavioral and brain imaging experiments; 2) assisting in medical/scientific literature searches, manuscript preparation, and presentation of data collected; 3) assisting with training of undergraduate and graduate research assistants in the lab.


Required Qualifications*

Good familiarity with the published literature in the neural bases of stuttering, brain development, and speech motor control. In addition, strong preference will be given to applicants with prior experience with acquiring and analyzing structural and functional MRI data. Applicants for this position should have a track record of published research commensurate with their experience in an area that closely relates to the project aims. A Ph.D. degree is required for this position; relevant areas for the Ph.D. are Speech and Hearing Sciences, Psychology, Neuroscience and/or Cognitive Science. Proficiency with MATLAB and UNIX/Linux programming is preferred. Strong background in statistics (including all standard univariate statistical methods such as multiple regression, ANOVA) is required. 


Desired Qualifications*

Prior experience with behavioral/brain imaging, particularly functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and/or brain imaging data analysis software (AFNI, FSL, Freesurfer, SPM, etc.) is also preferred but not necessary. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills are needed, as the position requires the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.


Background Screening

The University of Michigan conducts background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background checks. Background checks will be performed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.


Mission Statement

The University of Michigan Health System improves the health of patients, populations and communities through excellence in education, patient care, community service, research and technology development, and through leadership activities in Michigan, nationally and internationally. Our mission is guided by our Strategic Principles and has three critical components; patient care, education and research that together enhance our contribution to society.


Application Deadline

Job openings are posted for a minimum of seven calendar days. This job may be removed from posting boards and filled anytime after the minimum posting period has ended.



The University of Michigan participates with the federal E-Verify system. Individuals hired into positions that are funded by a federal contract with the FAR E-Verify clause must have their identity and work eligibility confirmed by the E-Verify system. This position is identified as a position that may include the E-Verify requirement.


U-M EEO/AA Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


* Please see position posting at:



Advanced Degree Programs


Doctoral Training--The Erasmus Mundus Program "International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain" (IDEALAB) 

The Erasmus Mundus Program has been established as an outstanding 3-year doctoral training. Its primary focus is on language acquisition and disorders integrating interdisciplinary approaches.


Application will be open from September to November 15th 2013 to start the programme in September 2014.


Four European universities  (Potsdam (GER),Groningen (NL), Newcastle- upon-Tyne (GB), Trento/Rovereto (IT)) and one non-European university (Macquarie University Sydney (AU)) provide an intellectual environment for original and independent research on experimental and clinical aspects of language and the brain.  Associated members from Research & Development industries contribute in various ways to the program and stimulate an innovative environment. They are potential co-supervisors and are involved in training.  Finally, there are seven clinics associated to the consortium, amongst others the non-European rehabilitation center in Moscow which is the world's largest centre for language disorders in the world. The associated clinics provide internships to study unimpaired as well as impaired language of children and adults.


The program is jointly offered by a transnational consortium with an integrated study program along with required mobility between the participating institutions. The mobility plan of each individual young researcher is tailored according to the particular specialities required by the thesis topic.


The application period ends on November 15, 2013.  Information can be found at our website:  



For further inquiries, please contact:

Anja Papke

University of Potsdam

Department of Linguistics

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25

14476 Potsdam

Tel. +49 331 977-2747

Fax  +49 331 977-2095





Editing/Proofreading Services for Academic/Scientific Publications

Hello everyone! 

We'd like to introduce our new site www.editmypub.com, where we offer editing/proofreading services for all types of academic/scientific publications. We also offer translation of academic work from Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French and German into English. 


At Edit My Pub, we're a small group of academics from Ivy League and UC institutions with years of academic/publication and proofreading/translation experience. We're all native speakers of English and as a group, we're fluent in the other languages listed above, thanks to time spent living and working abroad. 


Our services are quick and affordable. We help you throughout the entire review process, and we offer several discounts for returning customers and whenever you recommend a colleague/friend. 


Thank you so much for your time and interest!!



San Diego, California, USA 

November 6 - 8, 2013

San Diego by Night


Society for the Neurobiology of Language