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Coming Soon: Call for Competitive Symposium Submissions for SNL 2020, Philadelphia The Society for the Neurobiology of Language plans to invite symposium submissions for the 2020 meeting in Philadelphia. Competitively-reviewed symposia are a new element of the meeting, and this format is intended to add new and exciting research topics to the SNL program. Details about submission format and requirements will be published in an upcoming newsletter. Symposium proposals should target topics that are likely to be of broad interest to SNL members, as well as influence the direction of science in our community. Compelling symposia include topics that highlight a current debate in the field, introduce new methods or techniques, or challenge the status quo. Topics that are of especially high interest include (but are not limited to) advances in statistical methods, integration of natural language processing (NLP) data with neurolinguistics, advances in lesion symptom mapping and functional neuroimaging methods for neurological disorders (e.g., aphasia), longitudinal assessment of treatment-induced gains, genetic and epigenetic factors in language development, predictive coding and speech processing, the role of the motor system in language, sleep consolidation during language acquisition, among many other topics. We encourage symposium organizers to consider diversity on many dimensions, including diversity of perspective, discipline, and demographics. Symposium Structure: Symposia sessions will last two hours, and will typically consist of up to six 15-minute talks, with 5 minutes following each talk for discussion. Organizers may also choose to reserve all discussion for the end of the symposium, or to reserve a slot for a moderated panel discussion. In general, organizers have flexibility in the structure of the symposium, but the symposium must fit within the two hour block. Look for submission details in an upcoming SNL newsletter. In the meantime, please contact Emily Myers (SNL 2020 Program Committee Chair) with any questions about topic or format. |
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| SNL 2020 October 21-23, 2020 Philadelphia, USA |
For more information about the journal and how to submit articles, go to http://mitpressjournals.org/nol |

| Independence Hall |

| George Washington Monument |
Job Postings & Announcements If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
Graduate Studies in Psycholinguistics at the University of Toronto Are you a talented and motivated individual with an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, or a related area? The psycholinguistics group at the University of Toronto offers an exciting environment for a student to join a funded MA or PhD program, at either the Department of Psychology or the Department of Linguistics. These departments are part of a world-class research institution in one of the most multilingual cities in the world. Students enroll in the graduate program offered by one of the two departments and work with a primary supervisor in that department. Students are also encouraged to participate in our interdisciplinary group, to attend the cognitive science of language talk series, to create a thesis committee that integrates faculty members from both departments, and to initiate collaborative research projects. Prospective students are encouraged to contact potential supervisors to learn more about their research and available training opportunities (see list of relevant faculty below). Psychology applications are due December 1. Click HERE for more information Linguistics applications are due January 8. Click HERE for more information Computational modeling, ambiguous word comprehension Computational modeling, lexical semantics, semantic typology Spoken language interpretation, reference, aging, social robotics Language processing, pragmatics, reference, common ground Language acquisition, infant and toddler development, speech perception Speech perception, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Language acquisition, bilingualism, syntax Phonetics, speech perception and production Click HERE for international ranking information on U of T Psychology Click HERE for international ranking information on U of T Linguistics |
Tenure-Track Faculty Position Assistant Professor in Cognitive Neurodevelopment Dalhousie University The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University invites applications for a tenure-stream position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of Cognitive Neurodevelopment. The position will begin July 1, 2020. The successful applicant will have demonstrated expertise in developmental cognitive and/or neuroscientific research. Strong preference will be given to those applying this to the study of language and/or reading development in languages appropriate to the local context, doing so with empirical behavioural and/or neuroimaging methods, and complementing existing departmental expertise in this area. The successful applicant will have an excellent record of published research for their career level. The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability or potential to build an independent, funded, internationally competitive laboratory, as well as to contribute to the training of graduate students, undergraduate and graduate teaching (including among our existing course offerings), and departmental and university service. Information about the research activities and courses offered in our department can be found at www.psychology.dal.ca.
The ideal applicant will have a PhD (i.e. dissertation defended) in Developmental Psychology, Developmental Neuroscience, or a related discipline completed by July 1, 2020.
The successful applicant will be well-positioned and -resourced. Faculty members in Psychology and Neuroscience have excellent connections with schools, childcare centres, and clinicians facilitating access to both typically and atypically developing individuals. Our department houses world-class research facilities and boasts a strong reputation for collaborative use of infrastructure. We house a developmental neuroimaging research lab with 3 EEG systems, well-equipped behavioural research labs, and excellent connections to the IWK-the only pediatric tertiary care hospital in the Maritime provinces of Canada-which provides access to clinical populations and expertise, as well as infrastructure such as child-friendly 3T MRI and MEG scanners. Our research-intensive department has talented undergraduate and graduate student researchers keen to pursue developmental research. The graduate program has an innovative shared funding structure, and close connections to relevant national training programs (such as Kids Brain Health Network and the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program). The department and university have a strong commitment to community engagement, outreach, and both basic and applied/translational research.
Dalhousie University (www.dal.ca) is located in the vibrant ocean-side city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, which offers an excellent quality of life, including active local food, arts, and music scenes, easy access to outdoor activities, and high-quality health and education centres.
To apply for the position, please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, copies of at least three published or in-press papers, and statements of teaching and research interests. Please also arrange for three referees to send confidential letters of reference under separate cover to suzanne.king@dal.ca. All other application materials should be submitted directly by the applicant at http://dal.peopleadmin.ca/postings/2111.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The University encourages applications from Indigenous persons, persons with a disability, racially visible persons, women, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit www.dal.ca/hiringfordiversity.
Review of applications will begin November 7, 2019; applications will be considered until the position is filled.
University of Connecticut Open-Rank Faculty Positions The Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Connecticut (UConn) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Diversity Science at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. Diversity Science extends psychological science to understudied populations including racial/ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, sexual minorities, and individuals from diverse socio-economic classes. Potential areas of study include, but are not limited to, health disparities, stereotyping and prejudice, workplace diversity, social and economic context and its effect on underrepresented groups, cross-cultural and cross-language differences in cognition and personality, and cognitive and brain processes in underrepresented groups. These areas will help push the boundaries of current psychological theory and create new discoveries about the unique psychological processes relevant to the experiences of diverse populations. The Department of Psychological Sciences, consistent with the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the entire UConn community, has an overriding commitment to diversity as a core value and basic tenet. The Department currently has 57 faculty and 125 doctoral students across six divisions: Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Developmental, Industrial-Organizational, Perception-Action-Cognition, and Social, and strongly encourages collaborations between these areas. The department is ranked by the National Science Foundation in the top 15 in total federal Research & Development expenditures. Psychological Sciences faculty are core members of a vibrant research community that includes the institute for cognitive science, the brain imaging center, the institute for systems genomics, as well as a thriving institute for health and policy. The ideal candidate will have a record of an innovative, productive, and interdisciplinary research in issues relevant to Diversity Science, including a record of external funding. Candidates will contribute to the teaching needs of the department at the graduate and undergraduate level. They are expected to affiliate with one of the graduate programs of the department, including Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Developmental, Industrial-Organizational, Perception-Action-Cognition, or Social. However, the ideal candidate will work across traditional boundaries and bridge to one or more other graduate programs. Review of applications will begin October 15, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. |
University of Connecticut Tenure-Track Assistant and Associate Professor Positions NOTE: Neuroimaging experts are very welcome to apply! We are interested in learning sciences broadly defined in (early) literacy, math and other areas of learning, EdTech etc. This is appropriate for current Postdocs / Assis/Assoc Profs. EdPsych has recently been awarded 2 federal training grants that would fully fund 9 PhD students. Not only is the department nationally recognized, but it is also the best-funded department at the university, measured by research grant dollars per faculty. Please contact Fumiko.Hoeft@uconn.edu if you would like to discuss without reaching out to the search committee. The Department of Educational Psychology in the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut (UConn) invites applicants to fill two tenure-track faculty positions in Learning Sciences at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek scholars whose research and teaching address one or more dimensions of Learning Sciences, including but not limited to social and cognitive aspects of learning, the design and implementation of learning environments, and learning innovations. The ideal candidate will share the Neag School's commitment to high-quality scholarship, excellent teaching, exceptional service to students and the profession, and continuous quality improvement in an environment of civility and respect. The University of Connecticut is a national leader among public research universities, with more than 32,000 students seeking answers to critical questions in classrooms, labs, and the community. A culture of innovation drives this pursuit of knowledge throughout the University's network of campuses. Connecticut's commitment to higher education helps UConn attract students who thrive in the most competitive environments, as well as globally renowned faculty members. Our school pride is fueled by a history of success that has made us a standout in Division I athletics. UConn fosters a diverse and vibrant culture that meets the needs and seizes the opportunities of a dynamic global society. The Neag School of Education stands out as a major contributor to instructional and research excellence at the University. With academic departments dedicated to educational leadership, educational psychology, and curriculum and instruction, the Neag School also offers a five-year integrated bachelor's/master's program in teacher education and a one-year, post-baccalaureate teacher education program. According to the 2020 U.S. News & World Report rankings of Best Graduate Schools, the Neag School ranks among the top 20 public graduate schools of education in the nation and has five specialty programs ranked in the top 25 nationally, including Educational Psychology: Special Education; Elementary Education; Educational Administration; and Secondary Education. The University of Connecticut's Educational Psychology program is ranked among the top 20 of its kind in the nation, per U.S. News & World Report. With 33 faculty members, the department is among the most productive at the University. The Educational Psychology Department has programs in Cognition, Instruction and Learning Technology; Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology; Educational Technology; Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development; Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation; School Psychology; and Special Education. Earned terminal degree (e.g., Ph.D. Ed.D.) in Learning Sciences or related field by time of appointment; (equivalent foreign degrees are acceptable) and K-12 or university teaching experience. Evaluation of applicants will begin on October 28, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. |
Graduate Student Positions The Development & Aging Neuroscience Education Laboratory at the University of Delaware is excited to invite applications from prospective graduate students to begin in Fall 2020. Our mission is to inspire learning, alleviate health disparities, and strengthen communities through literacy. We study how brain development during childhood and through older adulthood impacts the mind. Specifically, we aim to understand individual differences in learning, language, and literacy. We use behavioral and neuroimaging methods to address our questions. For more information see: http://www.education.udel.edu/doctoral/phd/literacy/. We use behavioral and brain imaging methods to address our research questions. Research is conducted on the University of Delaware campus at the Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging (CBBI). This state-of-the-art research center houses research dedicated 3T and 9.4T MRI scanners (https://live-cbbi.pantheon.io). Candidates should have a degree (Bachelor's or Master's) in education, psychology, neuroscience, or another related field. Previous experience with one or more of the following is beneficial (but not required) and should be mentioned in the application: research experience, experience working with children, older adults, or special populations, conducting statistical analyses, digital art, graphic design, working with brain imaging data, or computer coding. The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer which encourages applications from Minority Group Members, Women, Individuals with Disabilities and Veterans. The University's Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found at http://www.udel.edu/aboutus/legalnotices.html. Stephanie N. Del Tufo, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Delaware. The College of Education and Human Development is located at 106 Alison Hall West, Newark, DE 19716.
The George Washington University Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Tenure-Track Assistant Professor The George Washington University, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences The Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. invites applications for a tenure track position focused on the brain basis of human communication at the assistant professor level to start as early as Fall 2020. Additional responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, and participating in departmental and university service.
Basic Qualifications: Applicant must have a PhD in communication sciences and disorders, psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience or closely related area by date of appointment and have demonstrated commitment to scholarly research evidenced by publications in scholarly journals or scholarly works in progress, and teaching experience at the university level. Applicants must have interests or expertise in translational research with neurotypical individuals and/or populations with communication disorders. Applicants must demonstrate potential for future external funding and must be able to enhance the undergraduate, master's, and new doctoral program focused on communication sciences.
To apply: Please complete the online faculty application at http://www.gwu.jobs/postings/ 70697 and upload (i) a brief cover letter along with (ii) teaching and research statements, (iii) a curriculum vita (CV), and (iv) copies of no more than three representative scholarly publications. Please have three (3) letters of professional reference emailed to Dr. Adrienne Hancock at SLHSapplication@gwu.edu with the subject heading including the first and last name of the applicant. Only completed applications will be considered. The review of applications will begin December 2, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. The University and the Department seek to attract an active, culturally and academically diverse faculty of the highest caliber. Employment offers are contingent on the satisfactory outcome of a standard background screening.
The George Washington University is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer that does not unlawfully discriminate in any of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or on any other basis prohibited by applicable law.
University of Connecticut The Language & Cognition group is a part of the Perception and Action division, one of 6 highly interactive divisions within the department. We have a strong track-record in interdisciplinary research with work spanning from theory and computational modeling to empirical cognitive and neuroscience research. Our group is a core member of three interdisciplinary graduate training programs: Neurobiology of Language (launched with NSF IGERT funding), Science of Learning & Art of Communication (funded by an NSF NRT training grant), and the Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication (funded by an NIH pre- and postdoctoral training grant). Facilities include state-of-the-art MRI, high-density EEG, tDCS, TMS, eye-tracking and other behavioral techniques, as well as access to computing clusters, lab space, and a dynamic program of colloquia, internal talk series and interest groups. We have strong collaborative links to researchers outside of UConn as well as our colleagues in Linguistics, Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences, Philosophy, Biomedical Engineering, Educational Psychology, and UConn Health and the Medical School. Typically, students are funded through a mix of fellowships and Teaching and Research Assistantships, and our students have an excellent recent track record competing for external and internal fellowships. UConn is home to a vibrant community of faculty and students and expects to see major growth in research activity over the next decade. The Language & Cognition faculty, and their interests, include: Gerry Altmann (Director, CT Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences). Sentence processing and prediction; the mapping between language and vision; event cognition. Roeland Hancock (Associate Director, Brain Imaging Research Center). Neurochemistry and neuromodulation; Neurobiology of sentence processing; Auditory Processing. Fumiko Hoeft (Director, Brain Imaging Research Center). Brain development; neuroimaging; individual differences; literacy acquisition; dyslexia; impact of socio-emotional processing on learning. Ed Large Auditory neuroscience; music psychology; dynamical systems. Jim Magnuson (Director, NSF NRT training program in Science of Learning & Art of Communication). Neurobiology and psychology of language; spoken word recognition; computational modeling; language and learning over the lifespan; science communication. Emily Myers (Co-Director, NIH training program in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication). Speech perception; cognitive neuroscience of speech and language; aphasia; second language acquisition. Ken Pugh (President, Haskins Laboratories). Reading; reading disorder; neurobiology of language. Jay Rueckl Neurobiology and psychology of reading; implicit and explicit memory; statistical learning; computational modeling and dynamical systems. Whit Tabor Sentence processing; dynamical systems; language change; group coordination. Eiling Yee Semantic memory and the neural representation of concepts; spoken word recognition and situated/embodied language processing. Application deadline: Priority will be given to applications received by December 1, 2019. |
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) Postdoctoral Fellowships in Translational Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Three-year NIH-funded fellowships are available at the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI), in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), for research training in cognitive and motor neuroscience and neurorehabilitation. Available mentors conduct patient-oriented research using behavioral, computational, imaging, electrophysiologic, and electrical and pharmacologic neuromodulation methods. We welcome applications from individuals with a doctorate in psychology, cognitive science, communication science, kinesiology, movement science, or human neuroscience, who wish to learn to apply basic science principles to the study and treatment of behavioral and brain deficits in adult neurological patients. We also welcome applications from individuals with clinical rehabilitation backgrounds seeking to increase their depth in the basic science underpinnings of assessment and treatment. Applicants must have a track record in research and an interest in developing an independent research career. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer; we are committed to ensuring a range of diversity among our training classes, and we strive to select candidates representing different kinds of programs and theoretical orientations, geographic areas, ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, disabilities, and life experiences. All things being equal, consideration is given to candidates who identify themselves as members of historically under-represented groups on the basis of racial or ethnic status, as representing diversity on the basis of sexual orientation, or as representing diversity on the basis of disability status. This may be indicated in the cover letter. Applications should be submitted to Kevin Whelihan, Research Administrator, - Current CV
- Letter describing research interests and career goals
- Given the translational focus of the training program, applicants should indicate a preferred primary mentor and, if possible, a secondary mentor. The mentors should offer a good fit in balancing basic and applied aspects of the candidate's interests.
- 2-3 letters of reference
Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2019 and continue until positions are filled. ________________ |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics We welcome highly qualified and promising applicants to apply for this opportunity to conduct a PhD project within the newly established Language and Computation in Neural Systems Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. The project will be headed by Dr. Andrea E. Martin (research group leader), a second supervisor, and Prof. dr. Antje Meyer as promotor. Doctoral-level educational training will be provided by the IMPRS, which covers interdisciplinary training in both its core and elective curricula. The scope of research topics covered by our students is highly diverse and has resulted in an impressive collection of publications. Interested? Learn more about the position and the application process here. ________________ |
Royal Holloway, University of London ESRC-funded PhD studentship at Royal Holloway, University of London, in the Neuroscience of Communication Development (N-CoDe) Lab Applications are invited for a SeNSS ESRC-funded PhD studentship 'Investigating and enhancing motivation for reading', covering tuition fees, stipends, and research funds. Reading ability influences academic achievement, career prospects. and personal well-being. But why are some people more motivated to read? This project takes a new perspective on reading acquisition, drawing on complementary strengths of the academic supervisors, Dr. Saloni Krishnan (brain and language), Dr. Jessie Ricketts (reading and vocabulary), and Dr. Joshua Balsters (social decision making). We will use models from decision making to capture how much time, effort, and money people are willing to expend on reading. We will also explore the brain basis of motivation for reading using neuroimaging tools (fMRI). The Reading Agency is an Arts Council-funded, UK-wide charity that works to tackle life's big challenges (literacy, health and wellbeing, social mobility and loneliness) through the proven power of reading. They deliver several successful programmes to boost reading, including the Summer Reading Challenge, Reading Ahead, and Quick Reads, and reach over 1 million people. A collaboration with The Reading Agency will enable us to address whether motivation for reading differs in those with low literacy and explore how environments can be nudged to boost motivation. The successful candidate will be hosted at the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. The Department has an excellent research reputation (6th in the UK in REF2014), an active postgraduate community, and cutting-edge facilities for research, including an on-site MRI scanner. They will also have access to space, supervision, and project-related resources at The Reading Agency, which is based in central London. For more details on how to apply, please visit http://www.pc.rhul.ac.uk/sites/n-code/2019/11/04/esrc-funded-phd-available-in-the-n-code-lab/, or email Saloni (saloni.krishnan@rhul.ac.uk). ________________ |
University of Queensland (UQ) Postdoctoral Research Fellow POSITION DESCRIPTION Position Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Organisation Unit: Queensland Brain Institute Position Number: NEW Type of Employment: Full Time, Fixed term, up to 2 year Classification: Academic Research Level A I am looking for a keen post-doctoral research fellow to join my group and work on the interface between language and broader cognition. The position will be based in the Neuropsychology Research Clinic at the Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. I am happy to discuss the position with anyone who may be interested and would like more details. Primary Purpose of Position The primary purpose of the position is to investigate the cognitive mechanisms involved in the early stages of language generation, and the role of broader cognition with a focus on frontal lobe functions. Neuropsychological and neuroscience methods are used to investigate cognition in healthy and neurological populations (e.g., dementia, stroke, brain tumours). In addition to opportunities to develop research with this focus, the researcher will have access to a large multidisciplinary dataset (neuropsychology, neuroimaging, genetic and lifestyle measures collected from Alzheimer's disease [AD] and healthy at risk of AD cohorts). The researcher will be based in the Neuropsychology Research Clinic, which contains a range of equipment (eye tracker, tDCS, EMG/EEG and physiological recording systems) and is adjacent to the Centre for Advanced Imaging (3T Prisma & 7T MRI). Duties Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Develop and conduct research to understand the cognitive mechanisms crucial for language generation.
- Publish high quality papers, maintain familiarity with relevant scientific literature.
- Present results of research at meetings at all levels - laboratory, institutional, national and international as appropriate.
- Apply for both independent and collaborative research funding.
- Acquire and maintain familiarity with relevant scientific literature and contribute to the academic environment of the laboratory and institute.
- Contribute to supervision and mentoring of junior members and students within the Neuropsychology Research Clinic and to the smooth running of the laboratory.
Ensure you are aware of and comply with legislation and University policy relevant to the duties undertaken, including but not exclusive to: - the University's Code of Conduct
- requirements of the Queensland occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation and related OH&S responsibilities and procedures developed by the University or Institute/School
- the adoption of sustainable practices in all work activities and compliance with associated legislation and related University sustainability responsibilities and procedures
- requirements of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the National Code 2007 and associated legislation, and related responsibilities and procedures developed by the University
Organisational Relationships The position reports to Associate Professor Gail Robinson (QBI and School of Psychology). - PhD in the area of neuropsychology, speech/language, cognitive neuroscience, or other relevant scientififc discipline;
- Solid grounding in cognition (language or executive functions) and statistical analysis, a keen interest in neuropsychology and complementary experience and competency with another method/technique (eye tracking, brain stimulation, neuroimaging).
- Experience in cognitive testing and behavioural experiments;
- Excellent communication skills and ability to bring the work to completion so as to obtain publishable results.
- Ability to analyse data, interpret experimental data to plan subsequent experiments and troubleshoot techniques;
- Self-reliance, motivation and high level interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively with colleagues;
- Record of success in competitive funding schemes, and prizes and awards for research;
- Excellent attention to detail and demonstrated organisational ability;
- Excellent record-keeping skills;
- Ability to work responsibly, accurately and independently;
- Awareness of clinic safety, occupational health and safety protocols;
Desirable - Experience with eye tracking, brain stimulation, physiological, EMG/EEG or neuroimaging techniques.
- Experience with neuropsychological assessment and/or rehabilitation with neurological populations.
Qualification Verification An appointment to this position is subject to the verification of the highest academic qualification from the conferring institution. The University of Queensland values diversity and inclusion and actively encourages applications from those who bring diversity to the University. Please refer to the University's Diversity and Inclusion webpage (http://www.uq.edu.au/equity) for further information and points of contact if you require additional support. This role is a full-time position; however flexible working arrangements may be negotiated. Accessibility requirements and/or adjustments can be directed to hr.qbi@uq.edu.au - UQ Jobs - http://search.jobs.uq.edu.au/caw/en/job/508818/postdoctoral-research-fellow
- Seek - https://www.seek.com.au/job/40349276?searchrequesttoken=90a51d09-98a9-4a17-b1ab-2e56ca764e18&type=standout
Applications close on Friday 6th December 2019, 11:00 pm Australian Brisbane Time Information for Prospective Staff Information about life at UQ including staff benefits, relocation and UQ campuses is available at - http://www.uq.edu.au/current-staff/working-at-uq The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement outlines the position classification standards for Levels A to E.
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University of Connecticut The Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication--CT program (funded by a T32 Institutional National Research Service Award from the NIH to Inge-Marie Eigsti & Emily Myers) invites applications for two-year predoctoral traineeships. Predoctoral trainees will work under the supervision of one or more mentors on the CNC-CT team. These mentors include (but are not limited to) Richard Aslin (Haskins Labs and UConn), Inge-Marie Eigsti, Deborah Fein, Roeland Hancock, Fumiko Hoeft, Nicole Landi, James Magnuson, Jay Rueckl (Psychological Sciences, UConn), and Emily Myers, Erika Skoe, and Rachel Theodore (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, UConn). Predoctoral trainees will participate in a two-year training program integrated with their home doctoral training program, consisting of a combination of core coursework in cognitive neuroscience theories and methods, (including methodological training), and coursework in typical and atypical communication. Trainees will work directly with people with communication disorders, supervised by clinical faculty, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by these communities. Trainees will receive stipend support for two years at full-time, 12-month UConn levels; tuition & health insurance; $800 annual travel allowance; access to a pool of 240 MRI scan hours; ready access to other tools; and available funds for specialized methodological training. Application forms can be filled out at https://cncct.research.uconn.edu/form/. Contact Charlotte Nelson (charlotte.nelson@uconn.edu) for questions. ________________ |
University of Connecticut The Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication--CT program (funded by a T32 Institutional Research Service Award from the NIH to Inge-Marie Eigsti & Emily Myers) invites applications for two-year postdoctoral positions. Postdoctoral trainees will work under the supervision of one or more mentors on the CNC-CT team. These mentors are: Richard Aslin (Haskins Labs and UConn), Inge-Marie Eigsti, Deborah Fein, Roeland Hancock, Fumiko Hoeft, Nicole Landi, James Magnuson, Jay Rueckl (Psychological Sciences, UConn), and Emily Myers, Erika Skoe, and Rachel Theodore (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, UConn). Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant field and show evidence of research productivity; they must contact a prospective mentor from the team to assess degree of fit to the program. Experience with neuroimaging and neuromodulation methods, experience with clinical populations affected by communication disorders, and computational skills are preferred; given the nature of this program, trainees are not required to have each of these experiences. To apply, contact a prospective mentor or mentors from our team, and send application documents to charlotte.nelson@uconn.edu. As part of your application, you should supply a current CV, up to three publications, names and contact information (including phone and email) for three references, and a letter of intent (see cncct.research.uconn.edu/postdoc-trainee-application/ for full details). Contact Charlotte Nelson (charlotte.nelson@uconn.edu) for questions. ________________ |
Georgetown University's Center for Aphasia Research and Rehabilitation (CARR), directed by Rhonda Friedman, Ph.D., is seeking a full-time research assistant to begin sometime in fall 2019 or early 2020. Research in our lab examines language and learning/memory function and dysfunction in people with stroke or dementia. Projects include behavioral, eye tracking, fMRI, and EEG studies, and development of cognitive treatments for acquired language disorders. A major ongoing study examines the decline and treatment of word-finding abilities in adults with Alzheimer's disease and Primary Progressive Aphasia. Duties include: preparing stimulus materials according to research protocols; data organization, input, and maintenance; scoring language and neuropsychological assessment tests; coordination and scheduling of participants; recruitment and testing of normal control subjects; managing the lab's IRB protocols; and data processing and analysis, including coding of subjects' errors. The research assistant will provide support to the Principal Investigators and other lab members, including ordering supplies and equipment, processing subject payments, supervising undergraduate student work, maintaining and updating the lab's library, data back-up, and other duties as assigned. This position will involve working closely with other lab members for coordination of tasks, as well as a significant amount of independent work. The successful research assistant will be self-initiated, motivated, and have the ability to work independently with minimal supervision. Direct contact and testing of participants may be required at a later date. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, or a related field; research experience; excellent oral and written communication skills; and a demonstrable interest in brain and language. This is an ideal job for someone who may be interested in pursuing a graduate education in a related field. Minimum two-year commitment required. For further details and to apply, please email a cover letter and CV, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent, to: aphasiaresearch@georgetown.edu Website: https://sites.google.com/a/georgetown.edu/center-aphasia-research-rehabilitation/ ________________ |
Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor The Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) at Purdue University invites applications from candidates holding a Master's or PhD degree and CCC-SLP for the position of Clinical Faculty in Speech-Language Pathology (Assistant/Associate). Individuals with specialization in the areas of adult neurogenics and/or voice are particularly encouraged to apply. The position is a full-time, 12-month non-tenure track appointment with an anticipated start date of 1 August 2020, which is negotiable. The Department of SLHS (http:/www.purdue.edu/hhs/slhs/) is a national leader in clinical education and research, and offers undergraduate, accredited graduate (MS-SLP, AuD), and PhD degrees. Clinical faculty are full members of the SLHS faculty and are expected to demonstrate excellence in the areas of clinical practice and education. The Department supports faculty through opportunities for clinical research and professional development, and promotes engagement regionally, nationally, and internationally. Clinical faculty also work collaboratively with Indiana University School of Medicine-West Lafayette, community laryngology clinics, and local hospitals. Primary responsibilities include providing clinical education to graduate students, direct clinical services to clients and their families, and collaborating on research projects with academic faculty and students. Five years relevant clinical experience and eligibility for Indiana Speech-Language Pathology licensure is required; supervision experience preferred. Review of applications will begin December 9, 2019, but applications will continue to be accepted until an exceptional candidate is identified. Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, a letter of interest indicating relevant experience and qualifications, and 3 letters of recommendation. Materials are to be submitted via this application link. Questions regarding this position may be directed to the chair of the search committee, Clinical Professor Chenell Loudermill (clouder@purdue.edu). The Department of SLHS is committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort including scholarship, instruction, and engagement. Candidates should address at least one of these areas in their cover letter indicating their past experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals to promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion. A background check is required for employment in this position. Purdue is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. ________________ |
The PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) Program at Gallaudet University is inviting prospective students to apply to our Ph.D. program to start in Fall 2020. The program provides four years of full funding (tuition scholarships + $25,200 annual stipend + health insurance option). Students in this pioneering, bilingual ASL-English program gain state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience training in how humans learn, with a special strength in the neuroplasticity of visually-guided learning processes. PEN students become experts in at least one cutting-edge neuroimaging method in the discipline of cognitive neuroscience (e.g., fNIRS, EEG, fMRI), study neuroethics, gain strong critical analysis and reasoning skills in science, and develop their own research program under close mentorship from our faculty. While becoming experts in both contemporary neuroimaging and behavioral experimental science, students also learn powerful, meaningful, and principled ways that science can be translated for the benefit of education and society. Students also benefit from Gallaudet University's local university consortium, which provides students access to courses taught in the Washington D.C. area. Additionally, students benefit from PEN's collaborations with Gallaudet's Departments of Psychology; Linguistics; Interpretation and Translation; Education; and Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences. PEN students also have access to a national network of more than 20 cognitive neuroscience labs throughout the world, through formal Memoranda of Understanding. PEN students can expect to receive fellowship support through a combination of University and grant funding, direct mentoring support from individual advisors, and opportunities to apply for additional resources through a fund managed by students in the VL2 national network. The PEN program faculty and directors consist of: - Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto (Chair, PEN Steering Committee)
Focus: bilingualism in the brain, biological bases of language, language acquisition, cognitive neuroscience, fNIRS, thermal infrared camera, and eye tracking.
Focus: deaf education, statistics, psychometrics, longitudinal research. Focus: translation of science, assessment, literacy development. Focus: action, gesture, embodied cognition, visual perception, EEG, virtual reality. Focus: math and numeracy in the brain, fMRI. Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience Laboratory For information on how to apply and admission criteria, visit our application requirements page. For further information, contact us at EdNeuroscience@gallaudet.edu. The deadline to apply for the PEN program is February 15, 2020. Early applications will be considered on a rolling basis. |
Conferences, Programs, and Calls |
Meeting on Language in Autism (MoLA) - Durham, NC The focus of this meeting is on the scientific study of the emergence, use, and nature of language in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Language impairment, though not a core symptom of ASD, is one of the most important predictors of long term outcomes and independence. The study of language in ASD also has the potential to inform our understanding of language itself, as we explore why some individuals with ASD have difficulties with certain domains of language while other domains remain fully intact. It is our goal to bring together researchers approaching questions of language in autism from a variety of backgrounds, topics and approaches. Some of these include: Aspects of Language * Speech Production and Perception * Phonetics/Phonology * Morphology * Semantics * Syntax * Pragmatics * Communication in Minimally Verbal Individuals Approaches to the Study of Language * Social communication to the extent that it informs questions about language. * Development throughout the lifespan * Modality - Spoken/Gestural/AAC * Clinical/Experimental/Naturalistic * Comprehension and Production http://mola2020.org/our-sponsors/ |
Sixth Learning and Plasticity Meeting - Äkäslompolo, Finland - A cross-disciplinary meeting that connects psychological and neuroscience research on the mechanisms of learning and brain plasticity
- The special theme of the LaP meeting is Videogaming and Cognitive Enhancement. However, most of the program will consist of free papers reflecting the broad spectrum of learning and plasticity research
- The LaP 2020 keynote speaker is Professor Simone Kühn (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany)
- Informal atmosphere and small size (maximum 60 participants) helps to connect participants and promotes discussion
- Excellent possibilities for winter sports and other outdoors activities
- Despite of its location way above the Polar Circle, the congress site is easy to reach by train or by flight
For further information, see the congress website at http://lapmeeting.fi/ Hope to see you at the Heart of Finnish Lapland in Spring 2020! The LaP Scientific Committee, Matti Laine, Åbo Akademi University, Finland (Chair) Lars Bäckman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Susanne Jaeggi, University of California at Irvine, USA Hasse Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland Minna Lehtonen, University of Oslo, Norway Marcus Meinzer, University of Queensland, Australia Lars Nyberg, Umeå University, Sweden Juha Salmi, University of Turku, Finland - Abstract submission by the end of January 15, 2020 (Eastern European time)
- Congress registration early-bird deadline by the end of February 15, 2020
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language
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