Lightning Talk Sessions
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Lightning Talks C
Wednesday, October 25, 10:00 - 10:15 am CEST, Auditorium
C54 |
Bunker, Lisa D. |
Disorders: Acquired |
C55 |
Halai, Ajay |
Disorders: Acquired |
C123 |
Quantification of reading circuits in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex |
Lei, Yongning |
Reading |
C126 |
How learning to read Braille in visual and tactile domains reorganizes the sighted brain |
Gaca, Maciej |
Reading |
C70 |
A Language-Specific Left-Lateralized Network for Auditory Naming |
Yu, Leyao |
Speech Perception |
C44 |
Neural Encoding of Syntactic Structures during Natural Speech Planning and Production |
Morucci, Piermatteo |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |