| | What to do in Québec City The Plains of Abraham are to Québec City what Central Park is to New York--a 98-hectare oasis of greenery in the hea rt of the city. The scene of many historic milestones over the centuries, the Plains today are the main-stage venue for headline cultural events. The Plains of Abraham were the site of the famous Battle of Québec in 1759, which saw the French and British troops face off in a fight for control of the city and the surrounding territory. Ultimately, the British victory had a significant influence on Québec's architecture, defensive works, and urban planning. Now Canada's first national historic park, Battlefields Park, which includes the Plains of Abraham, was created in 1908 to mark the 300th anniversary of the founding of Québec. A jewel in the park's crown, the Joan of Arc Garden is a delight for the senses, with over 150 plant and flower varieties on dazzling display.
The Board of Directors Election Is Now Open  Voting has opened for four Councilor (board member) positions on the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) Board of Directors. Four directors will be elected for a three-year term: Chair Elect, Treasurer Elect, Secretary Elect and Program Committee Chair Elect. For more information about the candidates, as well as voting instructions, please go to the SNL Website. You must be an SNL member to cast a ballot.
Exercise your voice in the future of the Society! |
| Only One Week Left to Submit Your Application for a 2018 SNL Travel Award! Travel Award applications are due on Friday, May 18th. Every year, SNL presents up to 25 Travel Awards in the amount of $550 each to help cover travel and registration costs for the annual meeting. Through the travel awards, SNL aims to encourage and foster the participation of junior scientists who are members of underrepresented groups, as defined by the National Institutes of Health. All graduate student and postdoc SNL members are eligible to apply.
Click here for information about the application process.
| Deadline to Submit Travel Award Applications Early Career Award Winner Announced Notification of Accepted Abstracts Sent
June 8th Early Registration Closes June 11th Board of Director Election Closes
August 16th - 18th
Job Postings & Announcements If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, |

| Canada Québec City Frontenac Castle |
Job Postings and Announcements
University College London Postdoctoral Research Associate We are seeking to employ a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University College London in the Faculty of Brain Sciences, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/research/speech-hearing-and-phonetic-sciences) for 36 months. The successful applicant will work with Dr Patti Adank on a project funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The postdoc will work on the project "The Mechanisms Governing Imitation of Speech", ideally starting 1 September 2018 (start date flexible). We are seeking applications from qualified researchers who have acquired their PhD in a relevant field (or are very close to finishing and will have their PhD when the project starts). The project will include behavioural, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) fMRI and TMS experiments on imitation of speech actions. The post would give the holder experience in combining behavioural research on speech imitation with current cognitive neuroscience techniques, specifically TMS, and will include virtual lesion TMS, but also the collection of Motor Evoked Potentials. This is an ideal research opportunity for an individual interested in working in a brain stimulation research lab with a mix of research students specialising in speech perception, speech production, imitation using research methods including TMS, fMRI, eye-tracking, and basic physiology (electromyography). In addition to running the project the potholder will be given the opportunity to supervise research students and assist in developing and delivering teaching (only if the post-holder is interested, this is a research post). There is also funding available for the potholder to present the work at national and international conferences and to collaborate with our co-inversigator (Prof. Harold Bekkering) at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen, The Netherlands (http://www.dcc.ru.nl/sense/index.php?staff=bekkering). |
University of Connecticut's Brain Imaging Research Center (UCONN's BIRC) Two Postdoctoral Positions NIDL and brainLENS-east labs (Neurobiology of Individual Differences in Language Lab http://nidl-lab.org, PI: Roeland Hancock PhD; and Laboratory for Learning Engineering and Neural Systems http://brainlens.org, PI: Fumiko Hoeft MD PhD) at University of Connecticut's Brain Imaging Research Center (UCONN's BIRC) are seeking: (1) two full-time neuroimaging postdoctoral fellows, and (2) two full-time Research Coordinators. BIRC is also seeking one full-time IT staff. TWO NEUROIMAGING POSTDOC POSITIONS @ UCONN We are seeking two postdoctoral scholars. The postdocs will manage and execute a large-scale neuroimaging project investigating the neurobiological mechanisms underlying: (1) language, literacy and cognition in generally healthy young adults using multimodal neuroimaging techniques such as MRI, MRS and TMS ("Perturbation Postdoc"); or (2) intergenerational transmission of language and literacy in parent-offspring dyads using MRI techniques ("Intergenerational Postdoc"). In addition, the successful candidates will have the opportunity to be involved in other federally and non-federally funded-research projects in the laboratories, gain experience in grant and manuscript writing and large-scale project management, outreach and community engagement projects, and access to a wealth of archival developmental and longitudinal neuroimaging data on language and literacy. - PhD or equivalent in cognitive and systems neurosciences, computer science, engineering, psychology or a closely related field
- Computational skills, including knowledge of at least one programming language and Unix commands
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Leadership and organizational skills
Preferred qualifications: - Exceptional skills in collecting and analyzing MRI, MRS, and/or TMS data
- Experience in M/EEG
- Documented history of productivity and leadership
- Advanced knowledge and expertise in statistics, e.g. multivariate statistics, behavioral genetics, Bayesian and Monte Carlo methods
Interested candidates should email info@nidl-lab.orgwith "[Postdoc Job (YOUR FULL NAME)]" in the subject line. In the email they should include (a) a current CV, (b) a one-page cover letter describing qualifications, interest, career goals and which postdoc position they are interested in (refer to as "Perturbation Postdoc/Project" or "Intergenerational Postdoc/Project"), and (c) a list of 3 potential referees with their contact information. The position can begin immediately. Postdoctoral scholars from the lab have gone onto a range of research faculty and imaging director positions at institutions such as Stanford, Caltech, Boston College, and University of Texas. TWO FULL-TIME RESEARCH COORDINATOR POSITIONS @ UCONN The Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Connecticut seeks two highly independent and motivated full-time Research Coordinators (Research Assistant I, AAUP) to support a variety of research projects using neuroimaging and behavioral methods to study language, literacy, and cognition across the lifespan. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to be involved in federally and non-federally funded-research projects in the laboratories, gain experience in grant and manuscript writing and large-scale project management, outreach and community engagement projects, and access to a wealth of archival developmental and longitudinal neuroimaging data on language and literacy. This is a full-time, end-date position starting in July 2018, with a high likelihood of renewal contingent upon funding availability. The successful applicant with work with PI Roeland Hancock PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences and Associate Director of BIRC at UCONN, and PI Fumiko Hoeft MD PhD, currently Professor of Psychiatry & Weill Institute of Neurosciences at UCSF, Deputy Director of UCSF Dyslexia Center, and Executive Director of a seven university UC-Stanford Precision Learning Center. She will start at UCONN as Director of BIRC and Professor of Psychological Sciences in August 2018. UCONN has outstanding resources for cognitive and systems neuroscience research, including a new state-of-the-art neuroimaging center BIRC. The laboratories have extensive local, national and international collaborations with other research groups such as UCSF, Haskins Labs, Yale, BCBL, U of Michigan, Stanford, U of British Columbia, Chinese University of Hong Kong. UCONN is centrally located in the New England area with easy access to nearby cultural centers such as New York, Boston, Providence and New Haven. We are seeking full-time research assistants to run laboratory operations and manage research projects. The position would be situated at the UConn Storrs campus within the Department of Psychological Sciences. This is an excellent opportunity for those who are enthusiastic about learning new research skills, being involved in rapidly growing laboratories, and those considering going to graduate school. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: - Lab/Project management including hiring, IRBs, grants, meetings, and outreach events.
- Data collection and management
- Managing participant recruitment, outreach, advertising, and scheduling
- Independently analyzing data and writing up findings or publication and/or dissemination
- Other related duties as requested
- BA/BS in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, or related field
- Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills
- Excellent spoken and written communication skills
Preferred Qualifications: - Ability to prioritize and work independently as well as collaboratively with local and remote collaborators
- Technical skills such as programming, neuroimaging data collection and analyses
- Flexibility with work hours and responsibilities
- Ability to travel within the New England area for outreach and data collection
- Prior research experience
The position will be formally advertised at a later date. In the meantime, please send your CV and a cover letter outlining your interests and future goals to info@nidl-lab.orgwith "[RA Job (Your Full Name)]" in the subject line. Candidates will be directed to formally apply online as next steps. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Research assistants from our lab have gone onto a range of graduate schools and programs at institutions such as Stanford University, Harvard University, Columbia University and University of California Berkeley. The University of Connecticut is committed to building and supporting a multicultural and diverse community of students, faculty and staff. The diversity of students, faculty and staff continues to increase, as does the number of honors students, valedictorians and salutatorians who consistently make UConn their top choice. More than 100 research centers and institutes serve the University's teaching, research, diversity, and outreach missions, leading to UConn's ranking as one of the nation's top research universities. UConn's faculty and staff are the critical link to fostering and expanding our vibrant, multicultural and diverse University community. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer, UConn encourages applications from women, veterans, people with disabilities and members of traditionally underrepresented populations. |
Radboud University, Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (DCCN) Two Postdoctoral Positions We aim to characterize variation in language processing and learning skills and to determine how these variations relate to those in the underlying biology of individual participants. The project has two strands: Strand A focuses on language processing skills in young adults, and Strand B on language learning skills in children and adults. Strand A will develop a comprehensive battery of language tasks targeting sound, meaning, and grammatical processing of words and longer utterances during speaking and listening. In addition, tasks will be selected or developed assessing general cognitive skills that are likely to affect performance in language tasks. The battery will be normed on a demographically representative sample of 1000 young adults (aged 18-30 years). Strand B uses variability in learning ability to investigate why second-language acquisition can become harder in adulthood. It will consist of two sub-projects, one on grammar learning and one on word learning. In each sub-project, a large number of child, adolescent and adult Dutch participants (aged 8-30 years) will be tested using behavioural and neuroimaging techniques. Two four-year full-time positions are currently open. The preferred starting date for both positions is September 1st 2018. Position specific information Please find descriptions of the available positions below. Postdoc Position 1
Determining neurobiological underpinnings of linguistic skills Content Description This postdoc will manage the sub-project on the neurobiology of language processing within Strand A. In this subproject we use structural MRI, resting state and task-based fMRI and Diffusion Weighted Imaging to determine the individual arrangements of the language connectome. Neuroimaging data will be acquired from about a third of the sample recruited for norming of the test battery (i.e. ~360 people). The task of the postdoctoral fellow will be to develop appropriate test paradigms, pilot them, organize the assessment of the main sample, and take the lead in the data analyses and reporting. Requirements Candidates should have a PhD degree (or equivalent) in the neurobiology of language or a closely related field of study. They should be familiar, ideally, with running and analysing MRI data (including DTI data), with carrying out psycholinguistic experiments, and with research on individual differences. They should also have excellent organizational and communicative skills, and programming abilities and they should have knowledge and experience in current data analysis techniques. They should have demonstrable interest in language processing and in the cognitive neuroscience of language. Applications from excellent candidates with a less than ideal profile will also be considered. Women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. Embedding and Terms of employment This position will be held at the Donders Institute, Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. - Employment: 1.0 FTE;
- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
- a maximum gross monthly salary of €4,757 based on a 38-hour working week (salary scale 11);
- you will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 30 months.
- the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch Universities is applicable to this position;
- you will be classified as a Researcher, Level 3 in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO);
Further information about Postdoc Position 1 Please contact: Prof. dr. Peter Hagoort or Prof. dr. Antje Meyer Individual differences in word learning Content Description This postdoc will manage the sub-project within Strand B on word learning. In this sub-project, a large number of child, adolescent, and adult (age 8-30 years) Dutch participants will be tested using behavioural and neuroimaging techniques. Behavioural tasks will include a battery of cognitive tests, the battery of language tasks generated by Strand A, measures of English and Dutch proficiency, and critically, a training task on learning new words. Neuroimaging will include functional MRI, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). The goal is to characterize variability in word learning abilities by linking performance on the training task to the other behavioural data and to the functional and structural neural measures. Why do some individuals find it easier to learn language, and why do aspects of language learning change with age? Requirements Candidates should have a PhD degree (or equivalent) in the cognitive neuroscience of language learning, memory, or a closely related field of study. They should be familiar, ideally, with running and analyzing MRI data (including DTI data), with carrying out psycholinguistic experiments, with research on individual differences, and with testing children, although the actual data acquisition will be performed primarily by research assistants. They should also have excellent organizational and communicative skills and programming abilities and they should have knowledge and experience in current data analysis techniques. They should have demonstrable interest in language acquisition (prior work on word learning would be especially welcome) and in the cognitive neuroscience of language and/or memory. They should ideally be a proficient speaker of Dutch. Applications from excellent candidates with a less than ideal profile will also be considered. Women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. Embedding and Terms of employment This position will be held at the Donders Institute, Centre for Medical Neuroscience, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. - Employment: 1.0 FTE;
- a maximum gross monthly salary of €4,917 based on a 36-hour working week (salary scale 11);
- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
- you will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 30 months;
- the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch University Medical Centres is applicable to this position.
Further information about Postdoc Position 2 Please contact: Prof. dr. Guillén Fernández or Prof. dr. James McQueen |
Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, Connecticut -- Job #1 Research Associate Positions Haskins Laboratories in New Haven CT is seeking qualified individuals to fill full-time and part-time Research Associate positions for Behavioral and Neuroimaging Testing. Successful candidates will join a team of researchers who employ behavioral and neuroimaging methods to investigate language development. Multi-year National Institutes of Health grants support research on (a) typical and atypical reading development and effects of reading intervention in children, and (b) statistical learning in infants, children, and adults.
These positions are an excellent opportunity for those looking to gain hands on experience working with clinical populations and cutting-edge neuroimaging techniques. Haskins provides a vibrant research and learning environment, and actively supports skill development for all employees, including attending area scientific talks, meetings, and conferences. The positions will involve a combination of data collection using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), MRI, EEG techniques and behavioral testing and coordination. Applicants for these positions must have experience working with children and some experience with one or more of the following: administration of standardized assessments, computer-based experiments, touch-screen educational games, neuroimaging methods, or computer programming and data analysis. Applicants must also be able to work legally within the U.S. Additional relevant skills include: Strong organizational and data management skills Experience with database and spreadsheet software (e.g., RedCap, FileMaker, Excel) Flexible work availability (evenings and weekends). Interested applicants should contact Tammy Ursini, Administrative Coordinator (ursini@haskins.yale.edu) with a cover letter, resume, copyof (unofficial) transcripts,and the names of three potential references. Please note "JobPosting222003" in the subject line of you remail.This position will remain open until filled; desired start date is on or before August 1, 2018. Haskins Laboratories (www.haskins.yale.edu) is a private, non-profit research institute with a primary focus on speech, language, reading, and their biological basis. Haskins has long-standing, formal affiliations with the University of Connecticut and Yale University. Haskins Laboratories is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Kenneth Pugh President and Director of Research, Senior Scientist, Haskins Laboratories Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Connecticut Associate Professor, Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University Associate Professor, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine |
Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, Connecticut -- Position #2 Research Associate Positions Haskins Laboratories has an opening for a Research Associate in Neuroimaging Analysis. This position, funded by the National Institute of Health, will provide hands-on basic and applied research experience in the study of speech and reading. Our projects employ multiple neuroimaging modalities, including MRI, EEG and NIRS, in combination with eye-tracking, computational modeling, and behavioral testing of children. This Associate will work directly with Dr. Einar Mencl, Director of Neuroimaging Research; and Dr. Kenneth Pugh, President and Director of Research at Haskins Laboratories. Primary responsibilities include: - Analysis of behavioral and neuroimaging data (MRI, NIRS) using AFNI, FreeSurfer
- Assist with neuroimaging data acquisition and data management
- Assist development and application of novel analysis strategies for neuroimaging datasets
- B.A. or B.S. in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience, or related field
- Strong programming skills (e.g., Python, shell scripting, Matlab, R)
- Strong organizational and data management skills
- Experience with standard statistical analysis (ANOVA, regression)
- Able to work legally within the U.S.
Additional relevant skills include: - Experience with multivariate analyses (PCA/ICA SVM, machine learning)
- Strong computer skills using Mac OS X, and software (e.g., FileMaker, Excel)
- Experience with neuroimaging techniques and data analysis (MRI, fNIRS)
- Experience with AFNI, FSL, Freesurfer or SPM
Interested applicants should contact Tammy Ursini (ursini@haskins.yale.edu) with cover letter referencing Job Position #214001, resume, unofficial copy of college transcripts, and the names of three potential references. This position will remain open until filled; desired start date is on or before July 1, 2018. Compensation is commensurate with skills and experience. Haskins provides a vibrant research and learning environment, and actively supports skill development for all employees. Haskins Laboratories, located near Yale University in New Haven, CT, is a private, non-profit research institute with a primary focus on speech, language, reading, and their biological basis. Haskins has long-standing, formal affiliations with the University of Connecticut and Yale University. Haskins Laboratories is an Equal Opportunity Employer. |
University of South Carolina, Communication Sciences and Disorders Two PhD positions in the Department of COMD at the University of South Carolina. Deadline May 13th! The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of South Carolina invites applicants for its PhD program in Communication Sciences and Disorders. The PhD degree prepares professionals for academic careers, and therefore its emphasis is on research and the scholarly study of the science of human communication and its disorders. Doctoral students, under the direction of a mentor, regularly participate in laboratory activities and pursue a program of scholarly research leading to publication in scientific journals. Faculty in the Department conduct research in the areas of Phonology, Syntax, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Aphasia, Literacy, Speech & Hearing Science, Speech-Motor Control, Parkinson's Disease, Child Language Development, Orthographic Learning, Autism and Fragile-X syndrome, among others. Students may enter the doctoral program following the bachelor or master degree, depending on their professional goals and interest in clinical certification. Applications are invited from students with majors in a variety of disciplines, including (but not limited to), audiology, engineering, linguistics, psychology, physics, physiology, and speech-language pathology. The Department is currently offering to fund two applicants to start in the Fall term of 2018, i.e. this August. Funding consists of a graduate assistantship in the lab of the student's faculty mentor. This assistantship runs for three calendar years and pays $33,000 per year. Student tuition will be reduced to the in-state level, but the remaining tuition and fees will be taken out of the assistantship. Applications Deadline: 13-May-2018 Ph.D. Program Coordinator |
Postdoctoral Position in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (fNIRS) and Global Literacy Postdoctoral position in behavioral and neuroimaging research of language, literacy, and cognitive development, focused on global literacy initiatives in Ivory Coast. Position start date: August 1, 2018 (flexible). Applications will be accepted until June 1, 2018.
Brain Organization for Language and Literacy Development (BOLD) Lab Linguistics and Cognitive Science Department University of Delaware
The BOLD Lab at the University of Delaware has an opening for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to contribute to research on child literacy development in rural Ivory Coast. We have several ongoing projects using a combination of behavioral and neuroimaging methods to study how children develop and learn to read in high-risk environments. Specifically, we are looking for an individual who can contribute to two projects: (1) a technology-based literacy intervention program in primary school settings, and (2) brain-behavior approach to the study of development and reading outcomes, both in Ivory Coast. Responsibilities will include the development, collection, and analysis of behavioral and neuroimaging data about literacy development and literacy intervention outcomes in school-aged children growing up in rural communities of Ivory Coast. The postdoc will also contribute to mentorship and collaboration with an Ivorian research team of graduate students and postdocs, with the goal of increasing local science capacity. The position is based at the University of Delaware, and the postdoc will have opportunities to go to Ivory Coast over the duration of the position. Successful applicants will have a background in several of the following areas: child development, language and literacy acquisition, reading interventions (including education technologies), recording and analysis of fNIRS data, design and analysis of complex behavioral experiments/tasks, longitudinal data analysis, global development (ideally in sub-Saharan Africa). A Ph.D. in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Linguistics, or Neuroscience is preferred. The ideal candidate will be familiar with working in international contexts (preferably sub-Saharan Africa), proficient in French, and have a high degree of fluency conducting univariate and multivariate statistics using R, and fNIRS neuroimaging analysis using Matlab (NIRS-SPM, fNIRS-toolbox, Homer). Interested candidates should send via email their CV, two representative papers, the names of three references, and a cover letter to Dr. Kaja Jasinska (jasinska@udel.edu).
The position is for one year, with the option to renew for 1-2 years, given satisfactory performance and available funding.
Contact Information Lab Website: sites.udel.edu/boldlab Contact Name: Kaja Jasinska |
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) / Pennsylvania State University Postdoctoral Fellowships In Translational Neuroscience and Neurorehabiltation Three-year NIH-funded fellowships are available at the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI), in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), for research training in cognitive and motor neuroscience and neurorehabilitation. Available mentors conduct patient-oriented research using approaches that utilize behavioral, computational, imaging, electrophysiologic, and electrical and pharmacologic neuromodulation methods. We welcome applications from individuals with a doctorate in psychology, cognitive science, communication science, kinesiology, movement science, or human neuroscience, who wish to learn to apply basic science principles to the study and treatment of behavioral and brain deficits in adult neurological patients. We also welcome applications from individuals with clinical rehabilitation backgrounds seeking to increase their depth in the basic science underpinnings of assessment and treatment. Applicants must have a track record in research and an interest in developing an independent research career. |
Center for Language Science, Penn State University The Center for Language Science (CLS) at The Pennsylvania State University (http://cls.psu.edu) invites applications for a postdoctoral position. The CLS is home to a cross-disciplinary research program that includes the NSF training program, 'Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE): Translating cognitive and brain science in the laboratory and field to language learning environments' that was awarded to The Pennsylvania State University and the University of California, Riverside. The program provides training in translational research on language learning and bilingualism that includes an international perspective and that exploits opportunities for collaborative research conducted with one of our international partner sites in the UK (Edinburgh), Spain (Granada), Poland (Kraków), The Netherlands (Nijmegen and Groningen), Germany (Braunschweig), Colombia (Medellín), Brazil (Campinas), Mexico (Mexico City), and China (Hong Kong and Beijing) and in conjunction with our domestic partner sites at Gallaudet University, Haskins Laboratories, the University of South Carolina, the University of New Mexico, and the University of Puerto Rico. This research focuses primarily on the themes of language learning across the lifespan, the role of instructional approaches for successful language learning, and the role of diverse social environments for language learning. We welcome applications from candidates with preparation in any of the disciplines that contribute to our program and with experience in translational research (e.g., outreach activities in schools and other learning contexts where the research conducted by PIRE faculty is relevant). The successful candidate will benefit from a highly interactive group of faculty whose interests include bilingual language processing, language acquisition in children and adults, language contact, and aging, among other topics. Applicants with interests in these topics and with an interest in extending their expertise within experimental psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience are particularly welcome to apply. There is no expectation that applicants will have had prior experience in research on bilingualism but we expect candidates to make a commitment to gain expertise in research on bilingualism using research methods from among the techniques represented by our groups. Questions about faculty research interests may be directed to relevant core training faculty: Psychology: Michele Diaz, Ping Li, Janet van Hell, and Dan Weiss; Spanish: Rena Torres Cacoullos, Matt Carlson, Giuli Dussias, John Lipski, and Karen Miller; Communication Sciences and Disorders: Carol Miller and Chaleece Sandberg; German: Carrie Jackson, Mike Putnam, Richard Page, and Katharina Schuhmann; French: Lisa Reed. Administrative questions can be directed to the Chair of the search committee, pdussias@psu.edu. More information about the Center for Language Science (CLS), the PIRE program, and faculty research programs can be found at http://cls.psu.edu or http://pire.la.psu.edu. The appointment will be for one year, with a start date of August 1, 2018. Salary will follow NSF/NIH guidelines. The PIRE funding requires that we restrict the search to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. Applicants should upload a CV, several reprints or preprints, and a statement of research interests. This statement should indicate two or more core faculty members as likely primary and secondary mentors, and should describe the candidate's goals for research and translational training during a postdoctoral position, including previous experience and directions in which the candidate would like to develop his/her expertise in the language science of bilingualism. Additionally, applicants should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent separately to Maryam Sinawa at sinawa@psu.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Candidates must have completed their Ph.D. by the time of appointment. Apply online at https://psu.jobs/job/78125 To review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters and policies, please go to https://police.psu.edu/annual-security-reports, which will also explain how to request a paper copy of the Annual Security Report. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status. |
Applications are invited for an experienced and enthusiastic cognitive neuroscientist with strong computational skills to work on an ERC Advanced Investigator grant on the neurobiology of language comprehension using MEG neuroimaging and fMRI data-sets. The applicant will join the Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain (at the University of Cambridge http://cslb.psychol.cam.ac.uk), an inter-disciplinary team led by Professor Lorraine Tyler. The Centre has access to a research-dedicated 3T Siemens MR scanner and EEG and MEG facilities. We currently use a variety of analysis methods on MEG datasets, and in particular multivariate analysis methods such as Representational Similarity Analyses. Applicants must have a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, computer science, or a related discipline. They are expected to have knowledge of the neurobiology of language processing, advanced statistical skills and excellent computer programming (especially MATLAB and/or Python) skills. Experience of MEG analyses, particularly in using multivariate neuroimaging methods for MEG data and MEG source localization methods, are highly desirable. Relevant post-doctoral experience is also desirable. Given the nature of the research, candidates should be fully fluent in English. Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 2 years in the first instance. Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Tyler (lktyler@csl.psychol.cam.ac.uk). Please quote reference PJ15288 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy. Please note the closing date for applications is 14th May 2018. Applications received after this time will not be considered. Interviews are likely to take place on Monday 21st May 2018. |
Multi-modal Imaging of Word Processing We are seeking a college graduate with a strong interest in cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging. We use multimodal imaging techniques including magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG/EEG), structural and functional MRI to investigate spatio-temporal ("where and when") characteristics of cognition with a focus on language/word processing. We welcome applications from candidates with a background in cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, computer science, or biomedical engineering. Experience with imaging methods, especially MEG or EEG is helpful. Excellent computer skills and experience with MATLAB are a big plus.
The successful candidate will contribute to this collaborative project in multiple ways including: MEG/EEG and MRI scanning, data preprocessing and analysis, administration and scoring of cognitive assessments, protocol preparation, and recruitment. This is an excellent research opportunity for recent graduates who are interested in cognitive neuroscience and would like to gain first-hand experience with multimodal imaging. |
Post-doctoral position on real-time language processing in hearing impairment Applications are invited for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Scholar to work in the world class research environment of the Cochlear Implant Research Center at the University of Iowa. The Postdoctoral Scholar will contribute to projects that examine real time language processing and how it changes longitudinally after hearing interventions (with both Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids). The goal is to understand how listeners with hearing impairment may adapt mechanisms of language processing from cognitive science to the unique challenges they face. This position is part of a larger NIDCD funded P50 project that examines the role of peripheral processing, cortical (re)organization, and higher-order language processing on audiological and real-world outcomes of individuals with hearing impairment. The successful candidate will work in a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative team to spearhead research on the real-time dynamics of language processing and how this changes with experience with a hearing device. Research will be conducted primarily with eye-tracking in the visual world paradigm, but with opportunities for close collaboration with labs using source localized EEG, real-world listening measures, and measures of the auditory periphery. The project will test a large cohort of hearing-impaired listeners including cochlear implant users, hearing aid users, and individuals using unique hearing preservation cochlear implants that combine electric and acoustic hearing. Over the last 30 years, the Iowa Cochlear Research Center has built an efficient infrastructure for recruiting and scheduling subjects that allows testing a large number of hearing impaired participants with minimal administrative burden for researchers. The candidate will be involved in all stages of the research: He/she will be involved in designing experiments, supervising research assistants for data collection, analyzing data, preparing reports, and disseminating the results. The project leader is Bob McMurray. |
Language Neuroscience Lab at the University of Queensland PhD Scholarship: Predicting and Promoting Aphasia Recovery Using Neuroimaging Project: This NHMRC funded research aims to determine whether measures of brain activity, connectivity and structure observed after stroke predict subsequent aphasia recovery and response to treatment. This work will be conducted in the Language Neuroscience Lab at the University of Queensland (https://clinical-research.centre.uq.edu.au/copland-group). Award value: Base living allowance (stipend) of $27,082 (Australian dollars) per year (2018 rate), indexed annually, tuition fees, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Citizenship: Available for domestic or international students. Applications open: 2nd April 2018 Applications close: When a suitable candidate is recruited. If you are interested and meet the criteria above please contact us before applying: Dr Tracy Roxbury (t.roxbury@uq.edu.au) or Professor David Copland (d.copland@uq.edu.au)).
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute Research Assistant Position in the Language and Learning Lab/Cognitive Neurophysiology and Neuropsychology Lab, Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI), Philadelphia/Elkins Park (Spring 2018)
Dr. Erica Middleton, Director of the Language and Learning Lab and Dr. Edward Wlotko, Director of the Cognitive Neurophysiology and Neuropsychology Lab of Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (http://mrri.org/) announce a new opening for a BA/BS-level research assistant supporting research on language processing in typical speakers and stroke-survivors with language and cognitive impairments. The position will begin in Spring/Summer 2018 and continue for two years, with possible extension. The Language and Learning Lab focuses on advancing an understanding of the cognitive basis of aphasia and mechanisms of language change in the service of promoting effective rehabilitation. The Cognitive Neurophysiology and Neuropsychology Lab investigates the cognitive and neural mechanisms of language processing; current work uses EEG/ERP to examine sentence comprehension in neuropsychological populations and to characterize language impairments after left- vs. right- hemisphere stroke. The position will be divided approximately equally between the two labs, including some collaborative projects involving both labs. Opportunities for further enrichment are available through interactions with our colleagues at MRRI, a unique environment with a highly active research community situated in the context of a rehabilitation hospital. With appropriate training and supervision, the successful candidate will: - administer standardized assessments of cognitive and language function to patients and to neurologically intact individuals
- help design and conduct experimental studies using computer-administered protocols, eyetracking, and electrophysiological (EEG/ERP) methods
- manage, process, and analyze data
- learn and apply brain lesion image segmentation and lesion-symptom mapping analysis
- participate in other aspects of research and lab operation as warranted
A bachelor's degree is required for this position. Applicants should have a strong academic background in cognitive psychology/cognitive science, psycholinguistics, linguistics, speech & hearing science, and/or neuroscience, with coursework in statistics and research methods. Preference will be given to applicants with prior research experience and coursework in relevant areas. Other qualifications include: - evidence of excellent organizational and communication skills
- demonstration of willingness and ability to flexibly learn new techniques in a dynamic environment
- prior experience in a human subjects research setting is strongly preferred
MRRI and Moss Rehab are part of the Einstein Healthcare Network, an Equal Opportunity Employer located in the Philadelphia area. Einstein Healthcare Network is proud to offer its employees outstanding career opportunities including competitive compensation, attractive benefits plan including medical/dental/vision coverage, generous vacation time, and tuition reimbursement. Send cover letter including, when applicable, a description of prior relevant research experience, C.V. (including a list of relevant coursework), and at least two letters of reference (including details of performance in prior research roles, if applicable) to Jeremy Kirkwood at: kirkwooj@einstein.edu. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Position is available immediately. |
We are seeking a full-time researcher to assist with psychology and neuroscience studies. Our lab investigates how information is integrated among the auditory, visual, and tactile sensory systems to facilitate how we see and hear in the world. We address these questions using behavioral methods and neuroimaging techniques, including EEG, direct neural recordings from patients (electrocorticography), and MRI measurements. The researcher will be housed in the Multisensory Perception Lab (https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/brang-lab/) under the direction of Dr. David Brang, but this is a collaborative project among multiple labs at the University of Michigan and the University of California, San Francisco. The ideal start date is late-April to early-June 2018 and a two-year commitment is required. This position is ideal for someone who has recently completed their undergraduate degree and who wishes to obtain additional psychology and neuroscience research experience prior to applying to graduate or medical school. This is an excellent opportunity to obtain co-authorship on conference proceedings and academic publications, as well as strong letters of recommendations from a diverse set of faculty in psychology, neurology, and neurosurgery. The responsibilities of the position include: * Testing patients with epilepsy or a brain tumor at local hospitals (typically 3-6 days a month) * Testing undergraduate students using EEG and behavioral psychophysics * Analysis of electrocorticography data * Designing and programming new experiments as part of the research team * Assisting in academic manuscript preparation * Minor administrative responsibilities The following qualifications are preferred: * Undergraduate degree in psychology, neuroscience, biology, computer science, or a related field. * Programming skills (e.g., python or matlab) * Experience with relevant neuroscience research such as EEG * Comfort using and troubleshooting technical equipment * Experience testing or interacting with neurological patients * Ability to readily establish a rapport with patients * Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills Questions about the position can be sent to multisensorylab@umich.edu, and the application can be found here: http://careers.umich.edu/job_detail/155834/research_technician_associate |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Applications are invited for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow position to work at the Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham. The successful candidate will work on a 3-year ESRC funded project aimed at studying the effect of individual differences in bilingual experience on cognitive control networks. This will be done under supervision of Dr. Andrea Krott (Principal Investigator), Dr. Katrien Segaert and Dr. Ali Mazaheri (Co-Investigators). The project will use a multimodal approach to provide a systematic investigation into the effects of bilingual key characteristics (e.g. second language proficiency, age of second language acquisition) on executive control behaviour as well as the underlying brain differences. The candidate will be making use of facilities of the new Centre for Human Brain Health at the University of Birmingham, which will open in October this year, including state-of-the-art EEG facilities, 3T MRI scanner, and combined EEG-MRI facilities. The candidate will be involved in all stages of designing and conducting experiments, as well as analysing behavioural, questionnaire, EEG and (f)MRI data. The candidate will be expected to prepare the results for and contribute to high quality academic publications, to present at national and international academic conferences, and engage in public engagement activities. Furthermore, the candidate will take part in supervision of research assistants and students, and be an active member of the Centre for Human Brain Health and the Language, Interaction, and Social Cognition theme group of the School of Psychology. - A PhD degree in area of cognitive neuroscience, biology, or psychology
- Expertise in EEG data acquisition and/or (f)MRI data acquisition
- Good programming skills, ideally in Matlab
- Experience with Fieldtrip and/or FSL and/or SPM
- High level analytical capability
- Extensive experience with experimental design and statistical analysis
- Strong academic writing skills (academic paper(s) published or submitted)
- Strong academic presentations skills (poster or oral presentation)
- Ability to communicate complex information clearly
- Understanding of and ability to contribute to public engagement activities
- Strong organisation and time-management skills
- Contribute to the planning and organising of the research programme and/or specific research project
- Strong teamwork skills, e.g. co-ordinate own work with others
- Interest in language and bilingualism
- Interest in cognitive psychology and executive functions
- Supervision experience (BA, masters, research assistants) desirable
Closing Date: 18 May 2018 Salary: Grade 7. Please note this post is aligned to external funding and therefore the salary on offer is up to a maximum of £31,604 only. Additional Information: Informal enquiries to Andrea Krott - a.krott@bham.ac.uk Full post description: https://goo.gl/HNA2bJ |
Conferences, Programs, and Calls |
Workshop "Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspectives on Non-compositional Meaning in Phrases" November 29 - 30 Call for Abstracts: Abstract submission by June 17th It is a pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to the workshop "Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspectives on Non-compositional Meaning in Phrases." This workshop is organized by the SFB 833 and associates at the University of Tübingen and will take place in Tübingen, Germany from November to 30th, 2018. For detailed information, go to: https://noncompworkshop.github.io/
The traditional view on the construction of phrasal meaning is compositional (i.e., the meaning of individual words is combined into phrasal meaning). For a considerable part of language, however, meaning cannot be directly derived via meaning composition of the individual constituent words of a phrase. Examples of such non-compositional phrases are idioms (e.g., to be on cloud nine), metaphors, (e.g., a blossoming mind), phrasal verbs (e.g. dig into something), prepositional phrases (e.g., on the other hand), adjective-noun phrases (e.g., black coffee), and compounds (e.g., pineapple). While such examples of non-compositional language are ubiquitous in language use, there is not yet consensus on how these phrases should be represented in psycholinguistic and computational models of processing. It is precisely this non-compositionality that raises important questions for models of meaning, such as:
- How are such phrases represented and comprehended, and to what extent do the individual constituents contribute to phrasal meaning?
- How is meaning constitution impacted by language development (i.e., first and second language acquisition)?
- How does context impact access to non-compositional meaning?
Both computational and psycholinguistic approaches attempt to help us better model the bridge between form and meaning, and this workshop provides a platform for resolving interdisciplinary differences and encouraging cross-talk between junior and senior researchers. Particularly, we aim to ask how psycholinguistic modeling of non-compositional meaning can inform computational linguistic models and vice versa.
Inbal Arnon, Hebew University of Jerusalem Johan Bos, University of Groningen Cristina Cacciari, University of Modena Gareth Carrol, University of Birmingham Aurelie Herbelot, University of Trento
For this workshop, we invite submissions for presentation including but not limited to: - Processing and representation of non-compositional, conventionalized, or figurative meaning
- Idioms, conventional metaphors, phrasal verbs, adjective-noun phrases, prepositional phrases, compound nouns, etc.
- Cross-linguistic perspectives on collocations and other non-compositional expressions
- Acquisition of phrasal meaning (L1 and L2)
- The impact of context on processing non-compositional meaning
- Challenges of non-compositionality for computational modeling of meaning, including logic-based and distributional aspects of meanings
- Data-driven methods for identifying non-compositional phrases and for distinguishing between compositional and non-compositional meanings
- The intersection of psycholinguistic and computational perspectives on non-compositional meaning
Abstracts should be no longer than two (2) A4 pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, including key references and tables/figures. Submissions should be anonymous, and authors can identify themselves in the submission form. Submissions will be selected for either a 20-minute talk or a poster presentation. Please submit abstracts in .pdf form by June 17th, 2018 to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=noncompworkshop18
Notifications will be sent out by mid-July. If accepted, there is no registration fee for this workshop. Coffee breaks, a conference dinner, and a poster lunch will also be provided. There will also be an award for the best student talk and/or poster.
Sara Beck (Project B9, SFB 833) Patricia Fischer (Project A3, SFB 833) Ruth Keßler (Project B9, SFB 833) Yana Strakatova (MoKo, Department of Linguistics) PROGRAM CHAIRS:
Claudia Friedrich, Chair of Developmental Psychology Erhard W. Hinrichs, Chair of General and Computational Linguistics Andrea Weber, Chair of Psycholinguistics and Applied Language Studies
Ruth Keßler: ruth.kessler@uni-tuebingen.de |
1st International Workshop on Predictive Processing (WoPP) June 20 - 22, 2018 We are happy to announce the new discussion arena fully centered on predictive processing. The Workshop on Predictive Processing (WoPP) will take place in San Sebastian (Spain) on June 20-22, 2018. The goal of the workshop is to address the role of predictive processing in cognition. Some of the crucial issues in this timely research topic are the extent to which prediction is a fundamental mechanism of brain function, the role of prediction in learning, and, how predictive processing is expressed across distinct cognitive domains. This workshop will gather experts from different fields in cognitive neuroscience including sensory processing, attention and memory, to work alongside the community of language processing, with the aim of furthering our understanding of the role of predictive processing in cognition.
We invite submissions from researchers genuinely interested in discussing their data within the framework of the prediction view on neurocognition and brain functioning.
The conference will include keynote speakers, regular talks, symposiums and poster sessions. Keynote speakers will be the main sources of discussion: Sophie Scott, University College London Moshe Bar, Bar-Ilan University Pascal Fries, Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) Each keynote will be followed by a symposium on a related topic. Each symposium will be co-organized by two experts in the field, and will last 2 hours.
Symposium organizers are Gina Kuperberg, Matt Davis, Craig Richter, Julien Vezoli, Lucia Amoruso and Ruth De Diego Balaguer. For further information please visit: http://www.bcbl.eu/events/prediction-2018/en/ We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Yours sincerely, The Organizing Committee Manuel Carreiras, Clara Martin, Nicola Molinaro & David Soto |
Academy of Aphasia 56th Annual Meeting The 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia will be held at the Hotel Place D'Armes in Montreal, Canada. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical, and historical research from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, History, and Computational Modeling. Presentation types. The annual meeting includes both platform and poster sessions. Platform sessions include:
- Scientific papers--consisting of original research that has not yet been published.
- Symposia--consisting of a number of papers focusing on a common theme from researchers representing different laboratories. These papers may report on previously published research.
- Mini-Workshops--methodologically oriented sessions consisting of a number of papers reporting a unique approach to a timely topic.The authors of these papers may be from a single research group.
- Scientific papers that can be presented primarily in a visual format.
The Academy considers poster sessions to be as scientifically meritorious as platform sessions. Poster sessions will not conflict with platform sessions. Guidelines for abstract content. The submitted abstract should provide a concise statement of the problem or hypothesis,procedures and analyses conducted, results obtained, and final conclusion(s) drawn. Abstracts may include a maximum of 500 words (excluding references) as well as one camera-ready figure/table (in JPEG only). American Psychological Association (APA) format should be used for references. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be reviewed. Click HERE for detailed information about how to submit and the criteria for submissions. Symposia and Mini-Workshops. In the case of symposia and mini-workshops, the organizer should submit an abstract summarizing the topic, including the names and affiliations of all the participants, and the titles of the other abstracts. In addition, an abstract should be submitted for each of the individual presentations.To helpin the planning of the program, it is recommended that organizers ofsymposia and mini-workshops contact the chair of the Program Committee by e-mail (rapp@cogsci.jhu.edu) about their plans to get feedback on organizational issues.
Authorship of submissions. More than one abstract maybe submitted by an individual, but an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission. Both members and non-members of the Academy are encouraged to submit proposals for scientific papers, symposia and mini-workshops.
Student papers must be co-authored by a member of the Academy. All submissions will be given equal consideration on the basis of their scientific merit and fitness for the Academy. Conference participation. The meeting is open to anyone interested in attending. However, meeting space is limited, and Academy of Aphasia members, authors of accepted papers, and the first authors of rejected papers will have preference, if space limitations restrict the number of registrants.
Selection criteria for the meeting program. The Program Committee will review the abstracts anonymously. Selection of papers will be based on scientific merit,innovation, appropriateness for the Academy of Aphasia, on the representation of topics in the program. You will be notified by email of the decision by the Program Committee by June 30, Program availability. A short version of the program (without abstracts) will be distributed at the conference with other registration materials. Accepted abstracts will be published online in Frontier-Psychology in Language Science. Abstracts will be available in early fall for download from Frontiers. |
Summer School "Limits of Variability in Language" Potsdam, Germany The summer school will bring together leading international experts from different sub-fields of linguistics, covering the span from modern sociolinguistics, via dialect research, to grammar theory and the formal study of African languages. The school's central topic is the empirical study and theoretical modelling of variability and its constraints at various levels of language. The more practical objective of the school is to bring together graduates with different empirical, methodological, and theoretical backgrounds, and to create a platform for mutual exchange and joint learning. Courses on Formal approaches to social meaning, variation and identity construction (Heather Burnett, Paris), Linguistic variation and change in social context (Sali Tagliamonte, Toronto), Morphophonemic and morphosyntactic variation in Bantu (Larry Hyman, Berkeley & Jenneke van der Wal, Leiden), and Discovering parameters: from micro- to macro-variation (Marjo van Koppen, Utrecht & Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, Leuven) are complemented by lectures of Sjef Barbiers (Leiden), who is a Mercator Fellow in the SFB. Deadline for a binding registration is May 15. Late applicants might be considered. Please send an E-Mail with the header "Summer School" stating your name and affiliation to SFB1287@uni-potsdam.de. Please state the morning session (A or B) that you want to attend. Due to limited space the applications will be dealt with on a first-come-first-serve basis. The participation fee is 20 €. The summer school is organized by the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1287 "Limits of Variability in Language: Cognitive, Grammatical, and Social Aspects". For further information please feel free to contact SFB1287@uni-potsdam.de. More and constantly updated information can be found here: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/sfb1287/summer-school-limits-of-variability.html |
Fifth Summer Neurolinguistics School - Brainwaves of Language: Neural Oscillations and Language Processing We are happy to announce the Fifth Summer Neurolinguistics School, to take place on May 21-23, 2018, in Moscow, Russia. This year, the topic is Brainwaves of Language: Neural Oscillations and Language Processing. We will cover neurolinguistic methods based on the electrical activity of the brain (electroencephalography, event-related potentials, magnetoencephalography, intracranial electroencephalography) and their use to study language processing. Our confirmed speakers include Roelien Bastiaanse (University of Groningen), Vitória Piai (Donders Centre for Cognition and Radboud University Medical Centre), Tommaso Fedele (University of Zurich), Matteo Feurra (National Research University Higher School of Economics), Nikolay Novitskiy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Anna Chrabaszcz (University of Pittsburgh), and Tatiana Stroganova and Olga Sysoeva (Moscow State University of Psychology and Education). The school will also feature a poster session, welcoming submissions from all fields of neurolinguistics or electrophysiological methods in neuroscience. Poster submission deadline: April 23 Registration deadline: May 5 For more information, please visit our website (https://www.hse.ru/neuroling/summer_school_2018) or e-mail us at neuroling.summer.school.2018@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing you in Moscow! |
International Workshop on Neural Mechanisms Underlying Improved Speech Perception It is my pleasure to announce the International Workshop on Neural Mechanisms Underlying Improved Speech Perception to be held at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study) Delmenhorst, Germany. Information on the workshop can be found on this website: http://www.h-w-k.de/index.php?id=2265 Michael Beauchamp (Baylor College of Medicine, USA) Adeen Flinker (NYU School of Medicine, USA) Usha Goswami (University of Cambridge, UK) Joachim Gross (University of Münster, Germany) Christoph Kayser (University of Bielefeld, Germany) Sonja Kotz (Maastricht University, Netherlands) Katharina von Kriegstein (TU Dresden and Max Planck Institute Leipzig, Germany) Chris Petkov (Newcastle University, UK) Ediz Sohoglu (University of Cambridge, UK) Abstracts Abstract deadline for poster presentations is May 31st 2018. Please send your abstract to inga.maren.schepers@uni-oldenburg.de. The workshop fee is 100 Euro and includes all meals (see preliminary program). Travel and hotel costs are not covered by the fee. Acceptance notifications will be sent out in June (~ 20 posters in total). Shortly after the notifications, travel information will be send out and information on special hotel room rates. I look forward to an exciting workshop! |
WoRLD: Workshop on Reading, Language and Deafness The Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (www.bcbl.eu) is pleased to announce WoRLD: Workshop on Reading, Language and Deafness to be held in San Sebastián, Spain, from Thursday, October 18th to Saturday, October 20th 2018. Abstract submission is now open until 15th May, 2018. And registration will be availabe from 5th of March onwards.
This workshop aims to bring together experts and researchers on the neurocognition of language in deaf individuals and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between scientists and stakeholders. The topics of the workshop include language processing and development in the context of deafness, and will cover sign language and spoken language in oral and written form.
The workshop program will include invited speakers, regular talks, panel discussions, and poster sessions. The workshop language is English; International Sign interpretation will be provided if required.
Keynote speakers David Corina - University of California, Davis, USA. Karen Emmorey - University of California, San Diego, USA. Mairéad MacSweeney - University College London, United Kingdom Anu Sharma - University of Colorado Boulder, USA. Bencie Woll - University College London, United Kingdom. Christine Yoshinago-Itano - University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
For further information please visit http://www.bcbl.eu/events/world2018.
The scientific part of the workshop (18th-19th October) will be followed by a one-day event on Saturday, 20th October to provide a meeting space for researchers and stakeholders, including deaf individuals, educators, practitioners, and parents. For more information about this event please visit http://www.bcbl.eu/events/worldpractice2018
We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Yours sincerely, The Organizing Committee Manuel Carreiras, Brendan Costello & Marcel Giezen
Summer School in Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP) September 10 - 14, 2018 Applications are now open for the annual statistical methods summer school to be held at the University of Potsdam, Germany. The summer school will be held after AMLaP 2018 (which is happening in Berlin). For details, see https://vasishth.github.io/SMLP2018/ |
IMPRS for Language Sciences Conference We are proud to announce the upcoming IMPRS for Language Sciences conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Language Sciences held at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands from June 5 - 7, 2018. This 3-day conference brings together experts from multiple scientific disciplines, including genetics, psychology, linguistics and computer science, to further our understanding of how language operates and develops. On the last day of the conference, we will host small workshops with the plenary speakers aiming to interactively advance interdisciplinary discussion of big questions in the language sciences. We encourage abstract submissions for poster presentations on any topic related to the language sciences. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words in length and should highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the research. Check out our website for more information: imprsconference.mpi.nl Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Day 1 - Language evolution Terrence Deacon (University of California Berkeley) Chiara Barbieri (MPI for the Science of Human History) Bart de Boer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Enoch Aboh (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Day 2 - Language and the brain Melissa Duff (Vanderbilt University) Sophie Scott (University College London) Jeffrey Binder (Medical College of Wisconsin) Jean-Remi King (New York University) Abstract submission: open now until February 28th Registration: opens March 1st |
SNL 2018 Society for the Neurobiology of Language
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