Speaker Instructions
These instructions are for presenters giving a talk in the Auditorium at SNL 2023. This includes Symposium talks, Slide presentations, Keynote Lectures, and Awards Lectures.
Meeting Registration
All speakers must be registered to attend SNL 2023 prior to giving their talk. You can register online by logging in to your SNL Account and selecting ‘Register to Attend SNL 2023’ from your account home page. You can also register onsite at the Registration Desk located in Hall Est.
Room Configuration
All talks are given in the Auditorium of Le Palais du Pharo. The auditorium is configured with:
- A projector and 16’x6′ screen at the center front of the room.
- A 6’x16′ riser is located to the right of the screen (as viewed from the audience).
- On the riser is a lectern and a table for setting the speaker laptops.
- On the table is a switchbox for changing the screen display between laptops.
- The lectern has a microphone. A wireless clip-on microphone (aka Lavalier) is also available if you prefer.
- An audio connection is available at the lectern if you need to play audio from your laptop.
- Two audience microphones are available for taking questions from the audience.
- A laser pointer is provided.
Setting Up for Your Talk
All speakers should arrive in the Auditorium 30 minutes before the start of your session.
You will be presenting from your own laptop computer. If you need a loaner laptop, please see the Registration Desk to make advance arrangements to borrow a laptop computer.
Go to the riser and the AV Technician will help you connect your laptop to the switchbox that is connected to the room projector. You must have a standard HDMI video connection to connect to the switchbox. If you do not have a standard HDMI port on your laptop, you must bring an adaptor. We have a limited number of adaptors available, but we cannot guarantee that we will have one to fit your laptop.
You laptop will be connected to the switchbox via a numbered cable. Presenter #1 is cable 1, and so on. Pressing the appropriately numbered button on the switchbox will display your laptop screen to the room projector.
Test your presentation, including playing video and audio.
If you prefer to use the wireless clip-on microphone (Lavalier) instead of the lectern microphone, ask the AV Technician to set it up and test it.
The screen in the talk room is widescreen format (16:9 aspect ratio), so it’s best to use widescreen slides. Standard slides (4:3 aspect ratio) will work but will have blank space on each side of your slide when projected onto the screen.
Giving Your Presentation
Symposium Talks and Slide Presentations
Slide presentations are 12 minutes in length, followed by a 3-minute discussion period. Please plan your talk so you can complete your presentation in 15 minutes. Symposium Talks may vary in length as determined by the symposium organizer.
When it is time to present, you will carry your laptop, with video cable still attached, to the lectern. Press the appropriately numbered switchbox button to put your presentation live on the screen. At the completion of your talk, you can disconnect the HDMI cable and leave the lectern with your laptop. The next speaker will step up with his/her laptop.
To verify when you are presenting, see the Symposia Schedule or the Slide Sessions Schedule.
Keynote Lectures and Award Lectures
Keynote Lectures are one hour in length. Please plan your talk to be approximately 50 minutes long to allow for introductions and taking questions at the end of your talk.
The Early Career Award and Dissertation Award talks are 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A period. The Dissertation Award talk will be presented first, followed by the Early Career Award talk.
The Distinguished Career Award talk is 45 minutes long. If you want to allow time for Q&A, please plan your talk to be 35-40 minutes long.
To verify when you are presenting, please see the Schedule of Events.
SNL Staff and an AV Technician will be in the Auditorium 30 minutes prior to the start of your session to help set up your laptop connection and test your presentation. The AV Technician will remain in the room throughout the session. If you need assistance, see the AV Technician first. If you need additional assistance, send someone to the Registration Desk.