
SNL 2017 Welcome Reception at the
National Aquarium, Baltimore!

We are excited
to announce that the SNL 2017 Opening Night Reception will be held at
the world-renowned National Aquarium in Baltimore! In a
private viewing, attendees will experience breathtaking harbor views
and be able to stroll through four levels of amazing exhibits,
featuring the Blacktip Reef at the heart of it all. Enjoy delicious
hors d'oeuvres while exploring the undersea magic of one of the
country's premier aquariums. Guests will see a wealth of sea life,
including spectacular jellyfish, black tip sharks, puffins, nautilus,
sea turtles, sting rays, tiger sharks, and sea bass, as well as
This once-in-a-lifetime experience will be preceded by
a lecture on marine communication, featuring Dr. Diana Reiss, a
cognitive psychologist and marine mammal scientist. Dr. Reiss has
demonstrated that bottlenose dolphins possess the rare ability for
mirror self-recognition, previously considered unique to humans and
great apes. Dr. Reiss' lecture will take place in the Chesapeake
Ballroom at 4:30 pm. For more information on Dr. Reiss and her
groundbreaking research, please visit the SNL website.
SNL 2017
November 8-10, 2017
Baltimore, Maryland
Job Postings &
If you have a job posting,
general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would
like to include in the SNL Newsletter,

Register Now for SNL 2017
The Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for the
Neurobiology of Language will be held from November 8 - 10, 2017 at the
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel in the beautiful city of Baltimore,
Maryland. To take advantage of the discounted Early Registration Rates,
you must register by August 24, 2017.
An SNL Account is required for conference registration.
If you do not yet have an SNL Account, please Create An Account. If you already have
an SNL Account, please Login to register.
Travel Award Applications Now
Being Accepted
SNL is now accepting applications for the 2017 Travel
Awards. Each Travel Award provides the recipient with $550 to help
cover the cost of meeting registration and travel. All graduate
students and postdocs are eligible to apply. The application
deadline is July 26, 2017. See Awards Information for details on the
application process.
In addition to the Travel Awards, the Society also
presents Abstract Merit Awards to the two graduate students and two
post docs who submit the highest ranked abstracts. The Abstract
Merit Awards pay for the winners' conference registration. All
graduate students and postdocs who are first author on a submitted
abstract will be automatically considered. No application is required
for the Merit Award.

Don't Forget to Book Your Hotel

For the convenience of our conference
attendees, SNL has arranged special room rates at the Sheraton Inner
Harbor Hotel for $209 per night. The following room types are
Standard "Run of House" room
Rates are available 3 days prior and 3 days after the SNL meeting dates,
subject to availability. Book your reservation today at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel.
Deadline to reserve a room is October 7, 2017, based on
Johns Hopkins School of
Speech-Language Pathologist and Post-doctoral Fellow
Two positions are immediately available, with flexible
starting date, for energetic and inquisitive speech-language
pathologists in the SCORE lab (Stroke Cognitive Outcomes and REcovery
lab, PI: Argye Elizabeth Hillis). Both positions would provide
opportunity to conduct clinical research on recovery after stroke, with
a collaborative and collegial team of investigators and clinicians. One
study is evaluating the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying
recovery of affective prosody impairments after right hemisphere
stroke, through longitudinal multimodality imaging and behavioral
testing over the first year after stroke. The other aims to identify
cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying recovery of language
impairments after left hemisphere stroke, also through longitudinal
multimodality imaging and language testing over the first year after
stroke. Opportunities are also available for collaborating in studying
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) augmentation of language
treatment for aphasia and treatment of Primary Progressive Aphasia.
Training is available in structural and functional neuroimaging
analysis, tDCS, and other methods of investigation. CFY supervision can
be provided, on a negotiable part-time basis, in assessment and treatment
of neurogenic communication disorders, by experienced speech-language
pathologists with joint appointments in the SCORE lab.
Salary depends on level of experience. Interested individuals should
contact Argye Hillis, MD, MA at argye@jhmi.edu or 410-812-6716.
lab's research is described on www.SCORE-lab.net.
UCSF Hoeft Laboratory for
Educational Neuroscience
Postdoctoral Scholar and Other Positions
BCBL - Basque Center on
Cognition, Brain and Language
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language -
BCBL- (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) www.bcbl.eu (Center of excellence Severo Ochoa) is offering a
postdoctoral position focusing on neurobiological correlates of statistical
learning and language, as part of ERC-funded research project (PI: Ram
Frost). The research involves a combination of behavioral and
functional brain imaging (MEG, fMRI) experiments in humans. This
is an exciting opportunity to work on how the brain detects
regularities in sensory input, and how this relates to first or second
language learning. The project involves research groups at the BCBL,
Hebrew University, and the University of Toronto.
The successful candidate will have a rigorous background
in theory driven research, experimental designs, deep knowledge of fMRI
and/or MEG data acquisition and analysis, a high level of independence,
and a strong publication record.
interested in undertaking research in the fields described in www.bcbl.eu (research) should apply through the BCBL web page http://www.bcbl.eu/jobs (SL Postdoc 2017)
Deadline: July 30th
For more information about the specifics of the position, please
contact Ram Frost (ram.frost@mail.huji.ac.il) and for broader information about the BCBL please
contact Manuel Carreiras (info@bcbl.eu).
University of Texas, Austin
and University of California, San Francisco
Fellowship Positions
Aphasia Research and Treatment Lab at the University of Texas, Austin
(PI: Maya Henry, PhD, CCC-SLP) and Language Neurobiology Lab at the
University of California San Francisco (PI: Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini,
MD, PhD) are seeking individuals to fill full-time clinical research
positions at both lab locations. Research in these two collaborating
labs is directed at improving our understanding of how the brain
supports speech and language processes; how the cognitive processes and
neural structures involved in communication are affected by neurodegeneration;
and how targeted treatment programs may improve communication
impairments caused by neurodegenerative disease. The labs utilize
current approaches in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, and
cognitive rehabilitation to address these issues.
will include:
- participant
screening, assessment, and treatment for studies examining the
nature and management of progressive aphasia and related disorders
- neuroimaging
and behavioral data collection and analysis
- generation
of presentations and manuscripts from research findings
- basic lab
management responsibilities
for the positions include: a graduate degree in speech-language
pathology or a related field (PhD preferred, but Master's-level will
also be considered); English proficiency; a publication record that
reflects experience with cognitive neuroscience, neurorehabilitation,
neurogenic communication disorders, or related areas.
positions may be used to fulfill requirements for the Clinical
Fellowship in speech-language pathology.
start date is Summer, 2017, but alternative dates will be considered.
If interested, please send a cover letter and CV with references to:
Drs. Maya Henry and Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (aphasia.research.treatment@gmail.com)
PhD and Postdoc Positions
Collaborative Research Center SFB 1287 "Limits of Variability in
Language: Cognitive, Grammatical, and Social Aspects" in Potsdam,
Germany, invites applications for 17 positions for PhD candidates and
Postdocs available from July 2017 for a duration of four years (subject
to funding commitment).
Language users exhibit a high degree of variability at all levels of
the linguistic system, language use, and language development and
change. This variability in language can be characterised as the range
of different possible linguistic behaviours that are available to a
language user, a language community, or in specific languages at any
linguistic level. By exploring the systematicity and the limits of
variability in linguistic behaviours, the main focus of the CRC will be
on identifying the constraints of the underlying linguistic system.
Several projects will jointly evaluate the limits, relations, dependencies,
and commonalities of different types of variability across a range of
linguistic phenomena from the perspectives of (A) language interaction
and change, of (B) language processing, and of (C) grammatical systems.
The CRC provides a fantastic research infrastructure including a large
interdisciplinary network of researchers, its own graduate school, and
funding opportunities for conference visits, summer schools, hosting
international experts etc.
The University of Potsdam hosts leading groups in the field of
linguistics and cognitive sciences (http://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/cognitive-sciences/index.html). Potsdam is an attractive historical city and its
palaces are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Potsdam is close to Berlin, a
culturally vibrant city and home to a lively start-up scene. Both
cities have a high quality of life at modest living costs.
A detailed description of the available positions and the respective
requirements can be found here http://www.uni-potsdam.de/sfb1287/vacancies.html.
Department of Experimental
Psychology, Oxford
Research Assistant in Cognitive Neuroscience
Grade 6: £27,629 - £32,958 p.a.
A new and exciting opportunity has arisen for a
motivated and enthusiastic graduate researcher to join the Speech and
Brain Research Group led by Professor Kate Watkins to work on a project
using brain stimulation to enhance speech fluency in people who
The post is MRC funded for 2 years and is available from
1 September 2017.
Activities will range from recruiting participants and
day-to-day management of the project, using brain stimulation during
fluency training with people who stutter, acquiring data using brain
imaging (MRI and MEG), through to analysing the data and presenting
results. The varied range of activities will suit energetic individuals
with a keen interest in speech and language related research.
The successful candidate will hold a degree (2.1 or
higher) in a relevant subject (e.g. psychology, speech and language
sciences, neuroscience, biomedical science) and have a strong interest
in speech research, disorders, and cognitive neuroscience approaches.
You will have excellent communication, organisational and interpersonal
skills, the ability to work independently as well as co-operatively in
a scientific laboratory, and the willingness to work flexible hours
(weekends and/or evenings as needed). Previous experience with brain
imaging (MRI or MEG or both) or brain stimulation is desirable.
You will be required to upload a covering letter
explaining how you meet the job requirements, as well as a CV and
details of two referees as part of your online application.
closing date for applications is 12:00 midday on 26 June 2017. Interviews
will be held in the week commencing 10 July 2017.
Department of Experimental
Psychology, Oxford
Research Assistant in Cognitive Neuroscience
Grade 6: £27,629 - £32,958 p.a.
A new and exciting opportunity has arisen for a
motivated and enthusiastic graduate researcher to work on a
collaborative project with the Speech and Brain Research Group using
MRI to study children with developmental language disorder. The project
is led by Professor Kate Watkins and Professor Dorothy Bishop.
The post is MRC funded for 2 years and is available from
1 November 2017.
The Speech and Brain Research Group has an established
research record using brain imaging to study children and adults with
disorders affecting speech and language. The aim of this project is to
provide a detailed characterisation of structural and functional
alterations in the brains of a large behaviourally well-characterised
population of children with developmental language disorder. Activities
will include recruiting participants and day-to-day management of the
study, administering computerised or standardised behavioural tests, acquiring
brain imaging data in children, analysing data, and preparing the data
for publication.
The successful candidate will hold a degree (2.1 or
higher) in a relevant subject (e.g. psychology, speech and language
sciences, neuroscience, biomedical science) and have a strong interest
in developmental language disorders and MRI. You will have excellent
communication, organisational and interpersonal skills as the job
involves interaction with children with developmental disorder and
their caregivers. You will have the ability and willingness to
contribute to the intellectual content of the research program,
knowledge of statistical analysis of behavioural data, and the ability
to work independently as well as collaboratively in a team. You should
also be willing to work flexible hours (weekends and/or evenings as
needed). Previous experience with brain imaging (MRI) and experience
running a psychological or behavioural research project are desirable.
You will be required to upload a covering letter explaining
how you meet the job requirements, as well as a CV and details of two
referees as part of your online application.
closing date for applications is 12:00 midday on 31 July 2017.
Interviews will be held in the week commencing 14 August 2017.
Symposia, Conferences and Workshops
International Conference on
Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning
We are pleased to
announce that the program for the the International Conference on
Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning is available.
Conference dates: June 28-30, 2017.
The conference
will take place in Bilbao, Spain June 28-30, 2017. It will cover
statistical learning and its underlying mechanisms from behaviour to
neuroscience, in various domains such as language, music, vision, and
audition, with data from adult participants, development, individual
differences, computational modeling, and non-human species.
The conference will include invited speakers,
regular talks, panel discussions, and poster sessions.
Jenny Saffran, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sharon Thompson-Schill, University of
Simon Kirby, University of Edinburgh- Michael
C. Frank, Stanford University
For further information please visithttp://www.bcbl.eu/events/statistical-learning/en/
We look forward to
seeing you at the conference.
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language