November 2015






Thank you for attending SNL 2015

As outgoing Chair of SNL, I would just like to thank everyone for making SNL 2015 such a huge success. We had 624 registrants in Chicago this year with 470 submissions, and 650 active members for 2015. Clearly, SNL is continuing to grow as a vibrant organization committed to great science and new ideas. Many thanks to all the presenters and participants for their outstanding contributions, to the Board for their guidance, and to Shauney and Shawna for all their continued hard work.

Don't forget! SNL 2016 will be held in London, England from August 17-20, 2016. Plans are already underway for a great meeting, taking into account the comments made by participants in Chicago and via the survey that was sent out. That survey is still open and we would very much like your feedback and suggestions. We are already up to 32% of attendees responding, but would like to hear more of your opinions. The survey can be accessed at . Let us know what you think!

Nina Dronkers, SNL Past Chair


ArticleTwoIs there a consensus definition of Broca's and Wernicke's areas? Help us find out!

Dear Colleague,

You are invited to take a very short (5 min) survey that explores the field-consensus anatomical definition of Broca's and Wernicke's areas, brain regions for which there may be significant definitional heterogeneity. For this reason, we are distributing the survey to researchers in the fields of language neurobiology and aphasia. The survey is completely anonymous.

Here is the link to the survey:  

We do hope that it will contribute to clarifying this important question!

Thank you very much for your time!

Pascale Tremblay, Ph.D.

Université Laval

Anthony Dick, Ph.D.

Florida International University



SNL 2016

 August 17 - 20, 2016

London, England



In This Issue   



Letter from President


Broca's and Wernicke's areas survey    


November Job Postings and Announcements





The London Eye


 Job Postings & Announcements 

 If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to






Big Ben



The River Thames




The British Museum


JobPostingsJob Postings and Announcements


MRRI Institute Investigator (all levels): Language and Cognition in Neuropsychological Populations

Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) seeks an Institute Investigator to join our historic program in language and cognition and help build the next generation of translational neuroscience/neurorehab research.

The successful applicant is expected to conduct an independent program of research and to participate in research collaborations within and outside MRRI. The ideal candidate is a cognitive, clinical, or neuroscientist or speech-language pathologist who studies language or related cognitive disorders, and who may also conduct research in translating basic science findings to improve clinical practice. Preference will be given to candidates who complement the faculty's interests in areas like language processing, language learning, semantics, action planning, cognitive control, neuromodulation, neuroplasticity, and/or lesion-symptom mapping (for details, consult our website:

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant area. Evidence of research productivity and prior grant funding are required, as salaries and labs at MRRI are partially grant supported. Qualified candidates at all levels are welcome to apply. We offer a competitive start-up package, and ongoing salary support is available.

MRRI is known internationally for its research in neuroscience and neurorehabilitation, including a long tradition of ground-breaking research in aphasia. Our unique resources include a large research registry of stroke and TBI research volunteers, and the long-running MossRehab Aphasia Center, a venue for life participation activities, training, and research. MRRI is renowned for its supportive, collegial environment, peer mentoring, and collaborative ties with Philadelphia's outstanding colleges and universities. In particular, we have long-standing collaborations with the neurology and neuroimaging faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, with grant supported projects in structural and functional neuroimaging, TMS, and tDCS.

Einstein Healthcare Network is proud to offer our employees outstanding career opportunities including competitive compensation, attractive benefits plan including medical/dental/vision coverage, generous vacation time, and tuition reimbursement.


Interested candidates may submit a cover letter describing current research programs and proposed future directions in the MRRI environment, along with CV to:

Kevin Whelihan, Research Administrator;
MRRI, MossRehab @ Elkins Park
50 Township Line Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

We also welcome informal approaches by email or phone that begin a conversation that may eventually lead to an application; such inquiries can be directed to Dr. Myrna Schwartz ( Contact information for other MRRI faculty can be found at

Clinical Director, MossRehab Aphasia Center

MossRehab, one of the top 10 rehabilitation centers in the nation, seek(s) an experienced clinical aphasiologist to direct the programs of its long standing MossRehab Aphasia Center. Founded in 1996 as a joint program of MossRehab and Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI), the Aphasia Center is a pioneer in creatively addressing the long-term communication and psychosocial needs of people with aphasia. The Center provides focused and meaningful intervention at strategic points in the communication recovery process. This can occur through the Center's various programs, including: 1) the Advanced Clinical Therapy program (ACT), a specialized outpatient program that provides the most up-to date treatments for chronic aphasia; 2) A vibrant Aphasia Activity Center where people and families living with chronic aphasia participate in an array of communication and life enhancing activities; and 3) Participation in research.

The successful applicant will lead the Aphasia Center's continued growth and development. This includes supervision and mentoring of Speech-language pathologists, research assistants, students and volunteers; managing new and existing program initiatives; grant writing for program support, and, potentially conducting research. The MossRehab Aphasia Center is closely affiliated with Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, which is internationally known for its research in neuroscience and neurorehabilitation, including a long tradition of ground-breaking research in aphasia. The Aphasia Center also is a founding member and affiliate of AphasiaAccess, a new alliance of Life Participation providers and shares its interest in life participation outcomes research.

The ideal candidate is a PhD or Masters level speech-language pathologist with clinical experience. The Clinical Directorship is a salaried half-time position. However, depending on the interests and qualifications of the candidate, the position could be expanded up to full-time through research collaborations and extramural grant support.  

Einstein Healthcare Network is proud to offer our employees outstanding career opportunities including competitive compensation, attractive benefits plan including medical/dental/vision coverage, generous vacation time, and tuition reimbursement.


Interested candidates may submit a cover letter along with CV to:

Kevin Whelihan, Research Administrator;
MRRI, MossRehab @ Elkins Park
50 Township Line Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

We also welcome informal approaches by email or phone that begin a conversation that may eventually lead to an application; such inquiries can be directed to Ruth Fink, 215-663-6561. Additional information about the MossRehab Aphasia Center can be found at

Graduate Student Positions in Cognitive & Brain Sciences

The Cognitive and Brain Sciences PhD Program at the University of Kansas has a number of openings for graduate student positions for Fall 2016.

The program offers specialization on a basic or applied area of interest, including:
* Cognitive psychology
* Cognitive neuroscience
* Developmental science
* Aging and cognition
* Child language
* Quantitative methods

The training program emphasizes the development of a broad-based foundation in theory, research methods, technical skills, and quantitative analysis for application in a variety of basic and applied research settings. Areas of focus of current faculty members and faculty affiliate include memory, cognitive development, language, perception, attention, aging, higher-order cognition, neuropsychology, computational neuroscience, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, philosophy of psychology, and philosophy of mind.

The program follows a mentorship model; students are admitted to work with specific faculty members rather than to the program at large. Students and faculty can also work closely with one of our affiliated faculty members in other departments (e.g., Linguistics, Gerontology, Speech-Language-Hearing, and Philosophy).

Our research facilities include:
* Behavioral, Psychophysiological, and Eye-Tracking Laboratories
* Hoglund Brain Imaging Center (fMRI, MEG Laboratories)
* High-Density ERP Laboratory
* KU Infant & Early Cognition Laboratories
* Neurostimulation Laboratory
* Driving Simulator Laboratory

To apply and for more information on our program, visit our website Application deadline: December 1, 2015.

Contact information:

Address: Cognitive and Brain Sciences Program
1415 Jayhawk blvd
426 Fraser Hall
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
United States

2016 IMPRS for Language Sciences PhD positions

The IMPRS for Language Sciences is now advertising three fully funded PhD positions.

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Language Sciences is the leading research school in the world devoted to studying the foundations of human language. It is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, and the Centre for Language Studies of the Radboud University. The research school offers unrivalled training, top facilities (from genetics labs, advanced brain imaging techniques, psychology labs to supported fieldwork opportunities), and an outstanding interdisciplinary environment (see

We aim to attract outstanding students who wish to earn a PhD degree in any area of Languages Sciences. Broad questions addressed by students of the IMPRS include: What is the architecture of the language system? How is language represented in the brain? How does your genome help you speak? What is the genetic basis of neurodevelopmental communication disorders? Why is the human brain capable of learning and processing diverse languages? If you have a background in Psychology, Linguistics, Genetics, or Neuroscience, you could contribute to fundamental science in this area and earn a PhD degree in the International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences.

PhD projects are fully funded for four years. PhD students receive a monthly salary sufficient to cover living costs in Nijmegen.

Applicants must have a Master's degree (or expect to complete the degree before September 2016) in a relevant field. The working language of the research school is English.

Please email your application as one PDF document including the following information:

1. Curriculum vitae. Include:

· Relevant work and educational background

· Details about your Master's degree, including names of supervisors, (intended) date of completion, title of thesis, a brief description of your topic

· Grades for relevant coursework

· Details about relevant technical or research skills (e.g., programming, statistics, experimental design/methods, molecular biology, neuroimaging, practical phonetics, corpus methods, fieldwork).

2. One page summary of your (completed or ongoing) Master thesis project or equivalent research project (max. 500 words)

3. Identification of potential promotor/supervisor and an explanation why you want to work in her or his domain (max. 200 words).

- See the list of potential promotors in the IMPRS at

Also look at the (personal/department) websites of these professors.

4. References. Please provide contact details of two academic referees. Non-native speakers of English must also provide a TOEFL/Cambridge/IELTS certificate or equivalent before taking up the post.

Closing date for the applications is January 6 2016.

Skype interviews are planned for the period between 8 and 19 February. Additional live interviews at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics with a final shortlist are planned for the end of February. Start date for the positions is 1 September 2016.

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women, people with disabilities and under-represented groups are particularly encouraged.

Please send your application and any queries by email with the subject header "IMPRS application" to

Two Post-doctoral Positions to Study the Electrophysiology of Language Networks

Two post-doctoral positions are available in the lab of Nitin Tandon at Houston (, to begin as soon as fall of 2015, for a duration of up to five years.

These positions will be supported by recent grants awarded to the PI from the National Science Foundation and the national Institutes of Health. Candidates for this position should have a background in cognition/ cognitive neuroscience/ intracranial electrophysiology and be interested in understanding speech production in humans.

Interactions with our collaborators on these grants, particularly Greg Hickok at UCI, Bob Knight at UC Berkeley and Behnaam Aazhang at Rice University will be encouraged and facilitated. Both positions will involve state-of-the-art analysis of electro-corticographic signals in patients using stereo EEG and subdural grid electrodes and novel electrical stimulation approaches. Opportunities for inter-modal comparisons will also be provided. Candidates must have strong capabilities in one or more of the following disciplines - electrophysiology, signal processing, cognitive neuroscience or computational neuroscience. New members of the lab will benefit from the expertise of several other collaborators, post-docs and graduate students and a proven track record of expertise in intracranial electrophysiology.

Applications should consist of a cover letter describing research interests (and how those are a good fit for the position), a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three referees. Applicants will be evaluated on a first come first served basis and applications will be evaluated till the positions are filled, which we expect to happen by the end of this year.

Pay will be commensurate with NIH/NSF rates for post-doctoral fellows and full benefits will be provided via the University of Texas.

Please feel free to contact us for inquiries (; 713-500-5475).   Completed applications should be sent to


Post-docs will analyze human electrocorticographic (ECoG) data collected using intracranial EEG (iEEG) - stereo EEG (sEEG) and subdural grid electrodes (SDE) during language production - and modulate these using novel electrical stimulation approaches.


The University of Texas-Dallas Callier Center for Communication Disorders invites applications for a two-year, full-time postdoctoral fellowship to develop a program of independent research in a field related to communication sciences and disorders, including psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience.

A salary of $48,000, a standard benefits package, and financial support for travel and research supplies will be provided. Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, a 1 page cover letter that specifies the applicant's research plan and a potential mentor, up to three scholarly publications, and a minimum of three letters of reference.

Questions about the position may be directed to Dr. Mandy Maguire at  Review of applications will begin December 15, 2015 and continue until the position is filled.


Conferences and Workshops


Learning and Plasticity 2016

I wish to welcome you to the Learning and Plasticity (LaP) meeting ( that will be organized in April 2016 amongst the fells of the Finnish Lapland!

This is the second LaP meeting, inspired by the successful inaugural LaP conference last spring. This cross-disciplinary meeting connects psychological and neuroscience research on the mechanisms of learning and brain plasticity. These research areas are particularly active today and carry great importance both in terms of theoretical advances and translational research. The congress is organized by the Åbo Akademi University, the University of Turku, and the Turku Brain and Mind Center.

The congress program runs from 3pm to evening, enabling one to utilize the excellent possibilities for various winter sports and other outdoor activities during the long days in mid-April. Due to auditorium space, the number of participants is limited to 100. We hope to see you amongst the hundred!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Matti Laine, PhD

Head of the Organizing Committee

Professor, Department of Psychology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland


- Abstract submission by the end of Monday (Eastern European Time) February 1st, 2016.

- Congress registration for an early-bird fee by the end of Tuesday (Eastern European Time) March 1st, 2016 For further information, please see the congress website:

AMLaP conference

We are pleased to announce the 22nd AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, which will take place in Bilbao, Spain, on September 1-3, 2016.

AMLaP 2016 aims to bring together psychological, computational, and theoretical perspectives on the cognitive mechanisms underlying any aspect of human language processing. Contributions to AMLaP which explicitly relate empirical and experimental findings to cognitive mechanisms of language processing are especially encouraged.

Topics relevant to the conference include (but are not limited to):

 - bilingual language processing

- computational models (symbolic and connectionist)

- corpus-based studies and statistical mechanisms

- cross-linguistic studies

- dialogue processing

- discourse

- language comprehension

- language production

- lexical processing

- learning mechanisms

- models of acquisition

- neurobiology of language processing

- parsing and interpretation

- pragmatics

- prosody

- semantic processing

 The conference will include keynote speakers, regular talks, panel discussions, and poster sessions.


*            Anne-Lise Giraud - University of Geneva, Switzerland

*            N. Bonnie Nozari - Johns Hopkins University, USA

*            Robert T. Knight - UC Berkeley, USA

For further information please visit

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Yours sincerely,

Manuel Carreiras

Director BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language


Abstract deadline: April 15th, 2016.

Notification of abstract acceptance: May 15th, 2016.

Early registration deadline: June 15th, 2016.

Online registration deadline: July 15th, 2016.

Conference dates: September 1 - 3, 2016

The 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing

Deadline extended to November 15, 2015!

The 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing will be hosted by the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. The conference will be held March 3-5, 2016 at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center in Gainesville. The topic of the special session is "Language Variation Within and Across Speakers". Keynote speakers are:

Douglas Biber, Northern Arizona University

Hélène Blondeau,  University of Florida

Cynthia Clopper,  The Ohio State University

Paola Dussias, The Pennsylvania State University

Maria Polinsky, University of Maryland

Guillaume Thierry,  Bangor University

Deadline for paper and poster submissions: Sunday November 15, 2015, 11:59pm.

For more information, see or contact

Hope to see you all in Gainesville!

Edith Kaan, Jorge Valdés Kroff, Ratree Wayland, and Steffi Wulff

CUNY 2016 organizing committee