Poster Sessions

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Poster Session B

Friday, October 25, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Great Hall 3 and 4


First Author

Topic Area

Fronto-temporal language network highly selective for sign language relative to action semantics, regardless of iconicity

Akshi, Akshi

Signed Language and Gesture

The Cross-Language Activation of First Language (L1) Polysemy in Second Language(L2) Processing: An investigation of whether (L1) Polysemous Words translations are activated in L2 Sentence Context

Alsalmi, Mona

Language Development/Acquisition

"Waves of learning new words": The neural dynamics of cross-situational word learning

Armstrong, Samuel

Language Development/Acquisition

White matter diffusivity predicts change in sight word reading following continuous theta burst stimulation to the left temporal parietal junction

Arrington, C Nikki


Multiple Lesion Sites Associated with Alexia and Agraphia in Speakers of English and Arabic: A Cross-Cultural Study

Balasuramanian, Venu


Neuro-behavioral correlates of visual statistical learning in Chinese second language reading

Bao, Bo

Language Development/Acquisition

Comparing LLM layerwise activation with EEG dynamics during language comprehension with RSA

Brennan, Jonathan

Computational Approaches

Functional connectivity patterns in post stroke aphasia: task level differences

Carvalho, Nicole

Disorders: Acquired

Role of a candidate-dyslexia gene on rapid auditory processing; insights from comparing a preclinical model to children

Centanni, Tracy M

Disorders: Developmental

Age-related differences in semantic-based generalization

Chang, Sao-Wei

Meaning: Lexical Semantics

Reduced White Matter Integrity in Cantonese-Speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Preliminary Evidence Supporting the Procedural Circuit Deficit Hypothesis

Chen, Xiaocong

Disorders: Developmental

The language mosaic: MRI evidence from task-independent measures in monolinguals and bilinguals

Chen, Xuanyi (Jessica)


The Influence of Distractor Modality on Propositional Language in Healthy Ageing

Chow, Jessica

Language Production

Pitch memory, but not pitch aptitude, predicts implicit statistical learning of non-native tone contrasts by older adults

Chui, Yin-To

Speech Perception

Disentangling Semantic Retrieval and Composition in Understanding "Novel-But-Familiar" Combinations

Ding, Ziyi

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

Grey matter volume is associated with language performance in children with diverse language development profiles

Dmitrova, Elizaveta

Disorders: Developmental

Stages of lexical impairments inform efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation on sustained aphasia treatment outcomes

Dresang, Haley C

Speech-Language Treatment

Lesions to the left hemisphere language network alter word reading activity in the undamaged visual word form system

Dyslin, Sara M.


Introducing A Real-Time Measure of Comprehension During Natural Speech Listening

Ergin, Irmak


Short timescale flexibility of functional networks facilitates long-term connectivity changes underlying treatment-induced post-stroke aphasia recovery

Falconer, Isaac

Disorders: Acquired

From neural signals to behavior: taking into account inter-trial variability in EEG

Fargier, Raphaël

Language Production

A Systematic Review of Neurobiological Models of Language Processing: Implications for Enhancing Neurosurgical Precision and Planning

Garg, Akshita


Linguistic markers of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD): an analysis of funded research at the National Institute on Aging and opportunities to advance the field

Ghaleh, Maryam

Disorders: Acquired

A framework to account for demand-based functional reorganisation in post-stroke aphasia

Halai, Ajay

Disorders: Acquired

Cellular representations of natural social interactions in humans

Jamali, Mohsen

Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics

Neural Correlates of Deep Comprehension of Second Language Reading: Focus on Retrieval Practice

Jeong, Hyeonjeong


The Effects of Endogenous Semantic Variables during Productive Lexical Retrieval: A Behavioral-Neural Dual Swinging Model (DSM)

Kang, Keyi

Language Production

Longitudinal functional neuroimaging of recovery from aphasia in the first year after stroke

Kasdan, Anna V.

Disorders: Acquired

Functional specificity is a core principle of human brain organization, as revealed by highly anatomically atypical brains

Kean, Hope*

Disorders: Developmental

Quick, Don't Move!: Wh-Movement and Wh-In-Situ Structures in Rapid Parallel Reading – EEG studies in English, Urdu, and Mandarin Chinese

Khokhar, Hareem

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

Intervention effects in WHY questions as a presupposition violation: Evidence from an ERP study

Koo, Keonwoo

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

Predicting Treatment Response in Chronic Post-Stroke Aphasia: Pre-Treatment Variability in Naming Indicates Neuroplastic Potential of the Middle Temporal Gyrus

Kristinsson, Sigfus

Disorders: Acquired

Leveraging large language models to capture and quantify neural signatures of uncertainty in narrative comprehension

Lei, Yang

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

When “Mary divorce John” becomes acceptable: An ERP investigation on the trend of transitivization in Mandarin

Liao, Chia-Hsuan

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

Exploring neural mechanisms of bilingual language control: an fMRI study using functional localizer approach

Lin, Keng-Yu


The impact of conversational eyebrow movements on intention recognition: An fMRI Study

Liu, Yuyong

Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics

Task demands influence phonological representation during syllable perception in tonal languages

liu, ling

Speech Perception

Magnetoencephalography reveals attentional modulation of neural tracking of speech linguistic structure in children


Language Development/Acquisition

Neurocognitive patterns of verb production deficit therapy: a single case with logopenic variant Primary Progressive Aphasia

Lukic, Sladjana

Disorders: Acquired

Braille Reading in Blind and Sighted Individuals

Marchewka, Artur


The effect of language task type and participant factors on functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy data quality from left and right hemisphere stroke survivors

Meier, Erin

Disorders: Acquired

Learning in logopenic variant Primary Progressive Aphasia: an EEG investigation

Neophytou, Kyriaki

Disorders: Acquired

A cross-linguistic comparison of neural encoding of speech in autistic school-age children

Novitskiy, Nikolay

Disorders: Developmental

Machine Learning-based Prediction of Real-world Communication Accuracy in Post-Stroke Aphasia using Structural MRI, Clinical Aphasia Testing, and Linguistic Data as Key Predictors

Parchure, Shreya

Disorders: Acquired

Disentangling auditory and audiovisual speech perception during movie viewing using optical brain imaging

Peelle, Jonathan

Multisensory or Sensorimotor Integration

“So much to say”: Investigating the receptive language abilities of autistic non- and minimal-speakers using electroencephalography

Rapaport, Hannah

Disorders: Developmental

Improving the Validity, Feasibility, and Reliability of Presurgical Language Mapping in Refractory Epilepsy

Reardon, Aoife

Disorders: Acquired

Prosodic Pitch Perception in Right Premotor Cortex: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study

Sammler, Daniela


When no doesn't mean no: negation as a challenge for predictive-coding approaches to language processing

Schlesewsky, Matthias

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

Effects of bilingual experience on the slope of aperiodic activity in EEG signals during anticipation of imminent words in sentence contexts

Sendek, Katherine


The role of language comprehension ability on anxiety in autistic and typically-developing children

Shi, Matthew Ganquan

Disorders: Developmental

Does the language system reinvent itself in healthy and pathological ageing? MEG evidence of large-scale functional connectivity changes in older individuals and Parkinson’s disease patients.

Shtyrov, Yury

Disorders: Acquired

Capturing Invariant Neural Processes for Aphasia Rehabilitation Using Transfer Learning and Group Dynamics

Singh, Aditya

Speech Motor Control

Shared cortical language networks with convergent hierarchical network dynamics for lexicosemantic processing in comprehension and naming

Snyder, Kathryn

Meaning: Lexical Semantics

Electrophysiological evidence for prediction errors during perception of naturalistic speech

Sohoglu, Ediz

Speech Perception

Dependence on Linguistic and Sensory Experience Predicts Individual Differences of Word Representation in Different Brain Areas

Song, Ming

Meaning: Lexical Semantics

Dopaminergic contributions to novel word learning

Su, Peter

Language Development/Acquisition

Investigating syntactic attention in the brain

Sugimoto, Yushi

Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics

A Novel Framework for Decoding Continuous Language from Brain Activities Recorded by fMRI

Sun, Jingyuan

Computational Approaches

The structural disconnection model of reading-evidence from patients with alexia

WANG, Qingchun

Disorders: Acquired

The pSTG is associated with prolonged language impairment following neurosurgical resection

Wang, Catherine

Disorders: Acquired

A neuroscientific model of the entropy of qualia for semantics and consciousness

Williamson, T R

Multisensory or Sensorimotor Integration

The extended language network: A large-scale characterization of language-responsive regions beyond the core fronto-temporal network

Wolna, Agata


Semantic Processing in Deaf Readers: An EEG Study on Verb Constraint and Contextual Integration

Wu, Yan

Disorders: Developmental

The Relationship Between Brain Structure and Function During Novel Grammar Learning Across Development

Wyman, Nina K.

Language Development/Acquisition

School-aged children with dyslexia showed disrupted adaptation to words in temporal and frontal - but not visual - language network

Wypych, Marek

Disorders: Developmental

Neural representation of sensorimotor features in language-motor areas during auditory and visual language perception

Xu, Min


Developmental differences in brain activation and functional network connectivity for Chinese handwriting: an fMRI study of children and young adults

Yang, Yang

Writing and Spelling

Altered Theta and Beta Oscillations in EEG of Children with ADHD during Naturalistic Story Comprehension

Yao, Ruo-Chi

Language Development/Acquisition

Predicting the auditory and language abilities of children with hearing loss using naturalistic stimuli-induced fNIRS signals

Zhai, Yu

Language Development/Acquisition

Covert Activation of Lexical tones in Mandarin-English bilinguals: evidence from MEGSandbox Series

Zhang, Xindong


Naturalistic sign language differently synchronizes frontotemporal language network and parietal areas in the brain.

Zimmermann, Maria

Signed Language and Gesture

Time-Course in the Morphological Processing of Irregular Nominal Stems and Phi-Features in French

Estivalet, Gustavo


Reading in English: German in childhood and Latin in adolescence

Hernandez, Arturo


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