SNL 2023 Carbon Prize
To highlight the importance of eco-friendly travel, SNL will grant a $300 cash prize to the conference attendee with the smallest carbon emissions given their distance traveled to our meeting! Everyone traveling a distance longer than 1000 km can participate.
To compute your total traveling distance and carbon emissions, use the calculator created by the ADEME, the French agency for ecological transition at Impact C02.
Impact C02 is a very easy to use French tool even for non-French speakers. Once you enter your city of departure and your destination, the tool gives you an estimation of the greenhouse gas emissions for six means of transportation: train (“TGV ou intercités”), electric car (“voiture électrique”), bus (“autocar”), plane (“avion”), motorbike (“moto”) and car with an internal combustion engine (“voiture thermique”). Car-sharing indications are also available (“covoiturage”). If you use several transport means, you will need to enter them separately and add up the values of obtained greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., Home to JFK NYC (subway), JFK to Paris CDG (plane), Paris CDG to Marseille-Saint-Charles train station (train) and finally bus to hotel).
To participate, please fill out the form below by Oct 20, 2023. Be prepared to enter your city of origin, means of transport, total distance traveled and your carbon emissions.
If there is a detail you are unsure about, just do your best, the spirit of this prize is more about calling attention to our emissions as opposed to having a perfect formula for computing them.
As you are arriving to our meeting, please post pictures of your eco-friendly travel on social media, using the hashtag #SNL2023carbonprize! Everyone is invited to post, even if you are arriving from a nearby destination, as long as it is eco-friendly!