2024 Board of Directors Election

The Election is now open for four Councilor (board member) positions on the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) Board of Directors.

To vote, Log In to your account and click “Vote in the 2024 Board of Directors Election.” You must be a current member to vote. If you're not a current member, you can join SNL by clicking “Pay Membership” on your account home page. If you don't have an SNL Account, please Create An Account.

Voting closes on August 1, 2024.


Each year, four directors are elected: Chair-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Secretary-Elect and Program Committee Chair-Elect. Directors are elected for a three-year term. Every two years, a Student/Postdoc Representative is elected to a two-year term. Responsibilities associated with all positions can be found in the bylaws.

The 2024 candidates were selected by an independent Nominating Committee from candidates nominated by SNL members.


Click a candiate's name to view their bio.


Beth Jefferies, University of York

Gina Kuperberg, Massachusetts General Hospital


Tyler Perrachione, Boston University

Tali Bitan, University of Haifa and University of Toronto

Chaleece Sandberg, Penn State


Erin Meier, Northeastern University

Nai Ding, Zhejiang University

Program Committee Chair-Elect

Lars Meyer, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Valentina Borghesani, University of Geneva

Jonathan Brennan, University of Michigan

Current Board

Chair: Sophie Scott, University College London
Treasurer: Eva Gutierrez-Sigut, University of Essex
Secretary: Daniela Sammler, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt/Main
Program Committee Chair: William Matchin, University of South Carolina
Student/Postdoc Rep: Xin Sun, University of British Columbia

Chair-Elect: Jonathan Peelle, Northeastern University, Center for Cognitive and Brain Health, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of Psychology
Treasurer-Elect: Francesca Branzi, University of Liverpool
Secretary-Elect: Simona Mancini, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain, and Language
Program Committee Chair-Elect: Katrien Segaert, Associate Professor, University of Birmingham

Past Chair: Liina Pylkkänen, New York University
Past Treasurer: Andrea E. Martin, Radboud University
Past Secretary: Yanchao Bi, Beijing Normal University
Past Program Committee Chair: Stephen M. Wilson, University of Queensland


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