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Thank you for Attending! Many thanks to everyone who attended SNL 2019 in beautiful Helsinki, Finland. Featuring engaging keynotes, informative slide sessions, fast-paced slams, over 400 posters, two symposia, awards talks, a new student event, and an elegant reception at the Helsinki City Hall, the 2019 meeting was an unqualified success! Now we're setting our sights on the future. We hope that everyone enjoyed Helsinki and will join us next October 21-23 in Philadelphia, USA! |
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| SNL 2020 October 21-23, 2020 Philadelphia, USA |
Neurobiology of Language is an SNL-sponsored journal. For more information about the journal and how to submit articles, go to http://mitpressjournals.org/nol |
Job Postings & Announcements If you have a job posting, general announcement, conference or workshop posting that you would like to include in the SNL Newsletter, please send it to |
Job Postings and Announcements
Postdoctoral Research Scientist The Cogan Lab (PI: Gregory Cogan) at Duke University is seeking a postdoctoral research scientist to join the lab. Research in the lab focuses on understanding the neural computations that underlie speech, language, and cognition. We use a combination of invasive recordings in adult and pediatric epilepsy patients: stereo-electroencephalography - SEEG, and electrocorticography - ECoG, and non-invasive recordings in healthy participants: electroencephalography - EEG. We also collaborate closely with the Viventi Lab (viventi.pratt.duke.edu - Department of Biomedical Engineering) to develop high density/channel count micro-electroencephalography (μECoG - < 2 mm spacing, up to 1024 channels) to record from functional neurosurgery patients (e.g. epilepsy, movement disorders, tumor patients) to better understand the micro-scale of human cognition. See the lab website for more information: http://www.coganlab.org The role entails investigating speech and related phenomena using both invasive and non-invasive electrophysiological recordings. The lab takes a cognitive systems-level approach to understanding the neural computations that underlie speech and auditory cognition. See examples of previous work here: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v507/n7490/full/nature12935.html http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v20/n2/abs/nn.4459.html
The ideal candidate has an interest in speech/language, and has obtained (or about to obtain) a PhD in Neuroscience, Psychology, Engineering, or a related field. Proficiency in Matlab and/or Python and experience with electrophysiological signal analysis is required, and a strong computational background (e.g. machine learning, encoding/decoding analyses) is preferred.
Duke University is an excellent and highly interdisciplinary place for research. Collaborators span multiple departments/institutes including Biomedical Engineering, the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology and Neuroscience, and the Department of Neurology.
The position is open until filled. Interested applicants can send a CV, a brief statement of interest, as well as contact information for two references to: gregory.cogan@duke.edu |
Research Assistant/Lab Manager The Cogan Lab (PI: Gregory Cogan) at Duke University is seeking a research assistant/lab manager to start in the Fall/Winter of 2019.
Research in the lab focuses on understanding the neural computations that underlie speech, language, and cognition. We use a combination of invasive recordings in adult and pediatric epilepsy patients: stereo-electroencephalography - SEEG, and electrocorticography - ECoG, and non-invasive recordings in healthy participants: electroencephalography - EEG. We also collaborate closely with the Viventi Lab (viventi.pratt.duke.edu - Department of Biomedical Engineering) to develop high density/channel count micro-electroencephalography (μECoG - < 2 mm spacing, up to 1024 channels) to record from functional neurosurgery patients (e.g. epilepsy, movement disorders, tumor patients) to better understand the micro-scale of human cognition. See the lab website for more information: http://www.coganlab.org
Responsibilities include subject recruitment, data collection, data management, data analysis, helping to write papers for publication, and general administrivia.
The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic about a career in science/medicine/engineering, self-motivated, independent, creative, and have interest in speech/language, and/or cognitive/systems neuroscience. They will also have great interpersonal skills and a strong willingness to learn.
Candidates must have an undergraduate degree in a related field (e.g. Neuroscience, Psychology, Engineering, Biology, etc.), and experience with programming in Matlab and/or Python.
Duke University is an excellent and highly interdisciplinary place for research. Collaborators span multiple departments/institutes including the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology and Neuroscience, Neurology, and Biomedical Engineering.
The position is open until filled. Interested applicants can send a CV, a brief statement of interest, as well as contact information for two references to: gregory.cogan@duke.edu |
Postdoctoral Research Associate Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate I The Language and Neuroimaging Research Laboratory (http://akielar.faculty.arizona.edu/) within the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at the University of Arizona, invites applicants for a 1-year postdoctoral research position in the area of Cognitive Neuroscience of Language disorders. We are looking for a talented and highly motivated individual who is interested in pursuing research in the areas of neural basis of language and innovative approaches to treatment of stroke related aphasia or primary progressive aphasia (PPA). The incumbent will join a lab conducting research using advanced neuroimaging methods (dense array EEG/ERPs, MRI, fMRI, DTI, ASL) in both healthy and patient populations. The major focus will be development and implementation of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) protocol to enhance recovery of phonological skills in patients with stroke-related aphasia. In addition to opportunities to develop their own program of research compatible with the lab mission, the postdoctoral incumbent will have access to neuroimaging datasets, training in sophisticated data analysis techniques (i.e., functional and structural connectivity, independent component analysis, diffusion-weighted image analysis, etc.), and access to the neuroimaging data collection and analysis resources (e.g., fMRI, DTI, EEG, ASL, neuropsychological assessments). The position is open for an initial 1-year, with an option to renew dependent on performance and funding. Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, vision, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more! The University of Arizona has been recognized for our innovative work-life programs. For more information about working at the University of Arizona and relocations services, please click here. To apply follow this link: Please contact the hiring department if you have any questions about the recruitment: Also send materials over email to: |
The George Washington University GW's Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) is excited to offer a new PhD program focused on translational research in human communication sciences and disorders. The program will begin accepting applications in late fall 2019 for enrollment in the fall 2020 semester. Designed to educate future members of the SLHS professoriate, industry researchers and clinical practitioners, this program prepares you to apply basic and clinical science findings to real-world SLHS problems. After graduation, you will have the knowledge and skills to produce original research, be an effective teacher, and communicate your expertise to a variety of audiences. Research Areas: Neurological Disorders and Neuroscience; Perception and Hearing Science; Development, Cognition, and Learning; Applied Communication Sciences and Disorders. Depending on your interests, academic background and career goals, you can complete this PhD program in three to five years: - Enroll with a relevant Master's degree 3 years minimum in the PhD program
- Enroll with a Bachelor's degree in an unrelated field 4 years minimum in the PhD program
- Enroll with a Bachelor's degree in a related field and get an MA in SLP along the way 5 years minimum in the PhD program
The program curriculum includes coursework/credits in research tools and experience (e.g., Research Rotation, Statistical Applications for Translational Research), a chosen area of specialization (e.g., Autism, Neurogenic Disorders) and teaching experience in the discipline. To learn more: visit GO.GWU.EDU/PHDSLHS |
University of Connecticut The Language & Cognition group is a part of the Perception and Action division, one of 6 highly interactive divisions within the department. We have a strong track-record in interdisciplinary research with work spanning from theory and computational modeling to empirical cognitive and neuroscience research. Our group is a core member of three interdisciplinary graduate training programs: Neurobiology of Language (launched with NSF IGERT funding), Science of Learning & Art of Communication (funded by an NSF NRT training grant), and the Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication (funded by an NIH pre- and postdoctoral training grant). Facilities include state-of-the-art MRI, high-density EEG, tDCS, TMS, eye-tracking and other behavioral techniques, as well as access to computing clusters, lab space, and a dynamic program of colloquia, internal talk series and interest groups. We have strong collaborative links to researchers outside of UConn as well as our colleagues in Linguistics, Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences, Philosophy, Biomedical Engineering, Educational Psychology, and UConn Health and the Medical School. Typically, students are funded through a mix of fellowships and Teaching and Research Assistantships, and our students have an excellent recent track record competing for external and internal fellowships. UConn is home to a vibrant community of faculty and students and expects to see major growth in research activity over the next decade. The Language & Cognition faculty, and their interests, include: Gerry Altmann (Director, CT Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences). Sentence processing and prediction; the mapping between language and vision; event cognition. Roeland Hancock (Associate Director, Brain Imaging Research Center). Neurochemistry and neuromodulation; Neurobiology of sentence processing; Auditory Processing. Fumiko Hoeft (Director, Brain Imaging Research Center). Brain development; neuroimaging; individual differences; literacy acquisition; dyslexia; impact of socio-emotional processing on learning. Ed Large Auditory neuroscience; music psychology; dynamical systems. Jim Magnuson (Director, NSF NRT training program in Science of Learning & Art of Communication). Neurobiology and psychology of language; spoken word recognition; computational modeling; language and learning over the lifespan; science communication. Emily Myers (Co-Director, NIH training program in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication). Speech perception; cognitive neuroscience of speech and language; aphasia; second language acquisition. Ken Pugh (President, Haskins Laboratories). Reading; reading disorder; neurobiology of language. Jay Rueckl Neurobiology and psychology of reading; implicit and explicit memory; statistical learning; computational modeling and dynamical systems. Whit Tabor Sentence processing; dynamical systems; language change; group coordination. Eiling Yee Semantic memory and the neural representation of concepts; spoken word recognition and situated/embodied language processing. Application deadline: Priority will be given to applications received by December 1, 2019. |
Dutch Consortium of Researchers Two Postdoctoral Researchers for the Language in Interaction Research Consortium We are looking for highly motivated candidates to enrich a unique Dutch consortium of researchers that aims to cross the boundaries of various disciplines to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its interaction with other cognitive systems. This specific project aims to advance our understanding of the mechanisms of fast, flexible linguistic inference by leveraging recent major advances in our understanding of the representations and computations necessary for sequential model-based action planning.
Currently, our consortium advertises two Postdoctoral Researcher positions. These positions provide the opportunity for conducting world-class research as a member of an interdisciplinary team. Each position has its own requirements and profile. General requirements for all positions are: - A degree in cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, computational cognitive neuroscience, computer science, mathematics, mathematical psychology, formal linguistics, or a related field.
- Affinity with quantitative analyses.
- Strong motivation.
- Excellent proficiency in written and spoken English.
The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. The Language in Interaction research consortium, sponsored by a large grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), brings together many of the excellent research groups in the Netherlands with a research programme on the foundations of language. In addition to excellence in the domain of language and related relevant fields of cognition, our consortium provides state-of-the-art research facilities and a research team with ample experience in the complex research methods that will be invoked to address the scientific questions at the highest level of methodological sophistication. These include methods from genetics, neuroimaging, computational modelling, and patient-related research. This consortium realises both quality and critical mass for studying human language at a scale not easily found anywhere else.
We have identified five Big Questions (BQ) that are central to our understanding of the human language faculty. These questions are interrelated at multiple levels. Teams of researchers will collaborate to collectively address these key questions of our field.
Our five Big Questions are: BQ1: The nature of the mental lexicon: How to bridge neurobiology and psycholinguistic theory by computational modelling? BQ2: What are the characteristics and consequences of internal brain organization for language? BQ3: Creating a shared cognitive space: How is language grounded in and shaped by communicative settings of interacting people? BQ4: Variability in language processing and in language learning: Why does the ability to learn language change with age? How can we characterise and map individual language skills in relation to the population distribution? BQ5: Inference for language and action planning: Common computations?
You will be appointed at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Both successful candidates will become members of our Big Question 5 team. The research is conducted in an international setting. English is the lingua franca. Radboud University has seven faculties, which together cover the full range of academic disciplines. Its teaching and research staff hail from more than fifty countries. With several brand new buildings and state-of-the-art facilities, the leafy modern campus in Nijmegen provides an open and welcoming environment with a personal touch, encouraging the sharing of knowledge among academics, across disciplines, and within and between research institutes. Radboud University firmly believes that a broad perspective is essential for generating new insights and solutions in both science and society.
- The exact salary depends on the candidate's qualifications and amount of relevant professional experience. The Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch Universities is applicable to this positions.
- Duration of the contract: you will be appointed for an initial period of 12 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 24 months.
- Dutch Universities and the institute involved have regulations in place that enable their staff to create a good work-life balance.
The institute involved is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such encourages applications from women and minorities. Would you like more information? Additional information can be obtained from the contacts for the different positions. Your application should include the following attachments: - A cover letter quoting at the top the number of the position you apply for.
- Your curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and the names of at least two persons who can provide references.
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Winterlight Labs is a fast growing startup based in Toronto that is developing digital biomarkers to measure neurological and psychiatric conditions. Our machine learning based technology analyzes both the acoustics and content of speech and language, to help identify disease and quantify its severity. We work with life science companies, academia, and senior care companies to improve clinical trials, quality of care, and health outcomes. We are a mix of engineers, machine learning experts and scientists. We offer competitive compensation, generous work-from-home policy, 4 weeks vacation, winter holiday week off, and half-day Fridays in July and August. Our office is a 2-minute walk from Yonge & Bloor which is home to many restaurants, amenities and transit options. Scientist, Neurodegeneration - About the Position Winterlight is currently seeking a neuroscientist to oversee our internal and external projects in neurodegeneration, including our work in Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Frontotemporal dementia. As a Winterlight scientist, the successful candidate will be responsible for: - Developing research protocols for both internal and external projects
- Serving as lead investigator for clinical R&D projects in neurodegeneration
- Managing IRB submissions and requirements
- Tracking and applying for relevant grants that would help Winterlight collect more
data and validate its algorithms in these disease areas. - Writing, submitting and presenting conference abstracts locally and internationally
- Leading the creation of peer-reviewed publications for internal clinical R&D
projects - Working collaboratively with the management and product teams to identify and
execute on important areas of clinical R&D - Being an expert on Winterlight's neurodegeneration biomarkers, presenting data to
life science partners and supporting the sales team - Acting as the primary liaison and managing relationships between Winterlight and
our life science partners working in neurodegeneration - Working with the product team to scope the development of feature requests from
partners - Supervising junior, part-time scientists and research coordinators.
Qualifications & expectations: - A PhD in cognitive neuroscience, ideally with a focus in neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's, FTD, MCI) and aging.
- Familiarity with neuropsychological and cognitive testing, ability to administer
standard cognitive assessments is a significant asset. - Multiple recent publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Extensive contacts with key opinion leaders within the field.
- Ability to travel once per month for conferences and meeting with clients.
- Ability to work independently in a fast paced, startup environment
- Ability to work flexibly (outside of 9AM-5PM) as required
To apply, please send your resume and cover letter via email to Bill Simpson (bill@winterlightlabs.com) ________________ |
University of Connecticut Postdoctoral Research Associate Postdoctoral Research Associate--Computational Neuroscience of Human Speech Recognition Profs. James Magnuson and Jay Rueckl at the University of Connecticut, Department of Psychological Sciences, seek a postdoctoral research associate for a project focused on computational approaches to understanding the cognitive and neurobiological bases of human speech recognition. Our primary objective is bridging the gap between current cognitive models of human speech processing (such as TRACE) and cutting-edge deep learning models used for automatic speech recognition. The postdoctoral research associate will contribute to this project by playing a leading role in our computational work (devising, developing, and testing neural network models, and comparing them to human behavior and neurobiology), while having room to lead new projects related to this theme.
The University of Connecticut (UConn) is home to a vibrant, interdisciplinary community of researchers in the brain and cognitive sciences, including more than a dozen labs with primary focus on language. UConn and the Magnuson and Rueckl labs are committed to increasing diversity in the STEM workforce.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS * PhD in psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, engineering, or a related field * High level of expertise in Python and R * Strong record of research (as demonstrated by presentations and publications) * Evidence of ability to complete projects * Evidence of strong writing skill
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS * Experience with TensorFlow * Experience with another framework for neural network modeling * Experience with Java or other programming languages * Training and experience in empirical research with human subjects * Hardware proficiency (e.g., ability to select components for and assemble a workstation for deep learning)
APPOINTMENT TERMS Start date for this position is anticipated for Fall, 2019, or early 2020. The position is for an initial one-year appointment and is potentially renewable until June, 2021. Continuation beyond June, 2021 is contingent upon future external funding applications. Salary for this position will be determined by NIH guidelines ($50,004 annually minimum).
TO APPLY Please apply online via UConn Jobs (https://hr.uconn.edu/jobs/), Staff positions, Search #2020123. For full consideration, candidates should submit a resume or CV, a personal statement describing their research interests and goals, and up to three supplemental PDF documents that reflect their academic writing (e.g., journal publications, Master's thesis, or dissertation). Three letters of recommendation should be emailed directly from letter writers to Dr. James Magnuson (james.magnuson@uconn.edu). Screening of applicants will begin immediately.
Employment of the successful candidate is contingent upon the successful completion of a pre-employment criminal background check. (Search #2020123)
This job posting is scheduled to be removed at 11:59 p.m. on October 4, 2019.
All employees are subject to adherence of the State Code of Ethics, which may be found at http://www.ct.gov/ethics/site/default.asp. The University of Connecticut is committed to building and supporting a multicultural and diverse community of students, faculty, and staff. The diversion of students, faculty, and staff continues to increase, as does the number of honors students, valedictorians and salutatorians who consistently make UConn their top choice. More than 100 research centers and institutes serve the University's teaching, research, diversity, and outreach missions, leading to UConn's ranking as one of the nation's top research universities. UConn's faculty and staff are the critical link to fostering and expanding our vibrant, multicultural and diverse University community. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer, UConn encourages applications from women, veterans, people with disabilities, and members of traditionally underrepresented populations. ________________ |
Junior Laboratory Associate Junior Laboratory Associate The Neurolinguistics Lab (PI: Liina Pylkkanen) in the Departments of Psychology and Linguistics at NYU is seeking a full-time Junior Laboratory Associate for an NSF-funded project on the neural basis of language in elementary school children. The project uses magnetoencephalography for brain measurements and involves recruitment and science outreach in New York City public schools. Responsibilities for the position include recruitment visits to schools, collecting and analyzing MEG and behavioral data, project administration, organization of data for release to the public, and write up of results for conference presentations and publications. - A Bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, Neuroscience, or a related field
- Outstanding enthusiasm and ability to work with children and families from varied backgrounds
- Initiative, attention to detail, responsibility and superb organizational skills
- Experience with psycho- or neurolinguistic research
- Ability to get up-to-speed quickly with new tools and technologies
- Background in statistics and programming (Python, Matlab, R)
- Flexible working hours
- Strong writing skills
Additional highly desired qualifications include: - Experience with EEG or MEG research
- Experience with scientific outreach
- Experience interacting with children and families in educational or research settings.
Interested applicants must apply through the following Interfolio link: Please submit a cover letter, a CV, and contact information for two references. The position is available immediately. The position is for an initial one-year appointment and is potentially renewable until August, 2022. Salary for the position is $40,000 annually. EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. New York University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. New York University is committed to a policy of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of its hiring and promotion process without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, pregnancy or childbirth (or related medical condition), sexual orientation, partnership status, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital, parental or familial status, caregiver status, national origin, ethnicity, alienage or citizenship status, veteran or military status, age, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, unemployment status, or any other legally protected basis. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply for vacant positions at all levels. ________________ |
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Postdoctoral Research Fellow Post-doctoral Research Fellow Position in Biliteracy Development We are seeking highly motivated individuals who share our passion in deciphering the enigma of the brain to join us at the Centre for Research and Development in Learning (CRADLE), Nanyang Technological University! We are interested in building capacity for research in the Science of Learning, in particular in the area of educational neuroscience. We seek to understand how cognitive neuroscience can be applied to education to optimize learning. Candidates who are interested in educational neuroscience and neuroimaging research in bilingualism are strongly encouraged to apply. The current project will be investigating bilingual and biliteracy development in early childhood using multi-modal approaches including behavioral assessment, intervention, and brain imaging with MRI. The successful candidate will work closely with researchers at CRADLE, the Clinical Brain Lab headed by Professor Annabel Shen-Hsing Chen, National Institute of Education (NIE), and other international collaborators from institutes such as Johns Hopkins University. The successful candidate will have access to the advanced Siemens 3T MAGNETOM Prisma MRI scanner and other state-of-the-art facilities in NTU including MEG, fNIRS, EEG, and tDCS. We welcome applicants with a doctorate (PhD) degree in various backgrounds such as: experimental psychology, biopsychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neurology, psychiatry, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, or related fields. Candidates are expected to have good interpersonal skills and to have demonstrated record of excellent scientific writing skills. Desirable qualification includes one or more of the following: - Experience with conducting behavioral experiments in neuropsychology or cognitive psychology
- Hands on experience with MRI neuroimaging techniques and working with children
- Familiarity with image data analysis tools such as SPM, FSL, FreeSurfer, DSIStudio, AFNI
- Familiarity with programming languages such as Matlab, Python etc. would be an advantage
- Experience with intervention studies would be preferable
Nanyang Technological University (www.ntu.edu.sg) is a research intensive university currently ranked 11th globally and placed 1st amongst the world's best young universities. The university has colleges of Engineering, Business, Science, Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, and an Interdisciplinary Graduate School. It also has a medical school, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, set up jointly with Imperial College London. The Cognitive Neuroimaging Centre (CoNiC) houses the state-of-the-art neuroimaging facilities with access to a newly installed 3T MRI scanner and MEG, as well as new facilities with EEG, MEG, NIRS, TMS and tDCS equipment. To apply, please send Curriculum Vitae, letter of application with research interests, and contact information of three referees to Dr. Chiao-Yi Wu (Principal Investigator) at cywu@ntu.edu.sg. For more information, please contact Dr. Chiao-Yi Wu, Research Scientist, Centre for Research and Development in Learning, Nanyang Technological University, cywu@ntu.edu.sg. ________________ |
Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor The Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) at Purdue University invites applications from candidates holding a Master's or PhD degree and CCC-SLP for the position of Clinical Faculty in Speech-Language Pathology (Assistant/Associate). Individuals with specialization in the areas of adult neurogenics and/or voice are particularly encouraged to apply. The position is a full-time, 12-month non-tenure track appointment with an anticipated start date of 1 August 2020, which is negotiable. The Department of SLHS (http:/www.purdue.edu/hhs/slhs/) is a national leader in clinical education and research, and offers undergraduate, accredited graduate (MS-SLP, AuD), and PhD degrees. Clinical faculty are full members of the SLHS faculty and are expected to demonstrate excellence in the areas of clinical practice and education. The Department supports faculty through opportunities for clinical research and professional development, and promotes engagement regionally, nationally, and internationally. Clinical faculty also work collaboratively with Indiana University School of Medicine-West Lafayette, community laryngology clinics, and local hospitals. Primary responsibilities include providing clinical education to graduate students, direct clinical services to clients and their families, and collaborating on research projects with academic faculty and students. Five years relevant clinical experience and eligibility for Indiana Speech-Language Pathology licensure is required; supervision experience preferred. Review of applications will begin December 9, 2019, but applications will continue to be accepted until an exceptional candidate is identified. Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, a letter of interest indicating relevant experience and qualifications, and 3 letters of recommendation. Materials are to be submitted via this application link. Questions regarding this position may be directed to the chair of the search committee, Clinical Professor Chenell Loudermill (clouder@purdue.edu). The Department of SLHS is committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort including scholarship, instruction, and engagement. Candidates should address at least one of these areas in their cover letter indicating their past experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals to promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion. A background check is required for employment in this position. Purdue is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. ________________ |
Post-doc position at Neuroplasticity & Development Lab Johns Hopkins University, PI: Marina Bedny The Neuroplasticity & Development Lab invites applicants for a post-doctoral fellowship position. The postdoctoral fellow will develop a research program investigating how experience shapes human cognitive and neural development and plasticity. Our laboratory compares cognition in adults and children with different development experiences using techniques such as fMRI, TMS and behavioral measures. A key research direction compares neurocognitive function among individuals who are blind and sighted. We investigate visual cortex function in blindness as a window into mechanisms of brain development and plasticity in humans. We also study how sensory and linguistic experience contributes to concepts and their neural basis (e.g. neural basis of concrete entity and event representations in blind and sighted individuals). For more information about our research go to The post-doctoral fellow will be encouraged to take part in the intellectually rich cognitive science and neuroscience communities of Johns Hopkins University. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience or related field is required. Qualified applicants will have a strong interest in neuroplasticity and cognition. Expertise in fMRI is preferred but candidates with proficiency in other relevant domains/techniques will also be considered (e.g. developmental psychology, psycholinguistics, TMS/EEG/DTI). Excellent computational skills are strongly preferred. How to Apply: Candidates should submit a letter of interest, a CV and contact information for three references by emailing the lab director at marina.bedny@jhu.edu. The letter of interest should be no more than a single page long and should include a statement of what research the applicant wishes to pursue during their post-doctoral training and why they believe this job is a good fit to their specific research interests and career goals. Applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis until the position is filled. The starting date is flexible and available candidates could begin work immediately. ________________ |
A 3-year postdoctoral position in Brain Imaging Genomics is available within the Language & Genetics Department at the Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The role will be to study the genetic basis of variability in brain anatomy and function. Identifying specific genes and genetic pathways can be aided by the interrogation of very large datasets. Projects will variously involve structural or resting-state functional brain MRI data from tens of thousands of participants, genome-wide genotype or sequence data, transcriptomic data, publically available bioinformatics databases and resources, meta-analysis, and genetic epidemiological methods. Some consortium-based studies may involve case-control designs to characterize brain anatomy in psychiatric disorders. Specific projects will be discussed at interview, but the successful candidate will also be prepared to adapt flexibly as new projects become available. For projects on which you lead the analysis, you will also draft the write-up for publication as first author, and give presentations at international conferences. You are a research scientist who holds, or shortly expects to obtain, a PhD in a field that has given you hands-on knowledge of brain MRI data processing and analysis. Your expertise in neuroimaging will complement the genetics expertise of other members of the department. You will be proficient in coding/scripting, as well as implementing existing MRI data analysis pipelines. Some knowledge of complex trait genetic analysis would be an advantage, but not essential. You have a critical and careful approach to data processing and analysis, and are able to scale up processes to run on very large datasets, while also being mindful of quality control. You will be keen to learn and involve yourself in the ongoing research of the department more generally, which is focused on genetics of the neuron, brain, behaviour and cognition. You are proficient at organizing and writing scientific documents describing your work. The position is available from January 2020, although later starts during the first half of 2020 are possible. The term of appointment is full-time (39 hours per week) for three years. Although located in the Netherlands, the institute is part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The salary is according to the German TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst) and is classified in salary group E13, between EUR 51,797 and 75,724 gross per year depending on the experience of the applicant (including 8% holiday bonus), based on full-time employment. Scientists in the Netherlands report among the highest job satisfaction ratings of any in the world. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women, people with disabilities and under-represented groups are particularly encouraged. The Language and Genetics Department is led by Simon E. Fisher, co-discoverer of FOXP2, the first gene to be implicated in a speech and language disorder. The department is located within the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, situated on the campus of the Radboud University Nijmegen, with close collaborative links with experts in neuroimaging at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University. The department also has extensive and multidisciplinary interactions with other expert departments of the MPI, and the Human Genetics Department of Radboud University, as well as networks of international collaborators. Our research aims to bridge the gaps between genes, brains, speech and language. We use the latest molecular technologies and analytic methods to integrate molecular genetics with cell biology, human neuroimaging, and experimental psychology. Our on-going research is described here: Applications should include: - 2-page statement of interest, including motivation behind applying and specific explanation of how the applicant's skills fit the requirements of the position
- CV
- List of publications
- Names, email addresses and contact numbers of at least two referees who would be willing to provide letters of recommendation
The deadline for applications is October 8th 2019. ________________ |
ALBA Language Neurobiology Laboratory/UCSF Memory and Aging Center The ALBA Language Neurobiology laboratory or the UCSF Memory and Aging Center has an open postdoctoral position in cognitive neuroscience.
Directed by Dr. Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini, the ALBA lab conducts cutting-edge research on the cognitive and neural correlates of language and related cognitive functions across the life span. In particular, neurodegenerative as well as neurodevelopmental disorders, including frontotemporal dementia, primary progressive aphasia, and dyslexia, are used as clinical models. The postdoctoral fellow will contribute to ongoing experiments and pursue self-directed projects within the lab's area of investigation. Working closely with the current members of the team, he/she will contribute to our empirical efforts to further our understanding of the neurobiology of language.
The ideal candidate will have expertise in either cognitive neuroscience or neuroimaging (in particular understanding of, and experience with, fMRI data analysis). Excellent English (oral and written) and good communication skills are necessary. Strong computational and programming skills are preferred. Appropriate areas of doctoral training include, but are not limited to, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and computer science.
The successful candidate would join the multidisciplinary team of world-class neurologists, neuropsychologists, speech-language pathologists, engineers, and cognitive scientists working at the UCSF - Memory and Aging Center, the largest cognitive and behavioral neurology center in the United States. Cognitive neuroscience research will integrate our rich, multidisciplinary datasets to study the cognitive, clinical, anatomical, and neuropathological correlates of disease.
To apply, please send a cover letter, a CV, and 3 names of potential references to elizabeth.weis@ucsf.edu
Informal inquiries are most welcome. ________________ |
UCSF Memory and Aging Center The Social Function Lab at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center has a postdoctoral fellowship position open for a researcher specializing in brain imaging analyses. Directed by Dr. Kate Rankin, the Social Function Lab is an NIH-funded research program that studies the neural correlates of behavior, socioemotional processing, and social interactions, both in patients with neurodegenerative disease and healthy aging individuals. Key activities during the fellowship will include analyzing fMRI (task-based and task-free), structural MRI, DTI, and other data to examine the functional correlates of various social-cognitive and emotional mechanisms, as well as designing/conducting/analyzing data from task-based fMRI experiments with aging adults and patients. Interest in developing academic skills, including writing scientific papers, presenting at conferences, and submitting proposals for independent funding, is a preferred characteristic of applicants. Over the course of the fellowship, the incumbent will gain substantial expertise in theoretical models of the neural processes underlying socioemotional cognition, and familiarity with the symptom constellations of the major classes of neurodegenerative disorders. Candidates must have a PhD in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology or a related field, with a strong background in quantitative MRI analysis (Matlab/SPM/FSL etc.) Knowledge in the domain of social neuroscience will be considered an asset, as will familiarity with data management and statistical programs (e.g. R or SAS). To apply, please send a cover letter, a CV, and 3 names of potential references to Patrick.Callahan@ucsf.edu ________________ |
The PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) Program at Gallaudet University is inviting prospective students to apply to our Ph.D. program to start in Fall 2020. The program provides four years of full funding (tuition scholarships + $25,200 annual stipend + health insurance option). Students in this pioneering, bilingual ASL-English program gain state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience training in how humans learn, with a special strength in the neuroplasticity of visually-guided learning processes. PEN students become experts in at least one cutting-edge neuroimaging method in the discipline of cognitive neuroscience (e.g., fNIRS, EEG, fMRI), study neuroethics, gain strong critical analysis and reasoning skills in science, and develop their own research program under close mentorship from our faculty. While becoming experts in both contemporary neuroimaging and behavioral experimental science, students also learn powerful, meaningful, and principled ways that science can be translated for the benefit of education and society. Students also benefit from Gallaudet University's local university consortium, which provides students access to courses taught in the Washington D.C. area. Additionally, students benefit from PEN's collaborations with Gallaudet's Departments of Psychology; Linguistics; Interpretation and Translation; Education; and Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences. PEN students also have access to a national network of more than 20 cognitive neuroscience labs throughout the world, through formal Memoranda of Understanding. PEN students can expect to receive fellowship support through a combination of University and grant funding, direct mentoring support from individual advisors, and opportunities to apply for additional resources through a fund managed by students in the VL2 national network. The PEN program faculty and directors consist of: - Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto (Chair, PEN Steering Committee)
Focus: bilingualism in the brain, biological bases of language, language acquisition, cognitive neuroscience, fNIRS, thermal infrared camera, and eye tracking.
Focus: deaf education, statistics, psychometrics, longitudinal research. Focus: translation of science, assessment, literacy development. Focus: action, gesture, embodied cognition, visual perception, EEG, virtual reality. Focus: math and numeracy in the brain, fMRI. Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience Laboratory For information on how to apply and admission criteria, visit our application requirements page. For further information, contact us at EdNeuroscience@gallaudet.edu. The deadline to apply for the PEN program is February 15, 2020. Early applications will be considered on a rolling basis. ________________ |
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) Three-year NIH-funded fellowships in translational neuroscience and neurorehabilitation are available at the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI), in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), for research training in cognitive and motor neuroscience and neurorehabilitation. Available mentors conduct patient-oriented research using behavioral, computational, imaging, electrophysiologic, and electrical and pharmacologic neuromodulation methods. We welcome applications from individuals with a doctorate in psychology, cognitive science, communication science, kinesiology, movement science, or human neuroscience, who wish to learn to apply basic science principles to the study and treatment of behavioral and brain deficits in adult neurological patients. We also welcome applications from individuals with clinical rehabilitation backgrounds seeking to increase their depth in the basic science underpinnings of assessment and treatment. Applicants must have a track record in research and an interest in developing an independent research career. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer; we are committed to ensuring a range of diversity among our training classes, and we strive to select candidates representing different kinds of programs and theoretical orientations, geographic areas, ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, disabilities, and life experiences. All things being equal, consideration is given to candidates who identify themselves as members of historically under-represented groups on the basis of racial or ethnic status, as representing diversity on the basis of sexual orientation, or as representing diversity on the basis of disability status. This may be indicated in the cover letter. Applications should be submitted to Kevin Whelihan, Research Administrator, (whelihak@einstein.edu ) and must include: - current CV - letter describing research interests and career goals
- Given the translational focus of the training program, applicants should indicate a preferred primary mentor and, if possible, a secondary mentor. The mentors should offer a good fit in balancing basic and applied aspects of the candidate's interests.
- 2-3 letters of reference
Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2019 |
Conferences, Programs, and Calls |
Learning and Plasticity Meeting - Äkäslompolo, Finland FIRST CALL FOR THE SIXTH LEARNING AND PLASTICITY MEETING Äkäslompolo, Finland April 5-8, 2020 - A cross-disciplinary meeting that connects psychological and neuroscience research on the mechanisms of learning and brain plasticity
- The special theme of the LaP 2019 meeting is Videogaming and Cognitive Enhancement. However, most of the program will consist of free papers reflecting the broad spectrum of learning and plasticity research
- The LaP 2020 keynote speaker is Professor Simone Kühn (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany)
- Informal atmosphere and small size (maximum 60 participants) helps to connect participants and promotes discussion
- Excellent possibilities for winter sports and other outdoors activities
- Despite of its location way above the Polar Circle, the congress site is easy to reach by train or by flight
For further information, see the congress website at http://lapmeeting.fi/ Hope to see you at the Heart of Finnish Lapland in Spring 2020! The LaP Scientific Committee, Matti Laine, Åbo Akademi University, Finland (Chair) Lars Bäckman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Susanne Jaeggi, University of California at Irvine, USA Hasse Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland Minna Lehtonen, University of Oslo, Norway Marcus Meinzer, University of Queensland, Australia Lars Nyberg, Umeå University, Sweden Juha Salmi, University of Turku, Finland - Symposium proposals by November 15, 2019 by email to: matti.laine@abo.fi<mailto:matti.laine@abo.fi>;
- Abstract submission by the end of January 15, 2020 (Eastern European time)
- Congress registration early-bird deadline by the end of February 15, 2020
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Society for Neuroscience 2019 Annual Meeting (SfN) Global collaboration in neuroscience is growing at a breathtaking rate, enriching the field and fueling breakthroughs that are improving the quality of life for billions of people around the world affected by brain and nervous system diseases. As a member of the international neuroscience community, you play an essential role in this crucial collaborative endeavor. We urge you to join your colleagues this October at Neuroscience 2019, where you can interact with and learn from thousands of scientists from more than 70 countries. This meeting is an unparalleled venue for discovering new perspectives, experiencing cutting-edge research, forming collaborations, and building your professional network and career. If you have any questions, you can reach SfN's annual meeting staff at program@sfn.org or +1 202-962-4000. We hope to see you in Chicago. The Neuroscience 2019 Program Committee Society for Neuroscience (SfN) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Jose Antonio Moron-Concepcion | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The Society for the Neurobiology of Language
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