SNL 2019
August 20-22, 2019
Helsinki, Finland
Job Postings & Announcements
If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
 Job Postings and Announcements
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience, Translational Neuroscience, and Neurorehabilitation
Three-year NIH-funded fellowships are available at the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI), in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), for postdoctoral research training in cognitive and motor neuroscience and neurorehabilitation. U.S. Citizenship or permanent resident status is required for NIH-supported fellowships. MRRI may sponsor one additional fellowship open to applicants who do not meet the NIH citizenship/residency requirements.
Available mentors conduct patient-oriented research using approaches that employ behavioral, computational, imaging, electrophysiological, and electrical and pharmacologic neuromodulation methods. We welcome applications from individuals with a doctorate in psychology, cognitive science, communication science, kinesiology, movement science, and/or human neuroscience. We seek researchers who wish to apply basic science principles to the study and treatment of behavioral and brain deficits in adult neurological patients, and/or who wish to use research with patients and neurotypical adults to understand brain-behavior relationships. We also welcome applications from individuals with clinical rehabilitation backgrounds seeking to increase their depth in the basic science underpinnings of assessment and treatment. Applicants must have a track record in research and an interest in developing an independent research career.
Graduate Student Positions in Cognitive Psychology/ Neuroscience
The Learning and the Brain Lab at Penn State University is accepting 1-2 graduate students to enter the Cognitive Area doctoral program in Fall 2019. Our research focus is on the cognitive and neural processes that support complex pattern learning.Given known constraints on the human brain, how do learners extract the information they need from the environment, often without realizing they are doing it? Our lab uses a combination of behavioral and neuroimaging techniques (fMRI) to probe learners' sensitivity to both the simple associations and network-level structures around them, with a particular focus on which patterns best facilitate learning. This is an exciting opportunity to help build a lab from its early stages. Further details about our work can be found at http://www.elisabethkaruza.com.
The deadline for the doctoral program is December 1. Interested students are encouraged (not required) to contact Dr. Karuza at ekaruza@psu.edu prior to submitting their application. We welcome students from a variety of academic backgrounds related to the science of the mind. This includes, but is not limited to, Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, and Linguistics. More information about the Cognitive Area of the Psychology Department at Penn State can be found here http://psych.la.psu.edu/graduate/program-areas/cognitive and details about submitting an application can be reviewed here http://psych.la.psu.edu/graduate/prospective-students.
University of Western Ontario
We are seeking a PhD student to join projects studying the role of auditory cortical maturation and cortical oscillatory activity in language development and disorders. For examples of our work on these topics see Kwok et al., 2018, EJN and Kwok et al., 2018, JSLHR. The student will play a principal role in new studies of auditory evoked potential maturation between 18 to 48 months and its relation to language development, and of resting state α-oscillations in language development. The student will be provided with a generous annual stipend over and above the University of Western Ontario's Doctoral Funding Guarantee (http://grad.uwo.ca/prospective_students/finances/index.html).
The research will be conducted in the Autism Spectrum and Language Disorders Lab (http://www.uwo.ca/fhs/ASLD/index.html) in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, which is affiliated with Western's National Centre for Audiology and Brain and Mind Institute. PhD students in Dr. Cardy's lab complete their degree through the Graduate Program in Health and Rehabilitation Science in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Further information about this program can be found on the HRS program website (http://www.uwo.ca/fhs/health_rehab_sci/)
Ideal candidates include those with a strong academic record; prior ERP research experience;
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, or related fields; and previous experience working with young children and/or clinical populations. The position is open to both domestic and international applicants.
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Janis Oram Cardy at janis.cardy@uwo.ca.
Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics
Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in Statistical Genomics/Genetic Epidemiology
The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, is offering a Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in Statistical Genomics/Genetic Epidemiology (starting salary: €49,598 - €54,380 p.a.). The host research group, led by Dr Beate St Pourcain, investigates the genetic basis of social communication, language and interaction and related phenotypes in the general population and in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Northwestern University
Assistant or Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences for Dementia and Imaging Research
The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Mesulam Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center (CNADC) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine seek a full-time tenure track Investigator at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor (Job ID 34474). The research will take place at the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. The CNADC contains an NIH-funded Alzheimer's Disease Center. Extensively characterized patients and controls of the Alzheimer's Disease Center will be available for the candidate's research. In addition to multi-modal neuroimaging (e.g., structural and functional MRI, diffusion imaging, and PET), electrophysiological brain mapping capabilities will also be available. Translational research related to novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches will be encouraged. Depending on the research areas of the successful candidate, the CNADC brain bank will enable investigations on the post-mortem correlates of in vivo cognitive and structural disease markers.
Qualified candidates will be expected to establish an independent laboratory synergistic with existing CNADC programs on cognition and imaging in dementia. Successful candidates may also have a background in computer science, bioinformatics, and advanced statistics.
The start date is negotiable and the position will remain open until filled. When applying, please upload this completed list of references form to suggest the names of individuals who could write letters of reference on your behalf.
Please read ALL instructions and make preparations before proceeding to the application page:
- Applications will only be accepted via online submission (see link below).
- Please prepare all documents in advance as Adobe PDF files, and please be sure all information is entered correctly and accurately (especially names and email addresses), as there will be no opportunity for online revision after your application has been submitted.
- All required fields in the application form are marked with an asterisk and must be filled before clicking the "Submit" button.
- Be aware that incomplete applications cannot be saved.
Applications accepted here: Apply for JobNorthwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer of all protected classes, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.
San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego
Joint Doctoral Program (PhD) in Language and Communicative Disorders
Application Deadlines for Fall 2019:
CalState -- December 15, 2018
JDP-LCD Supplement -- January 12, 2019
The doctoral program in Language and Communicative Disorders (JDP-LCD) is designed to educate a new generation of scientists who are interested in applying state-of-the-art research skills to the study of language and communicative disorders. Our interdisciplinary program, the only program of its kind in California, provides training in normal (spoken and signed) language, language disorders, multilingualism, and in the neural bases of language learning, use, and loss. Our doctoral program ranked fourth on the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index rankings compiled by Academic Analytics and released by The Chronicle of Higher Education in 2007. The National Research Council (NRC) ranked our doctoral program among the top ten in the nation in their most recent rankings. The majority of our graduates hold university faculty positions or research scientist positions in labs here in the US and abroad.
GOALS: 1. To provide doctoral training in the study of language and communicative behavior with an interdisciplinary focus that integrates state-of-the-art knowledge from the fields of communicative disorders, cognitive science, neurosciences, psychology and linguistics represented by the expertise of core faculty from SDSU and UCSD. 2. To prepare professionals, educated in the interface between behavioral and cognitive neuroscience methodologies, who will provide critical leadership in research and health services. 3. To prepare Ph.D.-level scientists in the field of language and communicative disorders to serve as faculty in university programs and scientists in a variety of settings to carry out much-needed research on the processes of language development, disorders, assessment and intervention. 4. To prepare researchers to carry out much-needed research in communicative behavior and disorders in bilingualism.
ASHA CLINICAL CERTIFICATION: Although this is a research Ph.D. program, the School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at SDSU offers a separate clinical graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology. It may be possible to complete a CF or obtain academic and clinical training concurrently with doctoral studies. Access to clinical training is not automatic nor is it guaranteed.
RESOURCES AND SUPPORT:In fall 2008 our program at SDSU moved into a new clinical, research, and academic building with state-of-the-art Speech-Language and Audiology clinics, high-tech labs, and great instructional facilities. These resources, combined with the outstanding facilities at UCSD, provide doctoral students with the best possible training environment. Several different funding sources are used to support doctoral students including program scholarships, graduate assistantships, in-state and out-of-state fee support, and faculty grants. Some doctoral student receive funding from our NIH doctoral training grant (NIDCD T32 DC00731) Neurocognitive Approaches to Communication Disorders (2017-2022). Contact Dr. Tracy Love for more information regarding this training grant.
Technische Universität Dresden
PhD Position
We are seeking an enthusiastic PhD student with a particular interest in neuroscience of auditory (speech) perception. The PhD position is part of the Chair of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience led by Prof. Dr. Katharina von Kriegstein at the TU Dresden, Germany. The position is funded by the ERC-project SENSOCOM ( http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/199655_en.html).
The aim of the SENSOCOM project is to investigate the role of auditory and visual subcortical sensory structures in analysing human communication signals and to specify how their dysfunction contributes to human communication disorders such as developmental dyslexia. For examples of our work on these topics see von Kriegstein et al., 2008 Current Biology, Diaz et al., 2012 PNAS, Müller-Axt et al., 2017 Current Biology.
TU Dresden is one of eleven German Universities of Excellence and offers an interdisciplinary scientific environment. The Neuroimaging Centre at the TU Dresden ( http://www.nic-tud.de) has cutting-edge infrastructure with 3-Tesla MRI, MRI compatible headphones and eye-tracking, several EEG systems, a neurostimulation unit including neuronavigation, TMS and tDCS devices.
The PhD position is available at the next possible date. Subject to personal qualification, employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L 50%. There will be the opportunity to participate in the TU Dresden graduate academy ( https://tu-dresden.de/ga?set_language=en).
Graduate Student Researchers
The Language, Attention, and Memory (LAM) lab at Auburn University, under the direction of Dr. Susan Teubner-Rhodes, is recruiting graduate students to begin in Fall 2019. Applications are due by January 15, 2019.
Research in the LAM lab uses converging behavioral (choice reaction time, eye-tracking) and neuroimaging (fMRI, DTI) techniques to explore how domain-general cognitive functions contribute to speech and language function across the lifespan. We aim to understand the cognitive and neural mechanisms that support language processing under conditions of uncertainty, when communication is most likely to break-down. In particular, we assess how individual differences in cognition that are driven by age and experience impact language across multiple levels of the processing stream, from the early stages of speech recognition to higher-level construction of sentence meaning. Current projects in the lab examine questions such as: What is the role of cognitive persistence in understanding speech in challenging listening conditions? What neural systems support persistence when things get hard, and why do some people try harder than others? How does moment-to-moment engagement of cognitive control impact language processing when noise or ambiguity is present? Does the role of cognitive control in language processing change with age, as cognitive and sensory systems start to decline?
Successful candidates will join the doctoral program in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences in the Department of Psychology at Auburn. Students will have access to the Auburn University MRI Research Center, home to a Siemens Verio 3T MRI scanner and a research-dedicated Siemens Magnetom 7T MRI scanner, one of the first of its kind in the US. Auburn's new Center for Neuroscience Initiative fosters interdisciplinary neuroscience research collaborations and offers numerous graduate education opportunities, including a certificate in neuroscience.
Applicants should hold a B.A./B.S. in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, or a related field by the expected start date, and should have prior experience conducting research. Experience with computer programming (e.g., Matlab, R) is preferred. Interested applicants can contact Dr. Teubner-Rhodes at teubner@auburn.edu for more information. Instructions for applying can be found here.
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL
PhD Student Positions
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has published the call for PhD Students 2018.
The application period is from 09/10/18 to 29/10/18 at 15:00h.
The call offers up to 4 PhD Student positions to join the BCBL within the Severo Ochoa accreditation (SEV-2015-0490).
The PhD students will join RESEARCH LINE "Language, reading and developmental disorders" and will work under the supervision of Prof. Carreiras, Dr. Lallier and Dr. Molinaro respectively and RESEARCH LINE "Neurodegeneration, brain damage and in healthy aging: Language and Cognition(Language and Memory Control)" under the supervision of Dr. Paz-Alonso
For more information:
Please, should you be interested in the position, do not hesitate to contact Ana Fernández (a.fernandez@bcbl.eu), Project Manager of the BCBL. She will be very pleased to support you in the submission process.
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL
PhD Student Position (Research Funded Project)
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has published the call for PhD Students 2018.
The application period is from 09/10/18 to 29/10/18 at 15:00h.
The call offers up to 1 PhD Student position (4-year contract ) to join the following Research Funded Project: PSI2017-82941-P- REFO - Phonemic retuning induced by reading acquisition - PI Dr. Clara Martin
Key words:
Reading acquisition, Phonemic retuning, Phoneme-grapheme conversion, Dyslexia, Word perception and production
Summary of the project:
Learning to read changes the way one perceives spoken words and boosts performance in phonemic tasks. In fact, in expert readers, spoken words with inconsistent phonemes (i.e., phonemes that have many spellings) are recognized slower and less accurately than those with consistent phonemes (i.e., that have only one possible spelling; "orthographic consistency effect"). Plus, reading acquisition induces a boost in phonemic awareness (i.e., ability to distinguish and manipulate the minimal sounds of speech). Here, we make the claim that those consequences of reading acquisition (RA) can be explained by a unique and common phenomenon, which is the recalibration of phonemic representations (PRs) by literacy acquisition. More specifically, we claim that (1) PRs (in perception and production) become more stable (less dispersed) when learning to read, accounting for the phonemic awareness boost during RA. We also argue that (2) this recalibration varies with the consistency of the reading system (i.e., (in)consistency of phoneme-to-grapheme conversions), which would in turn explain the "orthographic consistency effect". We will explore such recalibration by means of the first longitudinal cross-linguistic study examining the position and dispersion of PRs, together with processing speed (both in perception and production of phonemes and words). We will compare Spanish and French children on target phonemes that are shared by the two languages but that do not systematically follow the same phoneme-to-grapheme conversion rules (e.g., the phoneme /b/, consistent in French -always spelled 'b'- and inconsistent in Spanish -spelled 'b' or 'v'-). Children will be tested in a longitudinal design before and after RA in order to explore the developmental pattern of phonemic recalibration during literacy acquisition. By comparing dyslexic children with their matched controls, we will also test the hypothesis that (3) stabilization of PRs during RA is impaired in dyslexic patients. Such result would account for the (previously reported) lack of phonemic awareness boost and "consistency effects" in this population. This proposal provides the first systematic investigation of phonemic recalibration during literacy acquisition, which is highly relevant for the fields of language development and impaired reading acquisition, enabling better detection of risks of dyslexia and the creation of remediation tools.
Individuals interested in the PhD position should have:
- Strong theoretical and methodological background in cognitive neuroscience or experimental psychology with a special focus on psycholinguistics and/or neighboring cognitive neuroscience areas.
- Good level of written and spoken English.
Research experience in the domain of speech perception and production, especially with acoustics/phonetics analysis techniques, will be an asset. Possession of a Master degree in the area of psycholinguistics or cognitive sciences (or any other related area) is highly recommended and will be positively valued. Speaking Spanish and/or French would also be a plus to facilitate preparation of stimulus materials and running experiments with Spanish and French native participants.
For more information:
Please, should you be interested in the position, do not hesitate to contact Ana Fernández (a.fernandez@bcbl.eu), Project Manager of the BCBL. She will be very pleased to support you in the submission process.
Doctoral Research Fellowship
We invite applications for a Doctoral Research Fellowship at Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing) at University of Oslo in the project "Cognitive control in bilingual language processing and second language learning".
This psycho- and neurolinguistics oriented PhD project will address the role of cognitive control functions in second language learning and bilingual language use, such as code-switching. The project will utilize one or several methods of the new socio-cognitive laboratory at MultiLing, housing a new 128-channel EEG system (BrainProducts) and an SMI eyetracker, in addition to facilities for running behavioral experiments. While it is an asset for the candidate to have experience of one or several of these methods, it is not a prerequisite, and it is also possible to become trained in the methods while starting the PhD studies.
MultiLing, a Center of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway, is an active and vibrant research environment with researchers approaching issues related to multilingualism and language learning from various different perspectives (http://www.hf.uio.no/multiling/). There are possibilities for financial support to, e.g., participate in international conferences.
Click here for more information on how to apply.
Deadline for applications: December 10, 2018
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing) at University of Oslo.
MultiLing seeks to recruit a postdoctoral candidate with excellent research qualifications who will work with MultiLing researchers collaborating on research Theme 1 "Multilingual Competence". This Theme covers multilingual acquisition, learning and decline. MultiLing has recently opened its Socio-Cognitive Laboratory (including facilities for, e.g., EEG, eyetracking and behavioral experiments), and the successful candidate is expected to use the affordances of this lab for his or her research.
For more information on how to apply, see
Deadline for applications: December 10, 2018
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL
Postdoctoral Position
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language - BCBL- (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) is offering a postdoctoral position focused on neurocomputational basis of language learning and statistical learning, as part of ERC-funded research project (PI: Ram Frost).
The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team of researchers studying the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying statistical learning and language learning from behavioural and computational perspectives. Work undertaken related to this position will contribute to integrating these different perspectives in an explicit neurocomputational framework.
We are interested in candidates with strong computational expertise, particularly in the domain of computational linguistics/neural networks /connectionist modelling / deep learning. Candidates should be proficient in python programming. Use of distributed computational techniques (parallelization on GPUs or CPUs) is an asset. Applicants able to demonstrate such computational expertise will be considered from the cognitive sciences, broadly construed, including psychology, computational linguistics, computational neuroscience, computer science, machine learning, and cognitive science.
In addition to strong computational skills, the successful candidate will demonstrate a high level of independence, and a strong publication record. As part of a broader ERC-funded statistical learning research program, the candidate will also have the opportunity to interact with and (if desired) complete research stays at related research groups at the BCBL, the Hebrew University, and the University of Toronto, so as to better integrate the computational models with related behavioural and neural data.
Deadline: December 15th, 2018
To submit your application please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/calls, applying for Computational Postdoc 2018_02 and upload:
- A curriculum vitae.
- A cover letter/statement describing your research interests (4000 characters max).
- Two reference letters submitted directly by the referees through the outline system.
For more information about the specifics of the position, please contact Ram Frost (ram.frost@mail.huji.ac.il) and for broader information about the BCBL please contact Manuel Carreiras (info@bcbl.eu)
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Study Psycholinguistics at the University of Toronto
Are you a talented and motivated individual with an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, or a related area? The psycholinguistics group at the University of Toronto offers an exciting environment for a student to join a funded MA or PhD program, at either the Department of Psychology or the Department of Linguistics. These departments are part of a world-class research institution in one of the most multilingual cities in the world.
Students enroll in the graduate program offered by one of the two departments and work with a primary supervisor in that department. Students are also encouraged to participate in our interdisciplinary group, to attend the cognitive science of language talk series, to create a thesis committee that integrates faculty members from both departments, and to initiate collaborative research projects. Prospective students are encouraged to contact potential supervisors to learn more about their research and available training opportunities (see list of relevant faculty below).
Psychology applications are due December 1st. Click HERE for more information
Linguistics applications are due January 15th. Click HERE for more information
Computational modeling, ambiguous word comprehension
Computational modeling, lexical semantics, semantic typology
Spoken language interpretation, reference, aging, social robotics
Daphna Heller (Linguistics)
Language processing, pragmatics, reference, common ground
Language acquisition, infant and toddler development, speech perception
Philip Monahan (Linguistics)
Speech perception, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics
Language acquisition, bilingualism, syntax
Phonetics, phonology, speech perception and production
Click HERE for international ranking information on U of T Psychology
Click HERE for international ranking information on U of T Linguistics
Pennsylvania State University
Postdoctoral Scholar Position
Qualified individuals are invited to apply for a postdoctoral scholar position in the area of cognitive neuroscience, creativity, and language processing. This position is supported by a collaborative NSF-grant, awarded to Dr. Janet van Hell (Pennsylvania State University) and Dr. Zahed Siddique (University of Oklahoma). The postdoctoral scholar will be stationed at the Pennsylvania State University's main campus at University Park. We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral candidate with a strong neuroscience background (in particular electroencephalography, EEG) who will play a key role in this NSF-funded project that examines creativity and language processing in engineering students. Specifically, the project combines EEG techniques (including Event-Related Potentials and EEG power changes) to study individual differences in creativity and creative language use, and how social contextual factors affect creativity and creative language use. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Psychology, Linguistics, or a related field, or have completed all of the requirements for a Ph.D. by the time of appointment. Experience with EEG techniques is strongly preferred. The postdoctoral scholar will be expected to design and coordinate EEG experiments, present data at national and international conferences, and write manuscripts. Extensive mentorship is available for these activities to help prepare for an independent research career. The postdoctoral scholar will have ample opportunities to interact with several vibrant research communities at Penn State University (including the Center for Language Science, http://cls.psu.edu; the Center for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition, http://cbbc.psu.edu; and the Social, Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center, http://www.imaging.psu.edu). The initial appointment will be for one year, with the strong possibility of a renewal. One need not be a U.S. citizen to apply. Salary and benefits are based on NSF guidelines, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Interested candidates must submit an online application at https://psu.jobs/job/83261, and should include as attachments a current CV, a cover letter with a statement of research experience and interests, 2-3 recent publications, and the names and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The start date of the appointment is flexible, but preferably no later than January 2019. For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Janet van Hell at 814-867-2337 or jgv3@psu.edu. To review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters and policies, please go to https://police.psu.edu/annual-security-reports, which will also explain how to request a paper copy of the Annual Security Report. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status. |
 Job Postings and Announcements
Spring School--Language and Music in Cognition: Integrated Approaches to Cognitive Systems
University of Cologne
We are happy to announce our spring school of "Language and Music in Cognition" taking place in Cologne, Germany, from February 2nd to 8th, 2019.
Overview: "Language and Music in Cognition" is an international spring school held from February 2nd to 8th, 2019 at University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. The spring school is open for Bachelor and Master students, PhD students, and Post-doc researchers. Participation in the spring school is free of charge.
If you are interested in participating in this spring school, please submit your application (motivation letter and CV) until November 30th, 2018.
You can find information about the application process here: This spring school offers lectures given by experts in different research areas. The topics include:
- Marr's three levels and Tinbergen's four questions;
- Syntax, prosody, and dance;
- Human neurogenetics and comparative genomics;
- Evo-devo and niche construction;
- Action and social cognition;
- Computational neurocognitive modeling.
In addition to the lectures, there will be workshops, group work sessions, discussion sessions, and a poster session. Applicants are invited to contribute their own work to the poster session. An abstract of the poster can be also submitted via the application form until November 30th, 2018. Confirmed Lecturers:
Michael A. Arbib, Cedric Boeckx, Steven Brown, Simon E. Fisher, Sascha Frühholz, Etienne Koechlin, David Poeppel, Kai Vogeley, Kate E. Watkins, ...
SNL 2018 The Society for the Neurobiology of Language