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Revisiting human language and speech production network: a meta-analytic connectivity modeling study

Poster Session A - Sandbox Series, Thursday, October 24, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Great Hall 3 and 4
This poster is part of the Sandbox Series.

Chun-Wei Hsu1, Chih-Chin Heather Hsu1, Yanchao Bi2, Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng3, Chu-Chung Huang4, Ching-Po Lin5; 1National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China, 3Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 4East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 5Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

In recent decades, converging evidence has reached a consensus that human speech production is carried out by large-scale hierarchical network comprising both language-selective and domain-general systems. However, it remains unclear how these systems interact during speech production and the relative specific contributions of component regions. By utilizing a series of meta-analytic approaches based on various language tasks, we dissociated four major systems, including domain-general, high-level language, motor-perception, and speech-control systems in this study. Using meta-analytic connectivity modeling, we found while the domain-general system is coactivated with high-level language regions and speech-control networks, only the speech-control network at the ventral precentral gyrus is coactivated with other systems during different speech-related tasks, including motor perception. In summary, this study revisits the previously proposed language models using meta-analytic approaches and highlights the contribution of the speech-control network to the process of speech production independent of articulatory motor.

Topic Areas: Language Production, Methods

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