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Be Sure to Vote in the SNL Board of Directors Election! There is still time to vote in the SNL election for four Councilor (board member) positions on the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) Board of Directors, as well as for a Student/Postdoc Representative to the Board. To vote, Log In to your account and click "Vote in the 2019 Board of Directors Election." You must be a current member to vote. If your membership is not current, click "Renew" on your account home page. If you do not have an SNL Account, please select Create an Account. Voting closes on June 11, 2019. Please help shape the future of SNL with your vote! |
SNL Member Exclusive: Get Significantly Discounted Article Processing Charges (APCs) in the Neurobiology of Language 
Neurobiology of Language provides a new venue for articles across a range of disciplines addressing the neurobiological basis of speech and language. Offering open access publishing, rigorous double-blind peer review, and quick turnaround times for authors, the journal aims to facilitate the replicability of experimental findings through modern open science requirements such as sharing of raw data and detailed methods. Sponsored by the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, the journal invites innovative work that significantly advances the understanding of language mechanisms as implemented in the human brain. Topics of interest include the biological foundations of perceptual, cognitive, motor, and linguistic processes used to produce and understand language in children and adults, and in healthy individuals and those with brain disorders. Work on the evolutionary basis of the brain mechanisms of language in other animals, and in neural computation, are also germane. The editors welcome articles drawing on a range of methods including, but not limited to, behavioral paradigms, functional and structural neuroanatomy, genetics, extracranial and intracranial brain stimulation and recording, and brain-computer interfaces. They also encourage submissions in the form of novel experimental studies, clinical and nonclinical trials, replication studies, computational and theoretical models, and review articles. The editors are now accepting submissions. The inaugural issue of Neurobiology of Languagewill appear in 2020. More information about the journal and how to submit articles is available at http://mitpressjournals.org/nol |
Take Advantage of Early Discounted Registration Rates for SNL 2019!
Register for SNL 2019 by June 7, 2019 and save! Join your colleagues for an exceptional scientific program held in Helsinki, Finland from August 17 - 22, 2019. To receive the early discounted registration rate, register by |
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| SNL 2019 August 20-22, 2019 Helsinki, Finland |
In This Issue Early Registration Deadline Job Postings and Announcements |
Job Postings & Announcements If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, |
University of Aberdeen, School of Psychology Professor in Psychology (2 Posts) As part of the continued development of the School of Psychology, the opportunity has arisen for two suitably qualified individuals who can demonstrate an outstanding research profile, as evidenced by publications in leading academic journals and a track record of successful grant applications, commensurate with their stage of career. Applications are invited from candidates with a track record in research leadership in any area of Psychology, whose interests complement and extend any of the School's existing research strengths. Candidates will be able to demonstrate an outstanding research profile, as evidenced by publications in leading academic journals and a track record of successful grant applications. Experience of student supervision and the ability to shape teaching activity is essential. The ability to mentor, motivate and coordinate research teams is important. Salary will be at the appropriate point on the Grade 9 (Professorial) salary scale and negotiable, with placement according to qualifications and experience. The closing date for receipt of applications is 09 June 2019 The University pursues a policy of equal opportunities in the appointment and promotion of staff. |
LPL (Aix-Marseille University & CNRS, France) PhD Position on Brain and Language Research PhD Position (36 months) on Brain and Language Research at the LPL (Aix-Marseille University & CNRS, France) with Dr. Kristof Strijkers and Dr. Sophie Dufour, and Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller (FUB, Berlin, Germany) as external collaborator. We are hiring a PhD student for a period of 36 months to work on the ANR-DFG (FRAL2019) project 'Phonological Networks in Language Production and Comprehension (PhoNet)'. This German-French collaborative project (with Dr. Pulvermuller as PI of the German Team and Dr. Strijkers as PI of the French Team) aims at building and testing a brain language model that, at the theoretical level, embraces both language behaviors and, at the experimental level, tests this model in a range of neuroscientific experiments with a special focus on the phonological brain networks underpinning both language behaviors. The main objectives of the PhD would be to conduct and analyze a series of experiments contrasting phonological processing in word production versus (spoken) word perception with different neuroscientific techniques such as fMRI, TMS and EEG, and conceive a PhD thesis on the findings and its theoretical implications for brain language models. The PhD will be conducted at the LPL (Aix-en-Provence, France), but the PhD student will also have the possibility to visit Prof. Dr. Pulvermuller's lab at the FUB in Berlin (Germany; ~3months). Applicants should hold an MA from a relevant discipline (e.g., psychology, biology, cognitive science, linguistics), and prior knowledge of psycho-/neuro-linguistics and/or neuroscientific techniques like EEG, TMS or fMRI will be considered as a serious plus. Start: September 2019 Duration: 36 months Monthly salary: ~1400€ net/month A complete electronic application (through email; see below) should contain: 1. CV (with the grades of the MA indicated and any relevant internships specified) 2. Letter of motivation (max. 2 pages) All documents (pdf) should be sent via email to kristof.strijkers@gmail.com ! Deadline: 28 June, 2019 ! Supervisor: Dr. Kristof Strijkers, CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL: http://www.lpl-aix.fr/) in Aix-en-Provence, France. Co-Supervisor: Dr. Sophie Dufour, CNRS director at the LPL. External Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller, at the FUB in Berlin, Germany (https://www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de/v/brainlang/Team/FPulvermueller.html). More info (with project summary): http://kristofstrijkers.weebly.com/ |
Pennsylvania State University Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics The Pennsylvania State University, College of the Liberal Arts, invites applications and nominations for the position of Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics. The position is to be filled at the rank of tenured Associate or Professor, effective July 1, 2020. Applicants should have scholarly credentials commensurate with a senior appointment at a major research university, demonstrate administrative experience or evidence of administrative potential, have the ability to manage the on-going grant and development activities of the department, and the flexibility to lead a multi-disciplinary unit with existing and potential partnerships with multiple graduate programs across the college. The Dean is prepared to make investments commensurate with maintaining and improving the department's national and international reputation. Applicants may have joint appointments in other units in the College of the Liberal Arts. A named professorship is possible as commensurate with the applicant's credentials and standing in the field. Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment. Interested parties should submit a formal letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of three references at https://psu.jobs/job/87677. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. For more information about our department, please visit our website at https://aplng.la.psu.edu/. For additional information please contact the Chair of the Search Committee: Karen E. Johnson, Kirby Professor in Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 302 Sparks Building University Park, PA 16802, kej1@psu.edu. |
The Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest (RRI) Nine Postdoctoral Positions The Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest (RRI) is seeking 9 outstanding postdoctoral fellows. A sub-set of the prospective fellows will be selected to be sponsored as the institutional candidates for a Banting Post-Doctoral Fellowship, and will work together with their prospective supervisors on the applications. http://banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html
The Rotman Research Institute (RRI) of Baycrest is a premier interdisciplinary, international centre for the study of human brain function. Our core research themes are: Cognitive Neuroscience, Aging and Brain Health, Alzheimer's and Related Diseases, Computational Modeling and Neuroinformatics. Our research focuses on cognitive brain functions (including memory, executive function, attention, perception, and language), both in normal aging and in the presence of diseases and conditions that affect the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. The Rotman Research Institute supports behavioral, neuropsychological, neuroimaging, and neurocomputational studies with state-of-the-art facilities, including eye-tracking, electroencephalography, and magnetoencephalography laboratories and a research-dedicated Siemens 3 Tesla MRI in-house at Baycrest.
Rotman scientists who are currently recruiting post-doctoral fellows are: Jean Chen jchen@research.baycrest.org Brian Levine blevine@research.baycrest.org Randy McIntosh rmcintosh@research.baycrest.org Jed Meltzer jmeltzer@research.baycrest.org Morris Moscovitch momos@psych.utoronto.ca Rosanna Olsen rolsen@research.baycrest.org Jennifer Ryan jryan@research.baycrest.org Allison Sekuler vpr@research.baycrest.org and Eugenie Roudaia eroudaia@research.baycrest.org Stephen Strother sstrother@research.baycrest.org
The postdoctoral fellows will conduct research on topics related to the areas of expertise of their prospective supervisors. In addition, fellowships at the RRI offer ample opportunities for collaborations both within the institute and with other researchers in Toronto. To find out more about recruiting scientists' research areas, as well as a list of all scientists at the RRI, please follow individual links from here: https://www.baycrest.org/Baycrest/Research-Innovation/People/Researchers/Scientists
Of potential interest to SNL members, the Meltzer lab (meltzerlab.org) is currently seeking a postdoctoral fellow to lead a 2-year study on the short-term and long-term physiological effects of TDCS on perilesional activity in post-stroke aphasia and post-stroke motor impairment, using MEG measures of task-related and resting-state activity and connectivity. ________________ |
Aix-Marseille University, France Aix-Marseille University, France Postdoctoral Position (2 years) Fields: Cognitive neurosciences, Neurolinguistics Supervisors: Chotiga Pattamadilok (Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence), Dr. Agnès Trébuchon (Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes; Timone Hospital, Marseille) and Anne-Sophie Dubarry (Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence). Deadline : June, 10th, 2019 Each year, the Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain, located in Aix-Marseille, France, organizes a competition for two 2-year postdoc positions. Our research team is looking for a candidate to join us on a research proposal that aims to explore 1) the fine-scale spatial organization of the Visual Word Form Area and 2) the temporal dynamic of the communication between this area and the spoken language system. Both state-of-the-art fMRI protocols and an intracerebral EEG recording in epileptic patients will be applied to address these issues. In addition a better understanding of the theoretical questions mentioned above, the present project will contribute to an ongoing elaboration of a cerebral cartographyfor pre-surgical evaluations of epileptic patients and to the development of MIA toolbox, software for analysis of intracerebral EEG signals over multiple patients (https://github.com/annesodub/mia). We are looking for a candidate with a background in cognitive neuroscience, experience in functional MRI (experimental design, data acquisition, preprocessing, analysis) and relevant programming skills (e.g., Matlab). Experience with MEG or EEG is a plus. Interested candidates can contact C. Pattamadilok as soon as possible via email (chotiga.pattamadilok@lpl-aix.fr) for further information. CV with a complete list of publications, a letter of motivation (1-2 pages) and a letter of recommendation or contact information of a potential referee will be requested at a later stage. |
Birkbeck, University of London Postdoctoral Research Position This 24-month fixed-term postdoctoral fellowship will support work on a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant entitled "Individual differences in dimensional weighting in speech perception". Speech is a redundant signal that conveys information via multiple acoustic dimensions. In principle, therefore, speech perception could be carried out via multiple different strategies. This project will investigate individual differences in perceptual strategies across phonetic, prosodic, and musical categorization tasks to test the hypothesis that listeners have metaknowledge about their ability to process different acoustic dimensions, which they use to weight different sources of evidence. We will also use EEG and fMRI to investigate the neural mechanisms underpinning dimensional weighting. The project will combine behavioural testing with EEG and task-based fMRI. The ideal candidate will have experience in both EEG and functional/structural MRI and will a) collaborate in the design and piloting of the experimental protocols and analysis techniques, b) recruit young adult participants, c) conduct behavioural and EEG/fMRI testing, d) preprocess and analyse data, and e) lead the write up of study results. Deadline for applications: June 15th, 2019 For further details and to apply see: |
Speech & Bilingualism Group at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Neuroscience One postdoctoral position is offered to individuals holding a PhD in cognitive neuroscience or psychology and with experience in research on language and speech perception and/or production. The selected candidate will work in the context of the 5-year ERC project Phonemic representations in speech perception and production: Recalibration by reading acquisition (ReadCalibration), supervised by Dr. Clara Martin, within the Speech & Bilingualism group at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL, San Sebastian, Spain; https://www.bcbl.eu/).
The main aim of the ReadCalibration ERC project is to explore the interplay between phonology and orthography in speech perception and production in various populations (children and adults; typically developing or with reading and/or hearing impairments; monolinguals and bilinguals).
ADDITIONAL INFO Benefits The BCBL (Severo Ochoa Excellence label) promotes a rich research environment without substantial teaching obligations. It provides access to the most advanced behavioral and neuroimaging techniques, including 3 Tesla Siemens Prisma scanner, a whole-head MEG system, four ERP labs, a NIRS lab, a baby lab including an eye-tracker, two eye-tracking labs, and several well-equipped behavioral labs. The BCBL hosts excellent support staff and research personnel. Details of BCBL faculty research interests and research facilities can be found at https://www.bcbl.eu/research/.
Gross salary € 28.000 Two-year contract with possibilities of extension (an additional 2 years).
Selection process To submit your application, please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/calls, applying for "ERC Postdoc S&B 2019" and upload before June 14th, 2019:
- A curriculum vitae (4 pages maximum)
- A statement outlining research interests and motivation to apply for the position (1 page maximum)
- Two letters of recommendation
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview. Additional Comments Inquiries about further project or contract details can be directed to hr@bcbl.eu. |
Dutch Research Consortium 'Language in Interaction' (1.0 FTE) Dutch Research Consortium 'Language in Interaction' Vacancy number: 30.06.19 Application deadline: 28 May 2019 Responsibilities We are looking for highly motivated candidates to enrich a unique consortium of researchers that aims to cross the boundaries of various disciplines to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its interaction with other cognitive systems. This specific project aims to advance our understanding of the mechanisms of fast, flexible linguistic inference by leveraging recent major advances in our understanding of the representations and computations necessary for sequential model-based action planning. Currently, our consortium advertises 2 Postdoc positions and 1 PhD position. These positions provide the opportunity for conducting world-class research as a member of an interdisciplinary team. The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. The Language in Interaction research consortium, sponsored by a large grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), brings together many of the excellent research groups in the Netherlands with a research programme on the foundations of language. In addition to excellence in the domain of language and related relevant fields of cognition, our consortium provides state-of-the-art research facilities and a research team with ample experience in the complex research methods that will be invoked to address the scientific questions at the highest level of methodological sophistication. These include methods from genetics, neuroimaging, computational modelling, and patient-related research. This consortium realises both quality and critical mass for studying human language at a scale not easily found anywhere else.
We have identified five Big Questions (BQ) that are central to our understanding of the human language faculty. These questions are interrelated at multiple levels. Teams of researchers will collaborate to collectively address these key questions of our field. Our five Big Questions are: BQ1: The nature of the mental lexicon: How to bridge neurobiology and psycholinguistic theory by computational modelling? BQ2: What are the characteristics and consequences of internal brain organisation for language? BQ3: Creating a shared cognitive space: How is language grounded in and shaped by communicative settings of interacting people? BQ4: Variability in language processing and in language learning: Why does the ability to learn language change with age? How can we characterise and map individual language skills in relation to the population distribution? BQ5: Inference for language and action planning: Common computations? All successful candidates will become members of our Big Question teams. The research is conducted in an international setting at all participating institutions. English is the lingua franca. Each position has its own requirements and profile. More information on: www.languageininteraction.nl/BQ5-3p.html General requirements for all positions are: * a degree in linguistics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, computer science or a related field; * affinity with quantitative analyses; * strong motivation; * excellent proficiency in written and spoken English. - employment: 1.0 FTE;
- terms of employment depend on the position applied for;
- you will be appointed at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University;
- Dutch universities and the institute involved have a number of regulations in place that enable employees to create a good work-life balance;
- you will be able to make use of our Dual Career Service where our Dual Career Officer will assist with family related support, such as child care, and help your partner prepare for the local labour market and with finding an occupation.
The institute involved is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such encourages applications from women and minorities. Would you like to know more? You should upload your application (attn. of Prof. dr. R. Cools) exclusively using the button 'Apply' below. Your application should include (and be limited to) the following attachment(s): - a cover letter quoting at the top the number of the position you apply for
- your curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and the names of at least two people who can provide references
No commercial propositions please. |
ALBA Language Neurobiology laboratory / The UCSF Memory and Aging Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Directed by Dr. Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini, the ALBA lab conducts cutting-edge research on the cognitive and neural correlates of language and related cognitive functions across the life span. In particular, neurodegenerative as well as neurodevelopmental disorders, including frontotemporal dementia, primary progressive aphasia, and dyslexia, are used as clinical models. The postdoctoral fellow will contribute to ongoing experiments and pursue self-directed projects within the lab's area of investigation. Working closely with the current members of the team, he/she will contribute to our empirical efforts to further our understanding of the neurobiology of language. The ideal candidate will have expertise in either cognitive neuroscience or neuroimaging (in particular understanding of, and experience with, fMRI data analysis). Excellent English (oral and written) and good communication skills are necessary. Strong computational and programming skills are preferred. Appropriate areas of doctoral training include, but are not limited to, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and computer science. The successful candidate would join the multidisciplinary team of world-class neurologists, neuropsychologists, speech-language pathologists, engineers, and cognitive scientists working at the UCSF - Memory and Aging Center, the largest cognitive and behavioral neurology center in the United States. Cognitive neuroscience research will integrate our rich, multidisciplinary datasets to study the cognitive, clinical, anatomical, and neuropathological correlates of disease. Informal inquiries are most welcome. |
Conferences, Programs, and Calls |
International Brain and Syntax Think Tank - Northwestern University The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers who study the neural organization of syntax. Based on research with both neurotypical and aphasic participants,we seek to get a snapshot of the state-of-the-science and, crucially, to identify future directions for research in the area in a two-day meeting about the neurofunctional architecture of syntax and its components, neurocognitive interfaces between syntax and other linguistic and domain-general processing systems, and about what seem to be the most useful and informative methodologies for investigating syntactic processing. The meeting will also include a poster session. Abstracts of original, unpublished work on the brain and syntax are invited (maximum 1000 words [excluding references], one figure and one table). Borna Bonakdarpour (Northwestern University) Maria Garraffa (Heriot-Watt University) Yosef Grodzinsky (Hebrew University, FZ Jülich) Gregory Hickok (University of California, Irvine) Nayoun Kim (University of Toronto) Richard Lewis (University of Michigan) Matthew Nelson (Northwestern University) Na'ama Friedmann (Tel Aviv University) Jennifer Mack (University of Massachusetts) Umesh Patil (Potsdam University) Cynthia Thompson (Northwestern University) Rosemary Varley (University College London) Spiridoula Varlokosta (University of Athens) Matthew Walenski (Northwestern University) Ming Xiang (University of Chicago) Masaya Yoshida (Northwestern University) |
iWORDD was created back in 2013 with the aim to bring together researchers interested in understanding the causes and manifestations of developmental dyslexia and attempts to address the theoretical issues faced in this field. Across two full days (October, 2nd -3th), the third edition of iWORDD will feature four excellent invited speakers whose theoretical views will cover various issues related to the impact of cross-linguistic variations on the manifestations of reading development and reading disorders. Questions linked to how structural differences amongst languages modulate reading acquisition and reading disorders will be addressed as well as important timely issues such as multilingualism and second language learning.
iWORDD will therefore offer the research community the opportunity to get a broad overview of the current cross-linguistic theories underlying research in the field, while helping outline future directions in the investigation of developmental dyslexia.
With it limited size, iWORDD will encourage interactions among invited speakers and researchers during the four keynote lectures, invited symposiums, oral as well as poster sessions.
Coupled with the aim of generating new ideas to advance our field from theoretical perspectives, the ultimate goal of iWORDD is to highlight innovative thinking which could play in important role in clinical practice and education. With this in mind, a day devoted to linking theory to practice which will be open to a broader audience will take place after the two days of scientific meeting between researchers (October, 4th).
Speakers iWORDD 3
Charles Perfetti Johannes Ziegler Ludo Verhoeven Karin Landerl
Research Perspectives: October 2nd - 3th, 2019 From Theory to Practice: October 4th, 2019 Early registration deadline: June 16th, 2019 |
AMLaP 2019 will take place in Moscow, Russia 6-8 September! AMLaP is an international conference, which has established itself as the premier international forum for interdisciplinary research into how people process language. AMLaP 2019 aims to bring together researchers using experimental, neuroimaging, computational, and theoretical perspectives on the cognitive architectures and neural mechanisms underlying language use and communication. We welcome theoretical and empirical reports on all aspects of word and sentence production and comprehension, discourse level mechanisms, bilingualism, and beyond. Evelina Fedorenko, MIT, USA Antje Meyer, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands Christoph Scheepers, University of Glasgow, UK Yury Shtyrov, Aarhus University, Denmark Linda Wheeldon, University of Agder, Norway In addition to the main program, this year's AMLAP will host two satellite symposia: 4 September "Typical and atypical language development" 5 September "Bilingualism and cognition" You can find information about the symposia including the programmes, invited speakers, and submission details on the main conference website (https://neuro.hse.ru/amlap2019). Follow us on Facebook: @AMLAP2019 We are looking forward to seeing you in Moscow in September! |
20th Science of Aphasia Conference The 20th International Science of Aphasia Conference will take place on September 23-26, 2019 in Rome, Italy. The main theme of the conference will be "The temporal lobe revisited: Functional and neural updates". Current neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and behavioral investigations provide increasingly detailed insights into the functional neuroanatomy of the temporal lobe. Studies in cognitively intact and brain-damaged populations converge in considering the left temporal lobe as critical for the recognition and processing of auditory inputs; for the recognition, comprehension and retrieval of spoken and written words; for sentence comprehension; and for verbal memory skills. The role of the left temporal lobe in the neural networks involved in language and language-related skills will be discussed by cognitive neuroscientists from the perspective of neuroanatomy, neurology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging and neurolinguistics. During the conference, oral communications and posters will allow discussing additional aspects of the neurofunctional organization of language. |
Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning The Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning will take place in San Sebastian (Spain), June 27-29, 2019. The conference explores statistical learning and its underlying mechanisms, from behaviour to neuroscience, in various domains. Our keynote speakers: Jay McClleland, Lori Holt, Simon Kirby, Daphne Shohami Theme speakers: Scott Johnson, Amy Finn, Maryellen MacDonald Panel discussion: Richard Aslin Looking forward to seeing you in San Sebastian! Manuel Carreiras, Ram Frost, Blair Armstrong, Morten Christiansen, and Louisa Bogaerts. |
2019 International Conference on "Movement and Cognition" You are welcome to join us at in the 2019 International Conference on "Movement and Cognition" which will take place between the 22-24 July 2019 at the Tel-Aviv University, Israel. You are also invited to submit to the scientific committee an abstract for oral presentation, poster, symposium, or workshop, if you wish to present your work or research at the conference. The event addresses the relationship between movement and cognition and the broad topics of the conference include scientific explorations of Cognitive-Movement interaction with applications ranging from Therapeutic Exercise, Ergonomics, Kinesiology, Motor Learning and Behavior to Biomechanics of Movement, Movement Disorders, Rehabilitation of Motor Dysfunction, Neuroscience of Dance, Cognitive Movement Development in infancy and childhood and Aging and Cognitive-Movement Interaction, and more (see on the website). |
International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia We're inviting you to the third edition of the International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia in San Sebastián! iWORDD was created back in 2013 with the aim to bring together researchers interested in understanding the causes and manifestations of developmental dyslexia and attempts to address the theoretical issues faced in this field.
Across two full days (October, 2nd -3rd), the third edition of iWORDD will feature four excellent invited speakers whose theoretical views will cover various issues related to the impact of cross-linguistic variations on the manifestations of reading development and reading disorders. Questions linked to how structural differences among languages modulate reading acquisition and reading disorders will be addressed as well as important timely issues such as multilingualism and second language learning.
iWORDD will therefore offer the research community the opportunity to get a broad overview of the current cross-linguistic theories underlying research in the field, while helping outline future directions in the investigation of developmental dyslexia.
With it limited size, iWORDD will encourage interactions among invited speakers and researchers during the four keynote lectures, invited symposiums, oral as well as poster sessions.
Coupled with the aim of generating new ideas to advance our field from theoretical perspectives, the ultimate goal of iWORDD is to highlight innovative thinking which could play in important role in clinical practice and education. With this in mind, a day devoted to linking theory to practice which will be open to a broader audience will take place after the two days of scientific meeting between researchers (October, 4th).
Speakers iWORDD 3
Charles Perfetti Johannes Ziegler Ludo Verhoeven Karin Landerl
For further information please visit https://www.bcbl.eu/events/iwordd2019/en/. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
Early registration deadline: June 16th, 2019
Research Perspectives: October 2nd - 3th, 2019 From Theory to Practice: October 4th, 2019
Yours sincerely,
Marie Lallier & Manuel Carreiras BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language www.bcbl.eu |
57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia Abstracts should be submitted via Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. The submissions deadline is May 1, 2019. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia will be held at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical, and historical research from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, History, and Computational Modeling. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Lyndsey Nickels of Macquarie University. Dr. Nickels is Professor of Cognitive Science, member of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders (CCD), and Macquarie University's Director of the international Ph.D. program International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language and Brain. She is an internationally-recognized researcher in the cognitive neuropsychology of language, who has carried out landmark work in the neural and cognitive bases of word production and word-production impairments in aphasia. A trained speech-language therapist, Dr. Nickels has made equally important contributions to the aphasia treatment literature, and she has a long-standing commitment to research focused on remediation of language disorders. Now in its second year, the NIDCD-funded Academy of Aphasia conference grant (R13 DC017375-01) will sponsor student fellows and a of state-of-the-art New Frontiers in Aphasia Research seminar. This year's speaker for the New Frontiers in Aphasia Research seminar is Dr. Alex Fornito of Monash University. Dr. Fornito is Professor of Psychology at Monash University and directs the Brain and Mental Health Lab. His work uses multidisciplinary methods to examine the brain bases of behaviour, including graph-theoretic analyses of both functional and diffusion MRI data. Accepted student fellows will have the opportunity for focused mentoring and training, and both U.S. and international students are eligible to apply. Further information, including application forms, is available here. Presentation types. The annual meeting includes both platform and poster sessions. Platform sessions include: - Scientific papers-consisting of original research that has not yet been published.
- Symposia-consisting of a number of papers focusing on a common theme from researchers representing different laboratories. These papers may report on previously published research.
- Mini-Workshops-methodologically oriented sessions consisting of a number of papers reporting a unique approach to a timely topic. The authors of these papers may be from a single research group.
- Scientific papers that can be presented primarily in a visual format.
The Academy considers poster sessions to be as scientifically meritorious as platform sessions. Poster sessions will not conflict with platform sessions. Guidelines for abstract content. The submitted abstract should provide a concise statement of the problem or hypothesis, procedures and analyses conducted, results obtained, and final conclusion(s) drawn. Abstracts may include a maximum of 500 words (excluding references) as well as one camera-ready figure and one table. As in previous years, submission and publication of Academy of Aphasia will be via Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Proposals must be submitted on-line here. Symposia and Mini-Workshops. In the case of symposia and mini-workshops, the organizer should submit an abstract summarizing the topic, including the names and affiliations of all the participants, and the titles of the other abstracts. In addition, an abstract should be submitted for each of the individual presentations. Abstracts for those individual presentations will need to indicate the symposium they are affiliated with as part of the submissions process, in the Acknowledgments (see Submission Procedures below for details). To help in the planning of the program, it is recommended that organizers of symposia and mini-workshops contact the chair of the Program Committee by e-mail (mdickey@pitt.edu) about their plans, and to receive feedback on organizational issues. Authorship of submissions. More than one abstract may be submitted by an individual, but an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission. Both members and non-members of the Academy are encouraged to submit proposals for scientific papers, symposia and mini-workshops. Student papers must be co-authored by a member of the Academy. All submissions will be given equal consideration on the basis of their scientific merit and fitness for the Academy. Conference participation. The meeting is open to anyone interested in attending. However, meeting space is limited, and Academy of Aphasia members, authors of accepted papers, and the first authors of rejected papers will have preference if space limitations restrict the number of registrants. Looking forward to seeing you at the AoA2019 meeting this October! |
2019 PolyU CBS Summer School The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS), of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is pleased to announce that the 2019 PolyU CBS Summer School will be held in Hong Kong, from Monday, July 15th to Friday, August 9th 2019. Credit-bearing courses will be offered under two themes: (1) Language and Culture (undergraduate), and (2) Language, Cognition and Neuroscience (postgraduate). These courses will offer you a window into language, brain and culture by considering such questions as: How does language work? How is language instantiated in the brain? How does language reflect our cultural and social identity? How does language shape us as humans? By considering and addressing these questions in our summer school, you will have a clearer understanding of what language is really like.
The summer school program will include invited speakers, workshops and fieldtrips. The courses and talks will be in English.
Undergraduate - Language and Culture (two 3-credit courses) Fun with language (Dr. Yu Yin Hsu and Dr. Cherie Wong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Understanding Japan: A Journey into Japanese Culture and Society (Dr. Reijiro Aoyama, Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Postgraduate - Language, Cognition and Neuroscience (two 3-credit courses) Advanced Topics in Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Prof. Jackson Gandour (Purdue University) Prof. Evan Kidd (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) Prof. Ping Li (Penn State University) Prof. Chia-Ying Lee (Academia Sinica) Prof. Elena Lieven (University of Manchester; ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD)) Prof. Salikoko S. Mufwene (The University of Chicago) Prof. Ken Pugh (Haskins Laboratories & Yale University) Prof. Caroline Rowland (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) Prof. Tom Schoenemann (Indiana University) Prof. Michael Ullman (Georgetown University) Prof. Feng Wang (Peking University) Prof. William S-Y. Wang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Prof. Fan-pei Gloria Yang (National Tsinghua University) Advanced Topics in Research Methodology for Language Sciences - EEG workshop by Dr. Stephen Politzer-Ahles (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- fMRI workshop by Dr. Bolton K. H. Chau and Dr. Bess Y. H. Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Eye-tracker workshop by Prof. Jie-Li Tsai (National Chengchi University)
- tDCS workshop by Prof. Dirk Den Ouden (University of South Carolina)
For details, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/summerschool/programme/field-trip-optional For further information please visit http://www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/2019summer-school/index.php or email us at cbs.summer.school@polyu.edu.hk.
We look forward to seeing you at the summer school. Yours sincerely, The 2019 LCN Summer School Organizing Committee
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language
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